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- Calm down, little mouse, i'll give you a toy if you stoo hugging my leg
He said to the toddler, he didn't thought he understood what he meant though. He gave him a little wooden sword that's not sharp at all. Like he expected, it was still in the room he use to get his sword training when he was a little child. Then he took the little boy to his arms and gave him to the one of the servants. The boy looked at him with puppy eyes, he was  basically begging for him to not leave him. But he wasn't gonna spend whole day taking care of a little baby with a runny nose. He strolled the toddler's hair as a means of goodbye. Now he had to find the other little troublemaker, he was missing for a few hours, it wasn't anything new, Little gremlin always liked to find places to find and spend hours there. If Sea didn't missed his horse riding lesson, he wouldn't care, but he wasn't just gonna let his little brother skip classes. If something happens to him, he was the one to rule the country after all. Like it or not, Sea was a prince

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