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Game day

Arsenal vs Everton

Sarting XI
Gk: Zinsberger
Left back:Wubben-Moy
Centre back: Williamson
Centre back: Catley
Right back: Martiz
Midfield: Wälti

E Williamson
Møller kühl

This should be an easy game right, wrong we all thought that, Everton has upped there game since last season apparently.

12, Everton goal

19, Everton penalty, goal

27, Foord goal

39,Everton goal

45 McCabe goal

Half time.

"We are only down by one, we can still bring this back, your playing well, going to make a few changes Ella, go on for viv as Striker, jen go on for Lotte and Gio go on for lia, come on girls we got this," jonas says as we get ready to walk back out, its official I'm back

Second half

47, E Williamson goal on her 1st match back since her injury

69,Everton goal, offside, disallowed

71, E Williamson again

76, Everton goal

89, McCabe goal

Final score
Arsenal, 5
Everton, 4

I'm Back well and truly back, 2 goals I my first match in 10 months, heck yeah, this is gonna be like a revenge tour for me, I missed out on it last year, not this yeh, I'm gonna work myself to a point where I have no spare time to focus on anything, I'm going to eat, live, and breathe football.

McCabe got player of the match which is understandable I only played 45 minutes so thats fine.

When doing the lap for the fans someone in the crowd stuck out to me, I swear I saw ona, I did, I'm pretty sure I flew over that barrier and up thoes stairs to the top of the stand.
"What are you doing here," I ask hugging her.
" haven't heard from you but I though I should come down for you first official match back on the pitch," she says as I drag her over down the stairs and helping her over the barriers so she doesnt get injured, security try to stop.
"Ma'am you can be on the pitch," they say.
" she's with me its ok," I say and they leave us alone.
"You did it, your officially back on thw pitch, you will be back at England in no time,"
" yeh, hopefully," I say with my arm around her.
There is a few signs asking for my top but it's a bit late already been promised to ona, who currently has a United top on.
" we are changing this top right now," I say handing her mine then getting tossed a coat seconds later.
"Do I have to," she complains.
" yes, and I say we burn the United one," I laugh.


Ona is still here and is staying for a few more days and we spoke about alot of things mostly why I didn't message her I explainedand we agreed that It was probablya good idea I didn't and that I'm in a better place than I was before for not looking at the media and effectivelyleaving my phone turned off for over a month.

I still have to go to training and I've been called up to jonas's office," Ella, hey you might be wondering why I've called you up,"
"Yeh I definitely am wondering that, have I done anything wrong," I question.
"No you haven't, I want to talk to you about the transfer options we have for you, we have had many offers for you, one from Barcelona, Chelsea, man City and wolfsburg, there are two I would recommend but in the end it is up to you, Barcelona would pay you the most, then wolfsburg, but if you wanted to stay in the UK and much as I hate to say it Chelsea would be your best option," jonas informs me. Wow, that's that's few clubs especially for my second season and I didn't even play the full season last year, but this is good.
Barcelona, is one of the best clubs around, but then there's wolfsburg.
" can I make my decision by the end of the week, " I ask
" of course, take each one into consideration Ella, and you will go far kid," jonas says


Well today was interesting, I get home to see ona in my clothes.
" Hey," I say laying hugging her.
" how was the meeting," she asks.
" it was good, got a bit of information on some things now I just need to make a decision on where I'm going, " I mumble starting to fall asleep, well that was until she moved.
"Wait, as in transfers,Ooh, what options do you have," she question, and moving making me wake up.
"Well there's 2 I'm considering, and that's Barcelona and wolfsburg, I had two other options but I'm not going to go for them," I respond to her.
" ooh, but you don't speak Spanish or German," she says
"Actually I speak both, and I was thinking barca, it would be great, they are one of the best clubs out there I could make a name for my self, well a better name for myself that isn't in the footsteps of leah, no offence to her but I'm always in her shadow," I say," but then there is wolfsburg, which has a great team and I already know lena and Jill as Jill played for arsenal and I knew her through leah, the I know lena through I don't know how," I continue.
"El, go with whatever makes you happy,"

⚪🔴an- right so what are peoples opinions of this chapter and do you like the idea of Ella making her way into bigger leagues like the Spanish league or the German league, I know my decision but I want to know what you think, also can people give ideas on any relationships you would like to see more off, romantic or platonic🔴⚪

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