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well we made it to the finals, we came top of our group in the group stages and cleared through the quarter and semi finals with flying colours. Leah and I have been alternating captaincy through the entire thing and apparently she wants me to captain today even though she is playing. 

we were in a group with, Ireland, Switzerland and Germany. shockingly it was us and Switzerland at the top of the group, we beat everyone and Switzerland only lost to us. 

Switzerland 5-0 

Germany 2-0

Ireland 6-0

easy really then we played France in the quarter finals.


and then we faced Denmark in the semis which ended with a very good score on our behalf.


and now its final day where we face off Belgium shockingly Spain got knocked out in the group stage which is actually a relief, makes our life a little easier. 

"right I'm sure all of you know how big this game is and I don't need to tell you what we need to do but I wanted to say how proud I am of you all for making it this far, we have played our heart out over these last few weeks and I wouldn't have selected anyone else for us to get it here, honestly you have made England proud, its our final game today our last horra, we have one chance to win this, this is it, we made it, seriously I want you to play this game like its the last one we will ever play, I want you to leave everything you have out on that filed. lets bring football home again." 

I gave the captains speech before we lined up in the tunnel. Mary stood behind me and Alessia behind her. Alessia and I had done our pre game tradition. which is the usual kiss good luck. everyone was ready, we were all here to win and the better team will come out on top. of course I hope we win but it is about who shows up on the day. I've seen how we play and based on the analysis we have done on Belgium we have the attacking and defensive abilities to win. 

I will admit I haven't been much fun to be around for the last few weeks, I have been stressed out, in a bitchey mood over other things which I'm sure you can guess I mean its not hard. and to be honest I just haven't been happy but we move on we focus on the game push other issues aside.  lets just say I feel very bad for Alessia at the moment. she was adorable when I was in pain the other day, she kept filling a hot-water bottle filled for me and massaged my stomach. she also had to deal with a lot of crying for multiple reasons. but she did tell me something that is getting me through at the moment. 

she said," whatever brings you down in the end will make you stronger, and you have worked to hard to let a season of darkness convince you that there's no light at the end of the tunnel." 

she saved me again, she is my light at the end of the tunnel she is my forever and always. they say you have 3 loves, I however will only have one, and I'm happy with that.

starting 11 










E. Williamson 


one game, one win, one chance. 

we've got this. we walk out and stand Infront of a sold out stadium we can see the mountains in the background it really is the prefect ending the the perfect euros.

kick off.

I will admit that Belgium is a hard team to play they always have been and probably always will be. but its fine we have got the ball and we are keeping it away from them. we are passing it around at the back making them run, making them tired, making our job easier. 

Leah making her way up the pitch is a rare sight but she made it into the box and passed it to me to put it into the back of the net.  easy goal scored points on the bored. 

E. Williamson 25' 


Leah hugs me before everyone jumps onto my back making me fall to the floor with everyone on top of me. 

the rest of the half was hard, we worked and worked but nothing was falling into place it was hard. but it was all worth it when Leah actually scored. it was from a corner but she scored either way. maybe today will be a Williamson special. 

Williamson 44'


the half time whistle went and we walked of the pitch happy with the efforts we put in. 

"well done brilliant first half everyone, Leah congratulations on your first international goal, I want us to go back out their and give 210% effort, lets double our win and win this tournament with a clean sheet, football is a game of mistakes i want you to play for the name on the front of this shirt so that people remember the name on the back, we can win this, you just have to believe in yourselves," I say as we stand in a circle each of us having an arm over the others shoulders," get out there and give it you all."

we walk back out game faces in and ready to perform to the best of our abilities. I know some of us are struggling with anxiety today myself included. I know its in my head well we all know that.

the game kicks back off and Belgium hasn't really come back firing we could've walked through really but we wanted to make it fun so we passed it around for a bit before letting Mary take the ball and kick it into the box where it connected with my left foot perfectly. 

E. Williamson 67' 


this however woke Belgium up now they were hungry but they would have to score 3 goal in 23 minuets, its possible I mean we do it all the time. but we don't want them to do it. 

come on England, Alessia gets pushed over in the box and we get awarded with a penalty. Leah tells me to take it, which I do and it goes straight through the hands of the keeper and into the net. 

"fucking get in, " i yell as it goes into the net and my team mates all surround me. 

" a hat trick in a final, you really are amazing el," Leah says as she rests her hands on my shoulders as we walk back to our half. 

E. Williamson 89'


the final whistle blows and I fall to the floor exhausted and with happy tears flowing down my face. we did it, we won the 2025 euros, we won. I captained the team to victory. I feel someone grab my hands and pull me off the floor and into a hug. 

"A Williamson special," Leah says hugging me also having tears in her eyes. 

"indeed lee, that is exactly right," I say as we both fall to the floor still hugging each other. we really did it 2 euros in a row, the trophy is ours again.   

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