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Game day woo, love game days. I haven't started to feel any better, and I have a bad feeling about today. It's just one of those days, it's a home game however so that should be good.

We line up in the tunnel of meadow park against Tottenham Hotspur I'm terrified right now.
Alessia places her hands on my shoulders as we walk out and gives them a little rub trying to calm my nerves.
"I love you," I mumble as we take the team photo before the first whistle.
"I love you too," she says kissing my cheek and taking her jacket off.
Tossing it to the bench,"you have got this Ella, I know you have had a hard week but I have a good feeling," she say hugging me before running off to her position, I wish I felt the same about today.
7' grace Clinton scores for Tottenham and it was easy for her to get through our defense.

12' alessia Russo scores from a corner we got . It was a little difficult but a lovely strike at the end of it.

24' Beth England scores

Dam 2-1 to Tottenham, what is going on. Absolute madness.

33' Ella Williamson scores

Half time whistle goes and the scores all tied up. We aren't playing bad but we aren't exactly playing well.
"Ok, so we need a tighter defence and midfielders we need you to drop back, if it feels wrong to shoot, then shoot, we need to win this, come on girls," Leah says before Jonas Gove us some more tactics to help us get through this final half.

We walk back out and the pit in my stomach is getting worse I'm not happy about this.

46' Grace Clinton again

54' Ella Williamson strikes the ball sending it into the back of the net receiving a dodgy tackle sending her to the floor in pain.

" Fuck," I yell out grabbing my leg which does not feel good, the ref hasn't blown the whistle yet and noone has realised I've gone down since another player went down further up and everyone is around them,"Ella, you ok," Clinton asks sitting next to me as I bite my shirt collar to try and stop tears falling. Grace shouts at the reff to stop the game and she rests her hand on mine to offer some comfort, the rest of the team is with the other player and so it the medical team I look at my leg and I already know it's broken I can see it is broken it's not in the right place now.
"Ella," grace sighs seeing my leg and my face as I breakdown. I knew today was going to go wrong, I fucking knew it. I should've trusted my gut and taken the day off. Why didn't I.
I sit there with my shirt pulled over my head so no one can see me cry and the Tottenham lot are stood around me as my team hasn't see what happened.
"Grace, get Leah and Alessia," I say through tears as the Tottenham medical team comes over and treats me since the arsenal squad hasn't seen I went down.
I get my leg stabilized by some blocks and moved onto a stretcher just as alessia sees me.
"Shit, I'm so sorry Ella I didn't see you, are you ok, what happened," she asks panicking and also having tears in her eyes.
"I'm ok baby, ok go and win this I will see you at home, I promise," I say as I get picked up," I love you," I say getting carried away by the Tottenham team medics. I get put on an ambulance and sent to the hospital.


I need surgery and they are about to put 2 plates and 7 screws in the top of my leg to help it heel, it's the same leg I tore my ACL on all those years ago, why did I choose to play football.
I didn't tell Alessia I was having surgery cause I don't want her to worry, I know I should tell her but she has my phone.

The surgery went well and I can go home tomorrow, shit I promised alessia I would be home tonight. No, I promised I never break my promises no, this can't be happening.
"Can I call my fiancé with a hospital phone," I ask a nurse who points to the bedside phone," thanks," I say calling her.

A: hello?
E: hey buba
A:wait, Ella, is that you.
E: um yeh it is I um have to stay in hospital tonight so um can you come and drop me off my phone.
A: I am on my way, I love you

We hang up and she arrives within 30 minutes.
" Hey," she says hugging me tightly and nuzzling her head into my neck.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I say.
"Tell me what," she says, shit.
"I had surgery earlier, I have 2 plates and 7 screws in the top of my leg now, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want to worry you, I love you," I say tears in my eyes.
"It's ok, I'm glad you called me and got me to come, I'm not leaving you baby, I love you so much, I'm sorry this happened to you," she says joining me on the bed but being careful of my leg.
I fall asleep with my head on her chest like every night, being in a hospital doesn't change that.
I wake up in the middle of the night in pain, holy fuck this hurts. I check my phone and see missed calls from my mum, Leah, my brother, Katie and the rest of the team. I call my brother back since he lives in Australia so it's a decent time to talk to him.

J: Ella Williamson, what the hell happened to you

E: hey Jacob, it's nice to speak to you to, I'm good how are you, oh really yeh. I laugh.

J: sorry I was worried Ella your my sister and you had to leave the pitch on a stretcher.

E: I'm ok, i broke my leg and I'm out for a while but I'm ok. How are you j.

J: im good, exhausted at the moment, and what's this about you being engaged I hear.

E:oh yeh, I proposed to alessia I say turning the camera towards her briefly.

J: congratulations el, you deserve it after everything you have been through, how are you though, and you know what I mean.

E: I'm struggling a little but I'm getting better again, I haven't done anything but the thoughts always in the back of my mind

J: you have to promise me you will call me if you ever get to that point, I don't want you to go through that again and I don't want Leah to be on her own dealing with it.

E: i Will, thank you j, you really are the best brother, why can't you live closer.

J: I'll come visit soon el, I miss you ok, I love you and don't forget that you can always call me.

E: i miss you to j, See you soon.

We hang up and I feel happier now I've spoken to my brother. Family makes everything better.

AN, can we appreciate how consistent I am being at the moment considering I have loads of stuff to do with college and my course and everything else going on I think it's quite impressive

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