It's been two days since the day me and Juliette went to James's school. Exactly forty eight hours. And since then, still, there is no sign of Adam.
He's been gone for almost a week now and it's quite clear that James's fear and worry is through the roof. He is terrified without his brother. He misses him.
So I try and comfort him in the best way I can:
That's why I'm here, sat in Adam and James's bedroom, a two beds on opposite sides of the room and a desk, two wardrobes and a windows. I'm here to help his find any sort of clue as to where Adam might have run off to.
"Which is his bed?" I ask.
"The right side bed is his, the left side bed is mine." He points to Adam's bed.
Adam's bed is messy and unmade. Everything is thrashed about like Adam might have been looking for something. Pillowcases we're only half on the pillows, and the bedsheet had unpeeled from the corners and sides of the mattress.
I can not believe someone who is a blood relative to me, can stand to be within this mess. Doesn't Adam have the common decency to keep his bed neat and tidy.
"Is it always such a mess?" I ask, disgusted. I look the the left, at James' bed, seeing that it's perfectly made and that his whole side of the room is spotless.
"Yeah," I sighed. "I hate it. I don't like mess, it makes me panic."
I nod my head. "I know exactly how you feel."
"You do?!" He smiles, like no one has ever said they feel like him before.
"Yeah, we both get it from our father, he was a massive clean freak, so that's where I always supposed I inherited it from, I reckon you get it from him as well." I smile back at him, he really does look like me when I was his age, the only difference is his eyes. He has blue eyes, I've always had green. His mothers eyes must be blue, being as Adam and dad's eyes are brown. I get my green eyes from my mother.
"We could always give it a little tidy." I suggest.
"No!" I said as if on instinct. "Adam doesn't like anyone looking at him things - I'm not aloud to even go on his side of the room."
Okay that's suspicious. What are you hiding, because that is what I would call, a guilty conscience, paranoid, cover up your tracks.
"Why?" I pretend to not be completely alarmed by what the kid has just said.
"I don't know, he never used to be like it - ever since you and Juliette became girlfriend and boyfriend, he started to be like that."
I can tell that this is upsetting James, so him and Juliette went to get some breakfast while I looked around.
Adam's possession are mostly clothes and shoes, cologne and deodorants. Nothing out of the ordinary. He's got a laptop that's password protected, of course. He has a few snacks in his wardrobe - don't ask me why, I think that's personally disgusting. He has a file folder with sheets of paper in.
Then, right at the back of his wardrobe, there is a shoe box. I bring it out and sit with it on the desk chair, the box on the desk itself. I peal back the lid and am met with... letters.
They're all addressed to him, but there is no address.
No way of them being delivered, but no one, other than me and Juliette on occasions, leaves the sector. So how did this get to him without it coming with the rest of the mail?I look underneath all the letters and there is a small, brown leather journal. I open it and what I find inside is creepy.
Juliette's day-to-day activities. Pictures of Juliette. What Juliette has eaten in to the exact amounts, like 1 and 1/8 of a grape etc. Every meeting she goes to, every interaction she has had. Even down to every time me and Juliette have... as Kenji says, tangoed.
This is stalking.
This is insane.
There are notes in the margins of the small, delicate pages like:
Make sure to inform S.P
That's when it clicked.
S.P stands for Sebastian Petit.
These aren't letters, these are informants notes.
Adam wasn't there when we first came across Sebastian, Adam was the one who dealt with giving Sebastian's father a place to stay, Adam wasn't there when Ian was revealed...Adam works for Sebastian Petit, doesn't he..? He's been working for them since just after the battle against my father. That's what his outburst are about, he's making excuses to leave. Pretending to be angry so he can do some shady things.
That traitorous bastard!I've got to get this whole box and it's entire contents back to my office and lock it away until me and Juliette can go through all the letters and all the information together.
Quickly shovelling all the papers and notes into the small box, I pick the box up and rush to my office.
I lock the box in my bottom draw that needs a key to open it.
Juliette isn't safe. He's watching her.
Word count: 957(A/N): (AHHHHH! We reached 10k views!!!!!!! 🥳🎉🥳🎉 It's honestly insane thank you all so much!!!!)
(I haven't done a chapter in Aaron's pov for a while now, so I thought I'd do this chapter from his view - I also want to write a chapter in Kenji or James' perspective - I think that would be really cool, let me know if that's something you'd like to see.)

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...