Way Of The World

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Randolf didn't understood what was the big deal. He was being disrespectful at him, and he got what he deserved. No one, NO ONE could ignore him. If someone leaves a little child alone, unattended, plus blames his brother for it, he has no right to be near the castle or the little child. And if he doesn't listen to him and talks with the child in the garden of palace, behind the garden wall; he was gonna get executed of course. Audacity of that guy was unbelievable. Rain didn't had much idea how the world really works, he was still so young and naive. If you let people disrespect you for once, it'll never stop. He was Randolf, the future king. How dare someone doesn't listen to what he said? He deserved respect more than anyone, more than even his uncle, cause his uncle didn't even deserved the throne. If it weren't for the fact that his parents died really young he'd never have the throne. He was more royal than his uncle, it was a fact.
  It was good for the little troublemaker to see a glimpse of reality, but he was kinda worried about how that gremlin sees him. He killed someone and he wasn't regretful of it, but Rain wouldn't understand why at such a young age, and he didn't wanted his brother to hate him. Maybe they should talked about it, maybe a long heartfelt conversation can make him understand him better or at least understand that every other prince would do the same in that situation, it was just the way of the world

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