I Guess I Should Show You My Bad Side

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- So, you're saying that you found a jacket that was belong to him?
- Yes, your highness
- Are you sure?
- I'm pretty positive it's the case.
- How?
- Cause it had his notebook in it's pocket!
- Are you sure it was his notebook?
- It was his handwriting and there was his signature in the first page; so i'm pretty sure!l
- Where is it right now?
- In my bag, your highness.
- Give it to me
- Of course
He gives the notebook and his little jacket to him, the jacket was covered with blood which made him all the more anxious
- I already told it to you a million times, but if he's hurt, you'll pay for it!
- You should stop acting as if we're responsible for his kidnapping!
- Cause you are!! You had one job, to protect my uncle, me, and my little brother. You couldn't even manage to do it. I swear even if he comes home fine, i'll fire you all!!
- Why don't you fire us already?
- Cause you all know Rain better than anyone else! Yet, you're so dumb that even with all the knowledge about his habits, you can't find him!!! Actually, when i think about it, you have a point. I should fire you. You're fired, all of you.
- What!?
- You were wondering why i don't fire you already, and i realized that firing you would be the best choice cause you don't deserve the money i gave you
- Are you serious?
- Never been so serious.
- So we're all jobless now?
- Yeah and it's your duty to tell it to other staff.
- No, it's not; you fired me, remember?
- Do you want to be beaten to the point where you can't walk for a week?
- What!?
- Stop talking with me and go tell them all that you're all fired.
- I'll not!
- What!?
- I know you won't make someone beat me just cause i refuse to be the bearer of bad news!
- You're wrong, i guess i should show you my bad side

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