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Well finally been released from hospital, me and ona are staying in London for another week whilst I wait for the worst bit to end, the elwe head back to Barcelona where I will get constant checks as it was my heart they had to operate on, which was terrifying when they told me what happened.
Although panic attacks have stopped now, Leah is currently driving us home, and is not impressed, she put Alessia in the front and me and ona in the back, which was a good idea but I think I'm giving her another chance, we haven't really had time to talk as ona refuses to leave my side again. Understandable.
Finally home. About time took us 2 hours, so much traffic.
Bed that is all I want now, my chest hurts like a bitch I am not going to lie.
"El, you ok,"ona asks holding onto me as my good arm goes to my chest, not that, that helps with any pain but comfort you know.
" it hurts," I mumble turning my head into her neck.
"What hurts el," she whispers, so Leah doesn't hear.
"My chest,but I can't take any medication until I've eaten, but I need some sleep first," I say very emotionally. Fuck my life I'm tired.
Ona helps me upstairs and into something more comfortable so that I'm not in a tight shirt, I hurt to get it off, like alot.
"Ella," Leah yells before walking into my room with 4 people, Viv, beth, lia and Katie.
"Hi," I say waving very slowly, ona is already led on my bed with me cause she literally won't leave me alone now. Leah brings my helmet out from behind her, crap that was bad, fucking unbelievable that I'm not dead. There is bugger all theft of the helmet it's completely cracked through the middle. That was an expensive helmet as well, £720, more expensive than one of my first bikes, only cause i fixed the first one go get it to wrok so it was cheap and ment for spair and repairs but it worked after a month of fixing it.
"Your a twat, we all saw the news, didn't know it was you until Leah called us in tears," Lia says sitting on the end of my bed with the others, well Viv comes and lays next to me and ona, Alessia is currently stood awkwardly in the doorway, its quite funny as she is getting body blocked by Katie, and they are pretty good friends.

Alessia POV

I just want to have one moment where ona and the others aren't in the room with her, I need to tell her how much I actually do love her. I don't know if we are even together anymore,  I don't want this to end I'm not ready for that, I want it to last forever.

Onas POV
I get that people want to talk to her but im not leaving her side, she is my best friend and I love her, platonically, she means the world to me, and I don't want anything to happen to her, its the same with Leah she doesn't want to leave her on her own but we are only here for 3 weeks then we are going home, back to Barcelona where we both look out for eachother.

Ella's POV

Everyone has been here for over an hour and I'm tired, I want to speak to Alessia and say I'm going to give her another chance.
"Hey lessi, can we talk," I say giving ona a look to leave. Hope she takes a hint.
"Umm yeah," she says taking onas position as she did take the hint.
" you have 10 minutes and I'm coming back," she says pointing her finger at Alessia. She nods slightly scared.
I know I was led on ona, but I push my self up gently with quite a bit of pain but try not to show it so I avoid seeming weak Infront of her.
"Come here," I say putting my good arm around her shoulders so I can let her head rest gently on my chest.
"El, I love you to, like I really do, before you took me by surprise and I'm sorry I know what I did really hurt, literally, but I love you, I don't want this to end, I want this to last, I want to fly over to Barcelona and take you out on dates, I want to see you when you come home for Christmas, I love you," she says looking up at my lips before I bring her head up to the same level as mine.
"I love you and I want all of that Alessia, I want this to continue, yeh it hurt but you know what, love does hurt, and it's worth it if I get to spend my days with you," I respond kissing her gently as I can't move to much as it hurts.

@ellawilliamson8 (story)

@ellawilliamson8 (story)

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Ella Williamson alive and a possible confirmation on a relationship, who is it, man or woman, read more to find out.

Just what I wanted speculations, but it's quite funny, let's see who they think I'm with, a few people has said ona, loads have said gavi and a few said Alessia.
"Times up," ona say barging back into the room. Well only to find Alessia is asleep,"so you giving her another chance then," she say going on the other side of the bed.
" yeh I am, I'm not ready for this to be the end with her."

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