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International break time, sadly I decided to come over after everyone else as I made sure ona was ok as she had been struggling recently, been getting lots of hate for some of the mistakes she made during the worldcup and it has taken its toll on her, so I drove her to her camp and the caught a plane. No Idea who is picking me up but hope its someone or in walking, yay.
The plane was not fun but I'm alive, thank god. Now to find whoever is picking me up.
"Hey love," I hear from behind as I feel arms snake around my waist.
"Hi," I say turning around and putting my head in her neck, placing a gentle kiss on it so it looks like a regular hug to avoid her being outed.
"Check Instagram," she says placing her finger under my jaw and titling my head to look at her before kissing me properly.

@ AlessiaRusso

@ AlessiaRusso

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The time in Australia, amazing, we won, well I won in more ways than one, got the trophy and the girl

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The time in Australia, amazing, we
won, well I won in more ways than one, got the trophy and the girl. Thank you for all the support through this summer everyone ❤️

@ ella8williamson
@ lionesses

@ ella8williamson......


@ Ella8williamson
Who is this mysterious girl 🤔
→ @ AlessiaRusso
You know exactly who my love

→@ ella8williamson
Dont think I do, might want to stop with the my love might get jealous darling 😘

→@ AlessiaRusso
Your to much 😂😘❤️

→@ lionessesfan
This interaction ❤️

@ LeahWilliamson
Careful lessi she's a handful
→ @ ella8williamson: says the one who will only eat of the kids menu cause she's to fussy to be an adult 😂
→ @ LeahWilliamson: shut up 😐

@ lionesses

@ arsenalfan
Confirmation, woo, finally, congratulations girls

@ lionessesfan
So worth the wait for this one to be confirmed, let the edits continue 😂

@ ella8williamsonsgirlfriend
Well that's rude I wasn't In for consideration, better change my name now, congratulations ladies.

Bunch of rubbish, she not worth it Alessia she isn't good enough for you
→@ sasglade348768
I agree, to much hassle for you Alessia, not worth it
→ @ menfootball
This is so wrong, A women shouldn't date women and I bet I could turn the Williamson one straight, she hot, but definitely wrong for Alessia


Of course there's hate comments, of course nothing bad about Alessia all about me I'm the mistake. of course I am. nothing new. to be fair she has said that I was a mistake before that we were a mistake. why am I trying to sabotage this, I want her in my life I need her.

but all theses comments are making it hard, I keep going back to two nights the first night of the world cup camp where I found out she cheated and then the time she broke me for good. but I know I love her, but I don't want her to deal with the hate and I don't think I can deal with it.

"hey el you ok," she say rubbing her thumb over my knee as she drives.

"yeh, I'm good just thinking." I mumble not fully with it.

"you sure babe, you look like your going to cry," she asks pulling up to a traffic light, and making me look at her.

"what made you go public," I question, pointing at the light that has just turned green.

" well I wanted to show you how much you mean to me and I wanted to show you that I wanted this forever," she says moving her hand up a bit higher on my leg.

"forever and always," I say quietly.

"yes forever and always love," she responds as we pull up to the gates.


Yes, Alessia and I are rooming together again, and it's already late which means I get to go to bed.
"You know I think you might have accidentally saved my life, you and me, it's a forever kinda thing right," I say nervously.
"Yeh, of course, what's brought all this distance on el," she asks putting her arm around my waist whilst I lay my head on her chest, drawing pattern on my lower back.
"You Instagram comments, everyone is saying I'm not good enough for you, people saying that they could turn me straight," i say turning my head so I can look at her.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, i made the biggest mistake over summer letting you go, i couldn't do that again and I don't want to, so ignore any of the comments, and I will put something out to show everyone how much you mean to me, they have no right to say that to you baby, I love you and they won't change that," she says kissing my head still running her hand up and down my back.


"Yo, movie night," Beth says coming in and getting on the bed beside me," in here cause I know you're not going to move," she says patting my head.
" We never agreed to this Beth," Alessia says pulling me fully on top of her to create more space as the others come in. Beth moves closer to us and Leah and Georgia go to the other bed as Ella T gets on beside Alessia, Lucy, Keria and Mary join Leah and Georgia.
"Why are you in here," Alessia says quietly as I'm now starting to fall asleep.

Alessia's pov

"Seriously what are you doing here," I say holding her tighter so she doesn't think I'm going to leave. She's already asleep so I don't know why they are all here, Leah doesn't look happy at the situation.
"Cause movie night abd she wasn't going to come so we came to you," Ella says.
"Right so what are we watching," someone says but I'm not exactly paying attention to anyone but the one led on top of me. I want her to stay asleep cause I know she has already had to drive ona to her camp catch a plane then a 3 hour drive here due to traffic.
Her breathing becomes steady so I move one of my arms to her hair and run my fingers through it as they start to play the movie.

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