Chapter 119 - Unsafe

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(This chapter hasn't been edited or proof read so it will most definitely have lots of mistakes, I'm going to try and edit this chapter sometime within the next few days!)

Hostage situation
Injury detail


"The basement," I say suddenly, causing everyone to look at me.

We have been searching this place for an hour, we have been in every single room, looked in every and any place you'd think to hide something - yet nothing. Nothing at all. No sign of Juliette anywhere. I almost gave up hope until I remembered a small detail about this bunker...

"What?" Asks Kishimoto, his voice wobbling with worry for Juliette, his best friend. "What basement, this whole place is a basement, it's an underground bunker Warner."

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "I know that Kishimoto," I huff, "but this place has a 'basement'." I look toward Leo.

"Oh my gosh yes!" I says in glee. "The place where me and Annie were held, and so was Juliette before they moved her out of here."

I hope and beg that this is where Juliette is, because if not, it means that there isn't a possibility that Juliette is being held here.


"I've been waiting so long to see you again." Says Sebastian Petit. "You know it's been so long that I haven't seen you, I did miss you." He laughs. "Of course I did not miss you, but I did miss the pleasure I receive when I torture you."

"Sebastian less talking, more torturing." Demands Annie, an evil smile on her face.

I have never felt so conflicted by my own emotions. Sure when I first met Aaron, or as I called him then, Warner, I hated him but I still had a part of me that truly and utterly loved him. But this was different, my relationship with Annie had gone from loving her because she's my big sister, to loathing her. She kidnapped my soon to be husband and then took me, which I know will be causing him so much pain right now. That fact alone is killing me more than what Sebastian and Annie are doing to me.

"Why can't I talk to her Annie?" Questions Sebastian, his question is also one that peeks my interest too. What's the problem with him speaking to me? I mean he isn't saying anything nice, if anything him saying what he is saying is making this whole situation worse. So why can't he speak to me?

Annie grunts in annoyance, is is clear that she is not only stressed about something, but she's anticipating something that she has been fearing. "Just do as I fucking say Seb." She says through gritted teeth. "I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth."

"What is you sudden problem Annie-" Sebastian is cut off half way through his sentence with what sounds to be a bomb of some sort.

"That is why!" She whisper yells, suddenly running over to where me and Sebastian are, she grabs Sebastian's hand and tries to pull him away from me. He refuses to move though.

"What's going on Annie?" He gives her a frustrated look. "Why'd you set off a bomb?"

"I didn't!" She states and that shuts up Sebastian in an instant.

"... oh fuck," Sebastian turns pale, "they've found us, haven't they."

Annie nods, turning towards the big table in which they store all of their torturing equipment, she grabs a massive knife, placing in on my neck ready to end my life for good this time.

"Say bye bye sissy." She stands behind the chair I'm tied to, pressing the blade onto my throat, I can feel the blood that seeps down my neck. "You were never destined for this world." He menacing hushed voice come out of her mouth thats not right next to my ear. "So long..."

Just as she is about to slit open my neck, multiple rushed footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs that are in front of me, they look as though they're spiralled so who is coming down them I can not see just yet.


I assume that I am now dead, being as emerging from the staircase, comes Aaron, Kenji, Leo, Castle, Brendon and Winston. There is no way this is real.

"Let her go Annie!" Shouts Leo, pointing a gun at my sisters head. Our sisters head.

Annie stiffens, shocked that they're here, before she regains herself once more. "Now why would I do that little brother?" She asks, her voice sounds like she is smirking. "I know that either way you're going to kill me, so why wouldn't I finish the mission that I set out to complete?" Now she is actually laughing. Laughing like someone who is undeniably insane with a strong severity.

"You kill her and I will make sure you are burnt alive!" Aaron practically growls, also pointing a gun at Annie's forehead.

"Oh really?" She says, pushing the knife in her hand further into my neck. I can feel more blood oozing out of the wound she is leaving.
She now has the knife up against my neck so tightly I'm afraid that if I swallow, the cut will become much deeper.

I am chocking.

I can taste blood coming up my throat and can feel it dripping out of my mouth that I have kept open, being as I am gasping for breath.

"Leo, little brother," Annie addresses Leo mockingly, "see what happens when you betray me."


What happens next is a blur to say the least, one second I have a knife up against my throat, severing away at my throat every second that chipped away, and now I am in Aaron's arms, wanting to scream in pain but my vocals aren't working. They're not working at all.

It was so sudden, the sound of gun fire, before the knife pressed into my throat suddenly falls, lading in my left thigh, the tip of the knife impaled in my skin.

"Juliette love!" Aaron shouts, rushing over to me, untying me from the chair I had been previously bound to ever so tightly.

Now that I am in his arms, I feel safe - something that I never thought I'd feel ever again.

I will never take this feeling, or him, or anyone else, again.

Word count: 1072

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