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I'm back in Barcelona, Alessia and I are on a little bit of a break, we are still together but she wanted some time apart whether this will end it is another question.

A few days prior

"Hey I'm home," I say kissing the side of her head, before noticing she looks like she is going to say something.
"I think we should take a bit of time away from eachother, I do love you I promise I just want a little bit of space," she says I feel my heart break a little but it's fine. It's always fine.
"Um. Ok, if that's what you want," I mumble sitting on the edge of the table.
" I do, I promise I still want to marry you, I'm just not ready right now," she says wiping a tear from my cheek.
" I love you," I say kissing her lips gently before walking out.


"Hey," I say putting my helmet on as I come through the door dropping my suitcase off," you wanna come for a ride," I say to ona holding out her helmet for her. She nods and looks slightly surprised to see me. I didn't tell anyone in Spain I was coming back I mean they obviously knew I was coming back just not when.
" Your back early, thought you would be with your fiancé longer," she says and I laugh a little.
"Haha, nope, enjoying the heat for a little bit before pre season," I say not mentioning that we are on a break.

I get on the bike and she gets on the back and I drive us to the beach.
I sigh looking out over the sea enjoying the view.
"So why are you back so early," she says bumping her shoulders into mine.
"Just needed the sun ona," I say laying down and finally relaxing.

@ ella8williamson

@ ella8williamson

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And we have landed in Spain

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And we have landed in Spain....

@ onabattle.


@ Lucybronze
And she's home

@ LeahWilliamson

@ Liawälti


We sit on the beach soaking up the sun until it begins to set.
"She wanted to have a break from everything," I say getting back on the bike.
" I guessed, your already back, I know how much you love her," she says climbing on behind me.
"It's ok I guess, I mean what's done is done, I should've guess it was coming I mean I pretty much had a full on breakdown a few weeks ago," I say as I ride through the streets of Barcelona.
"Well, she isn't the sun, you are," ona says resting her head on my back as we ride home.
When we get back it's dark and Lucys car is outside my our house for god sake one night of peace that's all I ask.

"Hola Luce," I say hugging her as I open the door.
"Want to tell me why you are already back," she says sternly.
"I just as, I mean Alessia wanted a break so I'm giving her the space she wants," I say sitting down on my sofa.
"But what do you want el," she asks sitting with me and taking my bike keys away from me.
"Obviously to be there with her but if she needs space then I will give her space, she's my forever and always, and that won't change," I say closing my eyes feeling relaxed for the first time in months maybe I need the space as well.

E: everything ok lessi

A💖: I just feel like I need to hear your voice

E: Alessia, you wanted space remember

A💖: I know, I know

E: it's ok, I wanted to hear your voice as well, remember I love you ok, text me when you want the break to be over ok, I'll still be here at the end buba. I love you

A💖: I love you too I promise, and I will. Talk somewhen.


I signed up for a gym cause our season hasn't started yet.

@ ella8williamson

@ ella8williamson

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@ onabattle

@ Ellieroebuck
Looking good

@ Lucybronze

Spent a few hours at the gym and well I went a got a new tattoo so that was fun.
Im actually happy at the moment maybe the break was the right decision, maybe it grounded me and put my head right.

I feel like this was what was best to make there relationship last, this may be endgame or it may not depending on what I decide to do later on

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