As Soft As Cotton

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- You know what, I'll tell you what happened, cause the matter of the fact is, it's killing me. I was expecting it to get easier with each day, it does not. It really does not. I need help, I need serious help. I'm not sure if you can provide me that, but I have to try it. I have to try everything i can, cause i'm in the edge of losing my mind.
- Oh, poor thing, what happened?
- I...
- It's okay, take as much time as you need, i'm here.
- I...
- Did you drink again, you wouldn't normally ask anyone for help or admit you need help.
- Yes, i did drink a bit of whiskey, but don't tell my brother.
- Don't worry, it'll be our little secret. Now tell me what's being bothering you, sweetie.
- I... killed someone...
He started sobbing, he tried to hold back his tears but it had no use. He was crushed under the weight of guilt and fear. He was so afraid this would ruin the relationship between him and his babysitter. He felt his whole body relaxed as she put her hand ion his hair and said;
- What was your reason?
In a voice as soft as cotton.

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