Passing out
High stress
Panic attack
I sat there, shocked.
I don't think I believe it, correction, I know I don't believe it. "This must be some sick joke from my parents." I say.
Aaron takes my hand and Kenji shows me a sympathetic look. "You're both wrong about this, I know my brother and sister, they wouldn't do this." I stand up, pulling my hand away from Aaron's."Juliette, love, we're going to work this out." Aaron says, he seems half calm and half livid.
"Yeah, J. Why don't you sit down and we can talk about this." Kenji adds.They want me to calm down, just sit and talk about it. Are they joking? This isn't a 'sit down and talk about your feelings' matter.
"I don't know how you can possibly think that I could, in any way, be calm about this!" I yell. I know I shouldn't shout, but I can't contain myself.
"Okay, okay." Aaron hushes, trying to guide me back into my chair, he stands up and places his hand on my back, slightly pushing me downwards.I start to hyperventilate, the lack of oxygen making my head spin.
That's when I feel my body do something... strange.My vision goes black and my legs give in, I think I fall, I think I faint - though I can't be sure.
She falls into my arms.
"Shit!" Kenji yelled.I lower her to the floor, slowly and softly, then rest her head on my lap - I hold onto her hand.
"What the fuck?!" Kenji is panicking, he's pacing the room.
"KISHIMOTO! Pull yourself together! Go and find Sonya and Sara!" I shout at him, he immediately scurry's away, leaving me alone in the office with an unconscious Juliette. My love.
"Juliette, sweetheart, can you hear me?" I ask her, but I don't get a response. "Please, love, wake up."
I place a gentle kiss on her forehead and stoke the side of her face. She's so beautiful. She looks oddly peaceful, like she's dreaming of flying in the sky and dancing on the clouds. I don't know what dreams are like, I've never dreamt, only nightmares and night terrors. I wonder what that's like, to enjoy a world made in your own mind, a place where you are in full control. Sounds nice.I'm snapped out of my own thoughts when Sonya, Sara and Kenji come rushing in.
Sonya takes Juliette from me and lays her flat on the floor. Sara pulls out a stethoscope and listens to her heart beat.
"Is she alright?" I nervously asked.
"Yes," Sara says. "I think it was just a shock, but it's best to make sure." She smiles and then picks up a needle from the bag and draws some of her blood.After the twins have finished whatever it is they were doing, they say to me; "she'll be absolutely fine. It was just the shock, as we suspected. Take her back to your room and lay her in bed, she should wake up within the hour." Says Sonya.
"Don't let her move about too much, she may be a bit wobbly but apart from that she'll be perfectly fine." Sara smiled.I thank them then I carry Juliette back to our room with Kenji refusing to leave my, well her, side.
I lay her on the bed and wrap her in the blankets, I sit on my side of the bed, just looking down at her.
"This is creepy." Kenji comments.
"What is?" I ask.
"You," he gestures at me, "just say there watching her, really fucking creepy, man".
I shake my head, suppress a small laugh. "Whatever Kishimoto, what would you know about relationships anyways."
He opens his mouth, makes a gasping sound. He puts a hand on his chest and says, "how offensive! I could have a girlfriend, I wouldn't tell you anyway."
I laugh, "you? A girlfriend, please."
"You ass. I am fairly capable of finding a lovely lady and making her happy."
"I never said you couldn't. Sure you can make a girl happy, like Juliette, be her friend, make her laugh, but a relationship is a lot different. It isn't the same as being friends with someone."I sense his emotions change from offended to inspired. "What?" I ask, dredging his answer.
"Teach me how to get a girlfriend!" He smiles.
"Nope, absolutely not! Not a chance."
He puts his hands together and looks at me, "please".
"No!" I demand.
"Why not?"
"Because," I say, "I don't want anything to do with the abomination you call your love life."
"Woah man, too far."I roll my eyes and put my wrist to Juliette's forehead, making sure she is too hot under the blankets.
"Besides," I mutter. "Who would you want to be with anyway?"
Kenji smirks, "that's also something I need help with, finding someone who is just as amazing as me".
"There isn't anyone as mind-bogglingly foolish as you in this world." I say.
"What are you talking about?" Kenji asked. "I'm no fool. I'm super smart.""Whatever you wish to believe." I mumble.
I stop paying attention to what he's saying. I simply do not care, I only care about the sweet, beautiful girl 'asleep' next to me, she's my world, without her there is no such thing as life.
Word count: 901

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...