Chapter 6 - Sebastian Petit

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Death threats/ Talking about death
Being held hostage
Threatening behaviour
(⚠️This chapter is about a kidnapping and has may TW's some I'm not sure if they are TW's, so if your not comfortable with that I'll write a summary at the end of the chapter.⚠️)
I run to the sector's entrance where I know he'll be waiting. I just want to get this over and done with, as I'm in the elevator waiting for it to fully descend I look in the reflection of myself and see the heavy bags under my eyes. I fix my hair slightly as-well. The doors open and I walk through the set of three locked security doors and see a young man, early twenties I'd say, he sees me and walks over.

"Juliette Ferras?" He says as his strong accent shines through. "Yes, and you are?" I ask. "Sebastian Petit, my father is the supreme commander of France'' what? I think to myself. "I was told you're the supreme commander" he just chuckles at my comment. "Yes well my father sent you a letter saying he's coming here, and he is, he's arriving tomorrow" he chuckles. "Then why have you come?" I'm full of seriousness. "Wow, you really are straight to the point, aren't you!" He says to me like we've been friends for years. This man is insane. I met him a minute ago and he is acting as if I know him. "Yes I am, so could you get to the point" I'm to tiered to deal with him fucking about. "Well I'm here to monitor you" he claps his hands together. "Monitor me?" What's up with everyone watching me and controlling me. "Yes. Unfortunately I am. I wish we could've met under better circumstances'' his features turn... strange, as he looks almost sympathetic for a moment. "Why were you sent to monitor me though?" I have a question. "That I wasn't told" he says like there's nothing at all alarming about that. "Right, because that makes total sense-".

As I finish my sentence the door bursts open and multiple people run into the small entrance hall. "Juliette you can't just run off like that, you scared the shit out of us" Kenji breathes out heavily, everyone is out of breath apart from Aaron, so I guess they've been running around. "I'm sorry" I say as Aaron walks over to me and pulls me into his chest. He looks at Sebastian.

"Why are you here?" He spits. "Still the same old Warner, not even a 'how are you' or even a simple 'hello' some things truly never change" he playfully grins. "Why are you here?" He says more harshly this time. "I'm here to speak with the girl, not you." He answers looking at me. He puts a hand on my arm, which Aaron immediately swats away "don't you dare touch her '' Sebastian only laughs. "Calm down, she is covered up by clothes, she won't kill me" he says like that's what he actually believed Aaron was angry about. He put his hand back on my arm then takes hold of my wrist, I tried to pull it away but he's much stronger than me "let go of her!" Aaron basically shouts. "Why do you care?" He hissed at Aaron. "That beautiful girl just so happens to be my girlfriend" Aaron's eyes are wide with rage. Sebastian laughs and tuggs me from Aaron's arms and pulls me against his chest. "Not for long, buddy." I try to get away from his grasp but I can't. (I knew this man was a bit weird.) "Aaron" I tried to reach out to him. "Oh... Aaron, so your on a first name basis, how lovely."

I'm only now realizing that Sebastian has power. He has made an invisible wall blocking where I am and where my friends, my main focus is Aaron, are standing, but somehow this wall doesn't block any sound waves, I can hear the others as if there wasn't a wall there at all. Aaron's banging on the wall. "Let me go" I struggled in his arms. "Nah '' he sighs and puts a knife to my throat. "W-what" I say, letting a teardrop from my eye. I look at Aaron with sad, pleading and worried eyes. "It's okay my love, you'll be okay" he says to me. "My love? So Mr Warner-Anderson is capable of emotions. That just makes me uncomfortable." He growls "Sebastian let her go or I swear I'll knock this wall down and stab you till you beg me to kill you." Aaron bangs harder on the wall. "How enthusiastic. Well I best be off, well we best be off." He picks me up and smashes down the glass door and carries me out the building.

About ten minutes pass when we reach an old wooden shack. "Well here we are. I'm going to ask you some questions and you'll answer them with honesty or... let's just say you'll be punished." He laughs. "Where are we? Why are you doing this?" I ask before I'm tied at the ankles and chest to a chair, my arms tied behind said chair. "Oh you native girl" he's now sitting opposite me. "What do you want?" I shout. "If you'd shut up for one second and let me talk, then I can tell you" he growls. I stay silent. "Good" he smirks.

"Well you see there is something I want - and with you being let free... unfortunately... it's impossible" he bites his lip. "What do you want?" I question. "I want to take back what was rightfully reestablished. And that is you" he chuckles. "You could be a great use to me, a very great use" he stands up and walks to a little trolley that is full of needles and surgical equipment. He picks up a little knife and sharpens it with some sort of block of sandpaper. "Seeing Warner have his heart broken is a big bonus as well. I'm excited to see that man finally crumble" he looks pleased with himself, I want to smack him in his cocky, smug face. "You leave him alone, do you hear me" "who Warner?" He asks. "Yes" he laughs at my response, throwing the knife at a dartboard on the wall behind me, just above my head. "Why do you care about Warner? He's an asshole." He says walking to me. "He is not!" I shout. "Well... he is, you must be crazy to think he's sweet and innocent" he gets the knife from behind me and goes and puts it back on the trolley. "You have no idea how much power I'll have because I have you" he rummages to find a needle with yellow-ish fluid in. "You are going to make my dreams come true Miss Ferras" he says injecting the needle in my neck. "W-what. What was that?" I say feeling dizzy and completely out of it. The last thing I see before I pass out is his face smirking at me and him holding a sharp pair of surgical scissors. Then darkness.

Summary: Juliette meats a man called Sebastian Petit, he is the son of the supreme commander of France. He wants her so he can have more power, but also something else he wont tell Juliette.
Word count: 1210

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