You Better Should Be If You Love Your Life

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- Your majesty, you really should eat something.
- I don't want to.
- You didn't ate anything in four days!
- So?
- You really shouldn't be doing that!
- You're not in a position to tell me what I should do or not.
- If you have a death wish, there are faster ways. Starving doesn't sound like a good way to go to me.
- How dare you talk to me like that? I don't have a death wish of course.
- Then why are you starving yourself?
- I'm not starving myself!
- Then why didn't you ate anything in four days?
- I don't have appetite.
- If the majesty doesn't like the food they make, I'll let them know.
- No, the food is nice, it isn't the problem.
- Then what is it?
- I don't know. I don't feel like doing anything these days.
- Are you sick?
- No.
- Then what's wrong?
- Only things that's wrong right now is for you to be here!
- I'm sorry, your majesty
- You better be if you love your life

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