Chapter 32 - Rumor

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The night crawls in, the sky dims and the air chills even more. Me and Aaron are on the balcony, sitting on the sofa, looking out into the woodlands surrounding the house. It's stunning. I'm not sure if I ever want to leave this place.

I yawn.
"Love, shall we go to bed?" He kisses my nose.
"Yeah" I slurred sleepily.
"Alright come on then." He carries me into his room.

We get into some pyjamas:



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"I can't wait to hear the letter from Castle tomorrow morning, he's either going to be good at this or very bad

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"I can't wait to hear the letter from Castle tomorrow morning, he's either going to be good at this or very bad." I chuckle.
"It should be entertaining, that's for sure."
I'm walking out of his en-suite, freshly cleaned teeth, walking over to the massive windows, closing them, the cool air now either trapped in the bedroom or outside, and then drawing the curtains closed.
"This room isn't how I remember it." I get under the white duvet.
"Well, I thought it could do with a change." He lays down on the left side of the bed, me on the right.
"I think it looks amazing" I squeeze into his embrace, he happily accepts my body's new existence flush against his.
"Thank you, sweetheart." He kisses the crown of my head, he stops, searches me, reaches behind my ear. He pulls out the flower he had put in my hair this morning.

I laugh. He laughs.

He smells the flower, "still smells nice though," he hands it to me.
I sniff the now crumpled petals. The sweet scent still lingers, ever so lightly, but it's still there nonetheless.
"Mm, it does."
My eyes drop closed then push themselves open, against their will.
"Sweetheart," he takes the flower and puts it on his night stand, "go to sleep".

That's the last thing I hear before my head twirls with the new presence of sleep.
My eyes open, I must have slept all night. I feel more well rested than I have in years.

The windows are wide open, the curtains blowing in the breeze, the air warm with a cooling breeze. The sun shines and the sky is ever so clear.

I stretch out, the bed is empty. I sit up and rub my eyes, remove myself from the bed and plant both feet on the floor. I move into the bathroom, brush my teeth before heading downstairs.

"Morning, beautiful." Aaron says as I cross the threshold between the hallway and into the kitchen, he's cooking something, taking up the stove.
"Morning," I walk behind him, wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder - having to stand on my tip toes. "What smells so good?"
He turns his head towards mine, kisses the top of my head. "Bacon and eggs. Oh, Castle's letter came for you."
I walk over to the table, letters and paper spread across the surface, none of them addressed to me. I look up at Aaron, a pleading and questioning look.
"It's on the wooden bench, by the front door." He smiles.

I nod and move my legs to stride back into the hallway. I walk past the stairs and towards the little, mail filled, bench. I rummage around the pile and see the only one with my name written on it.

Miss J Ferras
644 Albert road

I didn't know what road the house was on, or house number for that matter. I suppose why would I need to know that, I don't even know what the address to the sector is. I'm not good with addresses, I don't remember them.

I quickly peal the envelope open, take out the parchment.

Dear Miss Ferras,

In your absence not much has happened, we have had some issues though, I would like your opinion on multiple of these.
1. I need something to tell the soldiers that explains your absence but doesn't raise suspicion.
2. The residents are complaining about the lack of communication between you and them.
3. Sector 21 have sent a letter inviting you and Mr Warner to a party in celebration of their triumph.
And most importantly
4. Rumours have spread about the RARE'S and their group members are scouting the edges of the sector.

I am handling these issues the best I can, with the help of Kenji, but they are spiralling quickly. It seems the RARE'S seem to be aware of you and Mr Warner's flee off base, so they are causing havoc. Possibly to lure you back. That's only a theory though.

With kind regards,

I stare at the paper in front of me and stalk over to the dining table, take a seat. I don't know what to think. How to think. I'm stunned. He turns off the stove and plates the food, walking over to me.

"You okay, sweetie?" Aaron sits next to me, lays two plates in front of myself and him, and reaches for my hand rested on the table.
"No" I give him the letter, he reads it with such care.
"I don't know, I have no idea." I slam my head into the table, harder than I intended, hitting the new stitches in my head, I whine.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. They don't know where we are." He rubs my back.
"No... it's not okay. I'm petrified, Aaron." I cry.
"Hey, sh sh sh." He lifts my head and pulls me into a hug, I gratefully accept. "I'm going to keep you safe, no matter what."
I nod, sniffle.
"I want all this to be over, I want it to end. I don't want to be running away from our home."
He kisses the crown of my head, "neither do I".  He rubs my back. "We'll get through this though."
"I know." I sigh, "I know".

We stayed like this for a few minutes before digging into the food Aaron so graciously cooked, it was delicious.
"These are really nice, thank you." I kissed his cheek, his hand still rested on mine, mine on the table.
"I'm glad you like them, I used the cookbook you looked through yesterday," he eats his last piece of egg.
"Well I am inspiring, I guess that it's only natural that you'd do that." I giggle, as does he.
"I love you, my love." He breaths. "I love you too." I breathed.

He hums in sudden realisation, "wait here". He stands and walks out the room.

He comes back in with an olive green book, the title displaying:

The Secret Garden

He passes me the book, I flip through it before turning to the first page. Reading the prologue, depending if it's worth me reading.
Word count: 1116

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