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Well, leah told me to stay off from training probably a good thing as I can't currently get off the bathroom floor, should've taken my tablets, I know.

Leah said she wanted to stay off with me but intold her she had to go, and that I would be fine, was that true no, will I call he if I need her like she told me to, realistically no, should I, definitely. She already had to take time off when she had to take me to the hospital to get get diagnosis cause mum was at work and couldn't get the time off.so I would've felt bad if she had to stay off, I know she would rather make sure I'm okay but she shouldn't have to miss work because of me again and at least she was smart enough to take her tablets. Unlike me.


Today has been extremely boring, alot of crying, complaining and puking alongside yep more crying.

My watch flashes and Gio and Frida are calling.

Phone call
F-G,how's it going, leah asked us to call cause you didn't answer her
E,its been great,
Slowly I prop my self up against the sink cabinet
F,really, you look awful
E,no, there has been alot of crying so not so good, would rather be at training than led on the bathroom floor honestly
G,well, Beth,viv, frida, lia and I are all coming over tonight, leah invited us so I'll bring you food if you want.
E, ooo, yes no chocolate though, just plain cause I think if I eat to much ill be ill again.

They get called back for the last 5 minutes of training, whilst there is a knock at the door, leah must of forgotten her keys, when I say getting up was a task, I mean it was a task a very painful and tedious one at that.

Yep it was leah, spanner forgot her keys, naughty naughty. She did have to carry me to the sofa as another wave of pain came over me, she did also end up led on the sofa next to me with a hot water bottle and the pain medication we are on, let's just say having a team full if women is a pain in the ass as you never know if someone may pull you forward.


Everyone turned up and leah and I were still led there so lia just used her key, yes all of the people coming tonight had there own key, they basically live here anyway.
Somehow gio manages to squeeze on the safe sofa as leah and I, we were already led down cuddled up watching a film.
"Can someone else cook tonight please, i have no energy today,"I mumble slow falling asleep between leah and gio.
Two of my favourite people.
All of us end up falling asleep on the sofas, I'm pretty sure lia joined us 3 in the middle of the night.


I decided i would go in to training today and try my hardest, I can't let something as silly as a period stop my career moving forward, well I was mostly scared out coach would think I was good enough and cut me from the squad. I knew what kinda day it was going to be buti need to try and complete the day.
"Leah, can I have so paracetamol please,"I ask her as I walk over to her cubby.
"I left it on the side but I can ask around if you want,"she responds.
"Um, sure I don't mind, you don't have to," I say quietly, no idea why I still find this embarrassing.
"I'll be back in about 4 minutes wait here," she says disappearing.

Right in time 4 minutes later and makes her way to Katie's bag, and tossing me the box," thank you,"I say.
Training wasn't to bad except I was very sensitive so that was fun, nearly crying if I missed the goal and nearly crying if it went in.
"Beth, can you ummm,can you check me,"I mutter.
"Umm, do you have more shorts," she says quietly.
" for fuck sake, again,I've had enough of this bloody thing now, and no I don't," I say rubbing my temples.
" stop stressing, it happens to us all and leah had got her spare pair with her, come on,"
After that whole ordeal I'm tired bit we have a gym session, and this time I wanted to work on my own so I wouldn't snap at people, the cramps are making there way back as the paracetamol where's off but there's nothing I can do until I have the specific tablets we need to pick up later.
I decided to do chest, starting off with bench
Gym workout:
Warm up:stretching with resistance bands
Bench:set 1=20kg,12reps
Set 2=35kg,12reps
Set 3=drop set from 35kg to 20kg
Incline bench:set 1=15kg,12reps
set 2= 20kg,12reps
Set 3=15kg until failure
Pec flys:set 1=12kg,12 reps
Set 2=15kg,12reps
Set 3 =15kg, 12 reps
Dips:until failure 3sets

I had a great playlist which varied from skate punk to country, to pop and emo. You never know what music might come on if you use my Spotify.

⚪🔴An this is my actual chest workout🔴⚪

Getting home after going to the pharmacy was great I was in pain but I had taken one of my tablets.
Viv calling:
Phone call

V:hey el

E:hey viv, everything okay

V:yeh, switch language??


V:was alles in orde nadat jij en Beth naar de kleedkamers vertrokken(was everything okay after you and Beth left to the changing rooms)

E:ja, het was echt slecht deze maand, ik moest gewoon een nieuwe short krijgen(yeh, it's been really bad this month though, just had to get some new shorts)

V:Ik dacht niet dat je zou willen dat iedereen bekend staat als Katie en sommige anderen zijn hier een tijdje bij ons(didnt think you would want everyone know as katie and some of the others are here with us for a bit )

E:met mij gaat het goed, ik heb nog wat tablets, dus hopelijk kan ik morgen zo goed mogelijk presteren en laten zien dat ik in het team zit(im fine, got some more tablets so hopefully tomorrow i will be able to perfore to the best of my ability and show im ment to be on the team )

V:good,good, see you tomorrow little one, goodnight.


That night was ruff honestly but once the tablets took a hold I was no longer struggling with the pain and the next day was great and fairly effortless, I seemed to some to of had a complete personality switch.

⚪🔴right, in the last chapter I said I would write one more chapter on this topic and possibly a game day but that one won't come for a while, I'm going to skip a few days, but I wanted to write these chapters to show what some women go through in playing sport, the extreme pain, and constant worry, I know the feeling so I hope you enjoyed these chapters that touched on a sensitive topic for some but I also hope that you keep reading🔴⚪

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