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Well I requested a loan back to the UK, I'm going to Manchester city but that is because all of the London clubs wanted me to move full time but that is not happening, Spain is home.
my dog came with me to Manchester, felt bad for ona for leaving but I'm closer to alessia now at least.
Not sure how she's going to feel about me being this close to Ellie though. Who said I could move in with her for the rest of the season which is all I'm here for sadly.
But then euros 2025.

"There's my favourite person," Alessia says picking me up from the airport, yes I flew into London so I could see her first.
"Hey love," I say kissing her gently.
"So what club you going to then, since I know it's not one in london," she asks picking up my dogs crate.
"City, currently the best club in wsl and I'm missing that trophy, so it's worth a shot," plus I'll come see you on my off days and we will get to play eachother as well," I say kissing her gently before we get in the car.
"The puppy is adorable, and yeh I understand that el, but did you just come back so we would be closer,"she asks running her thumb over my inner thigh.
"Kinda, but my love you are worth it all," I say bringing her hand up so I can kiss it gently.
"Your really are a hopeless romantic Williamson," she says laughing a little as we pull up to her house since I'm staying here for a few days before I head up to Manchester.
"You know it Russo, you know it," I say pulling her up the steps to her house and kissing her Infront of the door passionately.
"God I love you," she says pushing me against the door and unlocking it as we kiss.


We sit on her bed with her resting on my chest watching Grey's anatomy together, well she watching the show and I'm looking at her. They say when you die your brain stays alive for 7 minutes to replay the best memories. I hope its ones like these, I have a fair few.
"Do you remember our first kiss," I say out of the blue.
"Of course, I mean I wasn't exactly prepared for it but I remember, you ran off afterwards cause I had a boyfriend at the time," she says laughing a little.
"Yeh, I was not prepared for the feelings that followed I mean the waves of longing that came crashing down straight on me,"  I say as she look up at me and kisses me.
"Really," she mumbles laying back down onto my chest.
"Yeh, because when I look at you and I just love you and it terrifies me, it terrifies me what I would do for you because you are by far the finest, loveliest, tenderest and most beautiful person I have and will ever know and even that would be considered an understatement," I say wrapping my arms around her tightly starting to fall asleep.


Thoes few days were perfect, I mean perfect, like I wouldn't have changed any of it.
"How lucky am I having something that makes saying goodbye so hard," I say kissing her in the doorway before I start my very long drive to Manchester. She wraps her arms around me and places a gentle kiss on my kneck. I reach down and intertwine our fingers together," you know for all the things I have Held in my hands the best thing by far is you," I say holding her tightly.
"Call me when you get there please," she says resting her hands on my shoulders.
"Of course love, I love you ok," I say letting go of her turning towards my car.
"I love you too," she says pulling me back and kissing me one last time before I leave.


Made it to Manchester. Finally.
"Ella," Ellie says running towards as I get out the car. I no longer have feelings for her, she just kinda become one of my best friends other than ona. She literally launches herself at me so I hug her.
"Ellie, you ok," I say Letting her go and letting scout out of the car.
"Great, you," she asks opening the door, to reveal her french bulldog.
"Absolutely brilliant," I say seeing the interaction between my dog and hers.

@ ella8williamson

New home, I think he approves ❤️

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New home, I think he approves ❤️


Alessia Russo
What a sweetheart, miss him already


Can't believe you took him away from London 😭😭


"Ok, right so I know you we struggling with something a few weeks ago is that still the case" Ellie says as  we watch a fil with both dogs curled up in-between us.
"I guess, I mean I know that everything will be ok in the end, I'm just tired at the moment," I say.
"Yeh, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end, everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud," she says makes me wonder what happened to her but she knows most things well i Guess. I suppose there is a chapter that everyone doesn't read out loud.
"I suppose," I mumble half asleep.

I had to leave the room cause Alessia called but I don't think I shouldve answered when I did, I was not in a good headspace.

A: hey love

E: hey

A: everything ok

E: brilliant, just brilliant

A: yeh bs, what up buba

E:nothing, just thinking about some past things, I love you ok

A:I love you too, call me tomorrow ok


I decided I wanted to go for a walk I obviously told Ellie I was, she said to be careful cause it's dark but I need to clear my head. I think I made a poor decision not bringing my dog, cause I've had this man following me for the last 5 minutes, I know he's following me cause he speeds up everytime I do.


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