Chapter 108 - Cookie Competition

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Mention of parental loss

It's been a week since Adam left... since he left me. It's been so lonely in our room, it's just me and my teddy bears. 

Here I sit at the desk in Adam and I's bedroom, doing some homework. It's maths, fractions to be more precise. I hate maths, it's so boring! But, I suppose everything about school is boring.

Suddenly, the bedroom door is opened, causing me to swivel around in my desk chair. "What the-" I say before I see who it is that has opened the door.


Adam is stood in the door way, walking in and shutting the door behind him.

"James, buddy!" He smiles, opening his arms for me to run and jump into.

I don't.

"Where have you been?" I stand, my hands on my hips. "You can't just leave like that!"

His face falls, he is no longer smiling. "I know, I'm so sorry James. I know I shouldn't have just left you, that was wrong of me."

I shake my head. "It's not just that, Adam! Everyone knows about your weird little journal that you've kept on Juliette. They think that I don't know, but I was with Warner when he found it."

"Why are they looking through my stuff?!"

I huff. "To try and get an idea where you went! If you were... I don't know, kidnapped!"

He shakes his head. "James! I told you, never go through my things!" He growls. "That extends to not letting other people look through my things either!"

I flinch, Adam's never shouted at me like this. "A-Addie?"

He shakes his head, eyes burning with rage. "Come on James, don't you dare call me that!"

"B-but that's what mom used to call you." I whisper.

He growls. "Mom called me it, and guess what, she dead!"

My eyes water and spill over. "Adam?"

"Shut up!" He screams. "You let them go through my things, James! You are to blame for all of this!"

Adams loud shouting rings through my ears, hurting my eardrums.



Me and Aaron are in a meeting with the rest of the Omega Point group. "So how are we supposed to-" Kenji is cut off by a familiar shout.


We all rush to the source of the voice. James and Adam's room.

Aaron uses his key that allows him to access any room in the sector.

There, behind the door, is a raging Adam and a sobbing James.

I, instinctively, run to James' side. Scooping him up in my arms and hold his close, making sure he's safe.

"Juliette, I'm scared." He whispers to me, breaking my heart.

"Come on, me and you are going to go and get a hot chocolate." I take his hand and we both stand up, leaving the room with the crowd of men shouting at one another.

I take James to the kitchens of the sector, he sits on the counter while I look through the cabinets.

"Would you like a hot chocolate? I just assumed." I try and lighten the little guys mood.

"Yes please!" He sniffles. His tears are beginning to calm down.

I put my hands on my hips, I can't find the hot chocolate powder.

"Hey James, how would you like to compete in a little game?" I turn around.

He softly smiled. "Okay." He hops down, off the counter. "What's the game?"

I clap my hands together. "First to find the hot chocolate pounder wins a cookie!"

James' smile only gets wider. "Game on!"

And so the game begins!

James and I open and close cabinets and drawers, looking for the tub of powder.

After about two minutes, James let's out an excited squeal. "I found it!" He turn to me with a grin so wide that I am almost positive that it must be hurting him.

"No way!" I chuckle, putting my hands on my hips.

He pulls out the little tub of hot chocolate powder looking proud of himself. "See!"

I gasp in playful annoyance, causing him to giggle. "A deal is a deal." I say, before walking to the cookie jar and taking it to him. "Choose the one with the most chocolate chip." I tell him, whispering as if it was a secret.

He picks out a cookie, indeed it is chocolate chip packed. "Thank you." He takes a bite of the cookie.

"You, young sir," I put the cookie jar back, "are very welcome."

He giggles.

"Now," I begin, "shall we make some hot chocolate's?" I smile, his excitement is contagious. "Are you willing to compete in another competition?" I ask.

"Of course!" He finishes up his cookie.

"This time though, I'll let you pick the prize."

He squeals. "Really?!"

I nod.

"Okay, the prize is..." he thinks for a moment. "A scoop of ice cream."

I agree. "Oooo, that's a good one!" I say. "You're on!"

"Okay, but what's the challenge?" He crosses his arms, looking at me with pure and complete focus.

"The challenge is, the first to get a mug, pour the milk into the mug, then mix the powder into the mail until there are no lumps!"

He nods along.

I continue. "Though, we stop there, we aren't going to race or compete, or anything when there is using the microwave, or with anything that's hot." I explain.

"That's fair." He accepts. "Deal." He holds out his hand for me to shake.
I do, I shake his hand.

I am so happy that I distracted James. He doesn't deserve any of what's going on right now, Adam has always been a role model to James, he looks up to his big brother, he has for his whole life.

I can't imagine looking up to someone, starting from the moment I was born, only to find out, that a decade and bit later, that said idol isn't the person I thought they were.

I wish James wasn't there when Aaron found out about Adam. I wish that he didn't have to deal with this.

I wish Adam wasn't this much of a mother fucking bitch!

Word count: 1128

(A/N): (I'm so sorry I haven't posted in like a month, that's like wtf! This chapter, for some odd reason, took so much motivation to write. This is, 100% one of my least favorite chapter of this story, and I do apologise for that. With the end of the school year having just passed, I've been busy af! So please bare with me.)

(Also, let me know how you all feel about the beginning where it was in James' pov. Was that something that you all like? Should I do other pov, not just Juliette and Aaron - like Kenji?)

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