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I still get freaked out when she goes to kiss my neck which is great just great, I really do love her though I mean you saw how I felt I hate being vulnerable in front of people so that was great for me.
"Good to have you back Ella," Sarina says now that I'm fully cleared and ready for the game tomorrow, Leah isn't playing which is really annoying I don't want to captain, she also isn't in training right now, people can probably guess why, let's just say being a women is shit especially for Leah and I. "Right so Leah is unavailable for tomorrow's games so Ella is your captain for tomorrow, I would appreciate it if you work hard today so we are prepared for tomorrow as this will make all of our lives easier and it will make Ella's life easier, tomorrow, thank you" Sarina continues then proceeds to set us the task at hand.
Finally done. Ready for game day. I think.
"Come on, I'm taking you out," Alessia says slipping her hand into mine as we walk off the training pitch.
"Where," I ask resting my head on her shoulder as we walk.
"Just put something nice on, please, like kinda fancy,"she says going into the showers in the changing room, so i go up to our room to find an outfit, I only brought two nice outfits so I now I have to try and make a decision, nope, can't do it.

"Lucy, open the door," I say knocking on it fairly hard.
" What," she says looking unhappy that I am here.
"Pick my outfit," I say holding the two options up for her.
"I don't know el, I'm busy right now I'll see you later," she say closing the door in my face.
" That was rude," I say walking back to my room.


Finally made a decision.

@ ella8williamson (story)

@ ella8williamson (story)

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Ready for date night 😉

"Hey you rea.... wow, you look beautiful darling," she say kissing my forehead and taking my hand as we walk through the hallway down to the lobby.
" Where are we going," I ask putting my hand on her thing when she gets in the driver's side of the car.
"Just a little Italian place I found for us," she says already pulling into the car park.

" This is beautiful lessi," I say holding her hand over the table, " you look beautiful," I say quietly, loud enough for her to hear though.
"As do you my love, I wanted to talk to you," she says sending panic immediately through me.
"Um yeh sure, I'll be back in a sec, just going to go to the toilet," I say my heart rate is speeding up quicker than I would like.
"Ok love," she says releasing my hand as I walk away.
No, no, not here, I say taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down, finally worked after 10 minutes so I went back to the table to see a very concerned looking Alessia.
"Are you ok," she says standing up and taking my head in her hands.
"Yeh, I'm ok don't worry love," I say kissing the inside of her wrist.
"You sure you were gone a while," she asks again, running her thumb over my cheek.
"Yes baby, I'm ok, I promise," I say, I know I'm lying but she doesn't need to know that right now I'm not going to spoil tonight," you wanted to talk," I say my last word with a bit of a stutter.
"Nothing bad don't worry, wait is that why you were gone for so long were you worried it would be something bad," she asks as I respond with a small nod. So she stands up and wraps her arms around me protectively before kissing the top of my head," I'm sorry baby, I love you," she says sitting back down and grabbing my hand across the table again before running her thumb over my knuckles," so I know we aren't ready for proposals yet but I wanted to get you this," she say pulling out a ring," it's a promise ring, as I promise to be totally transparent and honest with you and I promise that this will be our forever," she says placing the ring on my right hand as it isn't an engagement ring or a wedding ring.
"I love you," I say as I bring her hand to my lips before placing a kiss on it.
" I love you too Ella, you are my forever," she says as food arrives.

@ ella8williamson/ Alessiarusso (Story)
Date night success X

"Come on, we need to get back to camp, you have to captain us to victory tomorrow," she says paying the bill and helping me out of my seat before placing her arm around my waist as we walk out

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"Come on, we need to get back to camp, you have to captain us to victory tomorrow," she says paying the bill and helping me out of my seat before placing her arm around my waist as we walk out.
"Dont remind me I'm captain tomorrow, it should be Leah," I say tilting my head back to look at the sky before looking and seeing Alessia doing the same thing," so beautiful," I say looking at her not the clear night sky.
"Yeh it is," she say before looking back at me and then laughing," your soppy you know that," she say kissing my forehead and opening the car door for me and shutting it once I'm in.
"I love you so much, this finally isn't a dream," I say when she gets in her side of the car.
"Definitely not a dream darling, I'm yours, forever and," she says placing her hand on my thigh as she drives us back to camp.
"Always," I say finishing of the sentence.
It wasn't a long ride back to camp but I fell asleep in the car and woke up in my bed shocked she can pick me up to be honest.
"Go back to sleep love," she says drawing shapes on the lower part of my back," goodnight baby."

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