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⚠️trigger warning, talk of endometriosis⚠️

Well I woke up in bed with my head on Gios chest and Beth and Viv also in my bed, this may not be Suprising for sum, its not for me but I'm more confused how we managed to fit 4 people in a ¾ bed, so not quite a double. Well as I look at my clock, oh shit already late, I'm glad they all have their kit here, I'm not sharing that, they can jog on, I'm pretty sure Gio and Frida have half of my hoodies between them anyway, actually now that I think about all the hoodies I own now apart from 1 are theirs, oh well.
" wake up, we are gonna be late if we don't get up, we'll training starts in 10 so we are definitely going to be late," I say which makes Beth fall our of bed, causing me to cry with laughter.


Not sure I need to do training after that sprint for the car to the changing rooms , I still beat Beth and Viv. I'm am far to competitive but I play a sport where that is required so its fine.
" forgot how fast you are tiny," Beth says.
" did you somehow forget that I'm nearly 5'9,I'm like 7 inches taller than you, tiny," I say, I see leah giving me the look.
" what," I say going over to her like a child that's been caught.
" stop taking the mick out of your teammates and behave your already late," she says acting like a captain instead of a sister.
" yes sir," I mumble walking away. That was a quick mood shift, happy to sad, fun. Ugh, I don't want to do this now, my stomach hurts like a bitch and so does my head, just drink some water and all will be okay.


Towards the end of training its all just getting worse I'm not performing I can see the disappointment I'm being, I've been an awful defender and I've missed every other shot. As I walk back to the cooler where the water is, leah wraps her hoodie round my waist.
" come on," she says telling coach we will be back In a second," right, do you have another pair of shorts with you," she asks, shit I know why the pain has been so bad, must of started my period, crap I don't have shorts, did I mention I suffer from the same condition as leah endometriosis, its a pain in my ass honestly, I can't do anything for about 3 days after day 1 cause I end up on the floor or spend 2 days throwing up from pain.
" no, I don't have anything, I'm not ment to be on for another week," I say beginning to panic.
" Hey, it's fine, I have another pair and some stuff, your not the only one who's been pulled forward, I just remembered to take my tablets in time," she says trying to make me laugh and failing miserably may I add.
She tosses me her shorts and a tampon so I can sort my self out," why didn't you tell me you were feeling ill?"
" I don't know, just didn't want to be a bother,"I mumble leaning into my older sister for some comfort. We have always had an amazing relationship dispite being 6 years apart, she got her diagnosis and then they wanted me to get the tests and I got mine so now at least I know what caused the ridiculous pain that started when I was 11.
As we go back out, I can feel the pain getting increasingly worse, nope its going to be one of thoes, I'm now back inside bent over the toilet being ill, great.
"El, you ok," leah says coming back through the door," Oh dear, come on let's get you home,"
" no, leah go finish training I'll be fine until you are done," I say quietly, as she helps me off the floor.
I sit on the bank whilst the others train in painful silence, well for a solid 5 minutes before I have to leave to throw up again, I give up I'm staying right here until she's done, at least then I don't have to move.

" Ella,"lia says comming in looking concerned," Oh sweetie," she says helping me of the floor and pulling me onto her lap in the changing room,"leah told me to come check on you, she didnt think you would want the others as they are being idiots today, I'm gonna take you home," she says grabbing my bag and putting her arm around my shoulders as we walk out. A few people on the squad know I have endometriosis, like leah(obviously), lia,Beth, viv and gio.

The drive home was awful, we had to stop 3 times so I could be ill, it's 10 minutes drive, I have received loads if messages from the team all concerned about where I am.
As I go to put my phone down of course it's gio that would call, she is my best friend after all.

phone call

G-where are you, are you ok, what happened.é o seu período(is it your period)

E-estou bem, estou a caminho de casa, a menstruação veio mais cedo(I'm fine I'm on my way home, period came early)

G-você é tão estúpido, eu disse para você tomar seus comprimidos, metade do time está ligado, você deveria ter ouvido(you are so stupid, i told you to take you tablets, half the team is on, you should have listened )

E-me desculpe, perdoe minha idiotice(I'm sorry forgive my idiocy)

G-Eu tenho que voltar a treinar, mas eu te amo, e pelo amor de Deus, tome suas malditas pílulas(I have to get back to training but I love you, and for the love of God take you damm pills)

E-ok, ok, eu te amo também, e eu vou, tome cuidado(ok,ok, I love you to, and I will,be careful)

End of phone call

"You speak Portuguese," lia questions sounding shocked.
" yeh, I learnt it so I could talk to gio without others knowing what we were saying," I say quietly, trying to ignore the pain.
" clever" she says back......

⚪🔴An, I'll probably do another chapter on this topic and possibly one further in the story but on game day or something, not sure yet🔴⚪

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