Mention of War
Mention of Torture
Mention of Abuse
Mention of Manipulation
Mention of Death
Mention of Self isolation
They're still standing there, looking at me, shocked. I don't blame them, I'd be taken aback by my actions, the way I disappeared and now I've just turned up. The disrespect of my own ways, my own movements, motives.I wish, in times like this, I wish that I had Aaron's power. I wish I knew what they were feeling. "I want to explain why I've been distant but I can't, not here."
They both look even more shocked than before. "Love, what's wrong?" Aaron asked, he sounded so worried.
"Come with me and I'll explain everything." I say. Then I walk to the elevator and press the call button, the doors opening. I step in and the two men follow me inside.We walk down the hallways in silence, until we get to the tank. I can't drive so I need one of them to navigate the machinery. "I need one of you do drive, as I can not."
We clamber in the small tank, Aaron driving and Kenji in the passenger seat, me in the middle of them.
"Where sure we going, love?" Aaron asks me, he needs to know where take us
"To the asylum." I simply say. I feel Aaron shift next to me and I feel Kenji stiffen, to them, of course, this all makes no sense at all. They must be so confused as to why I want to go back to that hell hole. They'll get it soon enough.
Just like the walk to the tank, the drive is silent. I don't think anyone knows what to say, this whole thing is strange, to them at least, for me I've been planning this for a while.
"We're here." Aaron says, turning off the vehicle. "Are you sure about this, love?"
"Yes," i offer him a smile, "come on - let's get inside".
"J, I really don't think this is a good idea." Kenji insists. "This place must hold some gruesome memories for you. I don't think, if i were you, I'd ever want to see this place again."
I breathe a laugh, they don't understandably. I'm not here because I want to be, but rather because I have no other choice. "You'll understand this all soon, so no more questions." I inform them as we walk in through the entrance. Then walk all the way to my old cell."Okay, get in and shut the door." I whisper. Aaron obliged and pushed the door firmly closed behind him. Now no one can hear, see or manipulate us.
"I have known something that I think you both should know." I explain, "When I went to the RARE's headquarters I came face to face with my other and father, they helped torture me, like I've already told you". I sigh. "What I didn't say was something that can either make or break us. You see, my father informed me that someone on base is an undercover spy. He said that it's someone who was at Omega Point, someone I trust wholeheartedly."
They both gape at me, I can see the mixture of emotion, the confusion, guilt, fear, anger and betrayal.
"Who?" Kenji asks.
"That I do not yet know." I feel dumb.I further say;
"I couldn't tell you on base because, apparently, this spy watches my every move, tells the RARE's every discussion I have and every dissection I make. Here though there's no place to hide, it's a soundproof room and the whole room was stripped of any cameras, microphones and trackers. This is the only safe place I could think of where no one can over hear.""So you've been trying to work out who said spy may be for the last two weeks?" Kenji asks. "Precisely" I responded.
"That's great and all, love, but how can we forgo a plan when we can trust literally no one?" Aaron chimes in."Well, you see, I've made a plan. Not the one I've been telling all of you guys, a different one." I explained. "This plan works with us in favour, if this person tells Sebastian our plan they will be positioned in the battlefield an hour earlier than I intend, then we go into the base, see what we can find and then, within the hour, send a randomly selected troupe to deliver a message. I message that will make them think that we, as a sector, surrender. They'll drop their guard, Sebastian will come charging into 45 to claim me. He will most likely come alone, but, little dose he know, we'll be waiting for them, just us three."
"That's amazing!" Kenji exclaimed. "Absolutely genius."
Aaron looks at me with pure admonition. "Love, you are something else, you know that?"
I laugh, I didn't expect this kind of reaction. I thought maybe they might be pissed that I didn't tell them sooner. But no, they seem... proud of me. I smile, I smile like I haven't smiled I'm weeks. I'm happy that I have these two on my side, before I was alone, except for Suara, but technically she isn't here, she's miles away.
"So do you think we can pull it off?" I ask them.
They both grin. "Yes!" Kenji said. "My love, I am amazed by the strength of your plan, it's brilliant. I think we have this war in the bag!" I laugh at what Aaron says.I feel like myself again, I feel less lonely and more supported. I feel loved, so so loved.
She truly is mind blowing. She came up with all this on her own. The plan - the word perfection doesn't give it enough credit. She has made two plans, the first - the one everyone else thinks is legitimate - is a solid plan, but this one - the secret one - it's even better. She tells us more details and more information on what exactly it is she wants to accomplish. She wanted to get Suara out, I didn't know she had grown fond of her. She says she has an idea of a combination for a safe in Sebastian's office, apparently he entered it when she first got there, he didn't know she was watching him, she said she couldn't see inside though. If something is so important it needs to be locked up, then it must be either - a. Valuable b. Special to the occupant c. Criminal or d. evidence against themselves - I think we can assume that it's a combination of c and d.The mission starts on Monday. It's Friday, so that means we have two days to prepare. Let's just hope that's enough time.
Word count: 1129

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...