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We flew home and then got straight on another plane and flew to Barcelona, I regretted not going to speak to Alessia as soon as I got on the plane but everything Leah, Lucy and Beth had been saying to me finally clicked. I'm still going to be in love with her but part of me always will, it's time to find someone who appreciates me, if I was like that with the wrong person, imagine what I could be like with the right one.

" Ona," i say dropping my back and jumping into her arms and wrapping my legs round her," I missed you," I mumble refusing to get down.
"Hey el," she says placing her hand on the back of my head. We stayed like that for a few minutes as people walked by us.

@ ella8williamson
Reposted by @ ona.batlle.


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Finally back with my best friend ❤️

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Finally back with my best friend ❤️


"We didn't talk much over the world cup el, you ok," she says laying beside me on my bed.
" Oh I have so much to catch you up, you have no idea about all the crap that went on, it was a shit show to be honest," I say laughing at the thought of the massive shit show that it was.
" Oh really how," she questions looking concerned.
"Let's see, got there, umm Alessia had cheated on me, she broke up with me, didn't sleep at all for a week and spent way to much time in the gym, told Beth I was going to propose to her, gave her the ring, ended up rooming with her in Australia which ment I had to sit with her on the plane, joined the mile high club, had a panic attack, got a little closer with her, she gave me the ring back and ended it for good before the final, I threw the ring in the ocean and it washed back to shore whilst I was sat on the beach, so I tossed it again, she told me if i asked at the final she would've said yes, what else was there, had a flare up which is why I wasn't on the plane, ended up falling asleep on her lap as she found my pills as she had overheard leah and lucy, got matching tattoos with Leah, Lucy and Keira, and got another one, yeh I think thats all of it," i say with a single tear falling down my cheek.
"Fucking hell I'm gonna kill her," ona say looking livid.
"Don't, I've accepted it, well ish," I laugh.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but I highly doubt you have el, she was your literal soulmate and if she cant see that then she is a knob, and don't worry about her you still have me," she says putting her arm behind my head so I rest my head on her shoulder.
"I missed you ona," i say falling asleep very quickly.


I'm happy, I'm actually happy, this is madness, honestly what the fuck.
"Yo, mapi, wanna go get a tattoo with me like we said we would ages ago," I say jumping on her back.
" Sure kid, didn't you get 2 the other day," she asks flipping me over hef Shoulder so I end up on the floor.
"That was rude and yes I did," I mumble slightly winded.
"What did you do to the kid," Ingrid ask helping me off the floor and wrapping me in her arms protectively," don't hurt the child," she says still holding me. So I stick my tongue out at her.

@ ella8williamson

@ LeahWilliamson got another one

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@ LeahWilliamson got another one.....


We started pre season training so we are just working on our fitness levels making sure that they are up to the clubs standards, mine are fairly good but that's because I go for Daily runs Anyway, so I kept as much of my level as I could over the summer i guess the world cup may have helped a little...
"Good job today everyone, see you in an hour in the gym," our coach says dismissing us all.

"Ella," mapi says jumping on my back.
"Get off the child," Ingrid immediately says removing her.
"Meany," mapi says in a huff.
"You know I'm not a child anymore right, haven't been for the last 2 years funnily enough," I laugh.
"Yeh your a child," Ingrid says patting my back.
"Nope, if anything mapi is more of a child than me," I say starting to run so I don't get tackled to the floor. Didn't work ended up in a heap on the floor very quickly.
"That was rude Ella, apologies," mapi says getting off of me.
"Nah, can we please go and get some food im hungry," Ingrid wines.
" I'll catch up in a minute, gonna go find ona," I say going back to the changing rooms seeing her still sat there.
"Is everything ok, ona," i ask sitting next to her with my arm draped over her shoulder.
"Yeh, I'm just exhausted," she says quietly.
"Want me to drive you home, just skip the gym" I says helping her up and grabbing our stuff.
"I don't mind," she mumbles already falling asleep as I hold her up.
"Come on, sleep in the car," I say walking us out of the training ground.

She did fall asleep in the car so I picked her up and took her inside.
"Where are we," she asks waking up.
"Home ona, I'm going to make food, come down when your ready,"


Recently has been exhausting training everyday had one day a week where we fmdo recovery and haven't had a day off.
"I'm not going today, neither are Lucy, Alexia and Keira, we are having a day off and going out to enjoy ourselves, this schedule Is ridiculous and we are all exhausted, you joining us," i ask her as I collapse on her bed.
"Uh, yes, " she says........

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