Chapter 90 - Snow

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Loosing a parent
Aaron and I step out of the base's doors and into the cold frost. All the layers I am wearing are protecting me from the cold somewhat, yet I am still freezing cold.

"Are you too cold, love?" Aaron asked. "You can go back in and I'll post the letters."
"No no, I'm alright, plus, it's only a short walk." I smile at him in response.

As we walk, hand in hand, to the post box I can see something falling onto me, onto us, little white droplets... snow... it's snowing!

"Aaron! It's snowing!" I smile, I've never seen snow before, well, I've only ever seen it through a window.
"So it is darling." He says. "Here look" he catches a snowflake and shows it to me.

"It's so beautiful!" I say, catching one for myself. "They're so elegant, so fancy." When I say this, Aaron chuckles.
"I love the way you describe things."
"Thank you." I say, unsure as to what I'm meant to say back.
"No, I am serious Juliette, love. Your words are always so beautiful and your heart is ever so strong. You're a precious and rare stone, there is none quite like you, love." He smiled, coming over and cupping my face.
I smile back up at him. "I'd say the same about you. You're amazing and your heart is full of love, you're so damn beautiful and you're smart, you are kind, you are strong, confident, grateful and definitely fashionable." He laughs at my last factor. "Aaron, you are one of a kind yourself." I finished.
He smiles, "thank you, love".

"Come on, we're never going to get to the post box at this rate." I say, taking his hand and walking down the street.

"Do you think that someday, we'll be able to move out of the sector and into the home in which you redecorated for us?" I ask him.
"I do hope so." He squeezes my hand gently. "That would be ever so wonderful, my love."
"Yeah, it would, wouldn't it."

I smile, picturing the house we lived in for such a short period of time, that feels like it was forever ago, maybe even like another lifetime. Living there, with Aaron, it was peaceful, calming, relaxing... that is until Sebastian came and ruined it. That house was so nice, it felt like home, I know it did to Aaron as well, I mean, his mother lived there and it was one of the only places his father never went.

Aaron has gotten through his mother's grief so well, it started with him not wanting to talk about it at all, to now, he talks about her often. He reminisces about times when he was young and he and his mother would always read stories together, and do different kinds of activities. It's nice to see him remember something good from his awful childhood.
I encourage him to remember her not when she was sick, but when she was well and happy, when she was ill she was in constant pain, so I think it does make him feel the littlest bit better knowing that she's no longer suffering.
Of course, that doesn't take away from the fact that he lost his mother, how could it? Losing his mother was the hardest thing for Aaron, he loved her ever so dearly, and wanted nothing more than to make her better, so seeing her lose her fight with the condition from which she suffered from, that must hurt.

I never met Aaron's mother, not when she was well or when she was sick. I wish I could have met her once, she made such an impact on Aaron's life, that I would have loved to be there to help and support her in any and all ways that I could. She seemed like, from what I heard, a lovely woman, who wanted nothing but to keep her son safe and happy.
She's brave and strong, she is a fighter, just like Aaron, I don't even have to have met her to see the similarities the two of them shared through their personalities and their determination. It's amazing that Aaron had that special bond with his mother, even if that meant it had to come to an early end, Aaron and her, they'll always have each other, always be there for each other, in themselves. The things Aaron inherited from his mother, his dimples, his loving affection, his strong heart, that is how his mother still lives on, through him and what she did to help him live his life despite the evil and cruel man that is his father.

Here we are, standing in front of the post box, I slip the letter through the small slit in the top of the red boulder.
"Done!" I smile.
"Right, ready to head back to base?" Aaron asked me, regaining his hold of my hand.
"Yes." I smile.

Now, back on base, me and Aaron say goodbye to each other, even though we'll see each other ever so soon. Now I'm walking to my office again, wanting to try something... risky.

"You called for me, Miss Ferras?" Delelui asked, standing at the door to my office when I arrived.

I wanted Delelui to help me out with something, I know how much this man hates the Reestablishment for what they did to his daughter, Aaron's mother. I will never understand how he kept his cool around Anderson when he was here, I wouldn't be able to.

"Yes, I did." I smile.

I unlock the door and we both step inside.

"Could you help me with something... secretly?" I ask him, apparently.
"What would that in-tale?" He asked me. I can see the daunting curiosity fill up his eyes. He seems to seek interest in what it is I have to say.

I stand as tall as I can, and in the most confident voice I could, I say:

"I want to take down these RARE sons of a bitches once and for all."
Word count: 1022

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