A Fresh Face In The Palace

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That night he couldn't sleep again, for the same reason as yesterday. He saw a bruise on his brother's neck, gremlin was obviously trying to hide it. So he didn't bringed it up. He was probably too proud to let anyone know someone managed to hurt him that much after all the self-defense lessons. He was determined to find the person who hurt his little brother and kill him. No one, NO ONE, was allowed to hurt that little boy that much. It was his duty to bring justice to the person who hurted him, he was more than willing to push himself hard to find that monster, he was willing to give up sleep for that cause.
- What's your name?
- H..H...Hamlin, y...y..your majesty
He bowed.
- Nice to meet you, Hamlin. My name is Rain, but no one actually calls me that. I'm mostly known as "the gremlin" or "the young prince". Call me whatever you want, I don't care.
- N..N.nice t..to m..e..et y..ou too..., y...your ma..jest..ty
- Wanna see around here? There's so much that i worths seeing.
- Of co...ur..se y..our maj...es..ty, t..thank you
- Oh, don't even mention it; by the way, you don't have to call me "your majesty"
- A.. As you wi...wish

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