I think the only TW's needles, hospitals, passing out, anxiety and maybe talk of death and talk of trauma.
Suddenly she stops screaming and goes limp, she stops pulling against my gesture to lean her up. "JULIETTE!" I shout when I see her unconscious face. I pick her up in my arms and run with her, Kenji, Adam, James, Castle, Winston, Brendon, Delelui and Alia all follow. I ran to Sonya and Sara's medical room.As I burst through the doors and gain both the twin girls' attention, they rush over. "What happened" Sonya asks, followed by her sister saying; "who did this to her?" I take a rushed breath. "She was screaming for about ten minutes and then she just passed out. Please help her, please" I beg for her safety. "Yes of course!" Sara says urgently as I follow them to a ward room. I lay her on the bed and let the girls do their medical magic. "Everyone out!" Sara shouts. Castle literally has to drag me out while we all sit outside the door, waiting, hoping, crying, panicking, worrying. She has to be okay, she has to be.
I walk to the end of the halfway and back again, I've been doing this over and over again for the last few hours. Kenji keeps trying to speak to me and I just ignore him.
"WARNER!" Kenji shouts, I dart my eyes out at him and he looks so full of sorrow. "Can you hear me?" He speaks slowly like I'm a dog and I can't understand the human language. "Yes, obviously" I answer, with a quiet whisper. "Have you been listening at all?" "No," I mumble. "J, she's..." Kishimoto stutters. "SHE WHAT'S KISHIMOTO?" I am full of anxiety. "She's dead, the person who has been speaking to her has drained her body." Kenji cries. "WHAT?" I fall to the floor. "You're lying, that... it- she" I cry.
Kenji snapped his finger in my face. That's when I came back to reality and stood by Juliette's room door. Room 264. I turn my eyes back to Kenji, "what?" "You looked like you spaced out for a second there," he patted me on the shoulder. "Yeah, sorry." I fiddle with my fingers, that's what I do when I'm nervous. Sara came out of the room and looked straight to me. "She's okay, she wants you, Warner."
I rush in the room and see her laying in a bed looking so weak and fragile. "My love" I rush to her bedside, I grab her hand sitting on a chair next to her bed. "Aaron," her soft voice fills me with hope. "Hey love, I'm here. Are you feeling better?" I kiss her forehead, "yeah, my head hurts but apart from that I'm okay". Sonya chimes in; "That could be the effects of the alcohol last night, it could be the passing out episode." She says cleaning some kind of medical equipment.
"We found an unrecognisable drug in your system, I think it's some type of hallucinogenic." She added. Sara is still outside - probably explaining what happened - so it's only Sonya in here. "So is the voice a hallucination?" Juliette asked with a baffled look on her face. "No, from what I can see it is only a very light drug, maybe a frame job to cover up the real explanation for the voice." She came over and gave me a bottle of something and a packet of something else. "This is a counter drug for the one already in her system, it's a liquid - it's the only version we could get our hands on - then in the packet are a few needles, take them before you go to sleep. When you run out of needles we'll see if it's a better idea to carry on with the drugs or stop her taking them." I nodded to what Sonya explained, I have so many questions but only one that seems severe - "what about when the liquid runs out". I ask, "then come to us and get some more". That seems obvious to me now, what else would I do? "But what happened to me?" A sweet voice from the bed asks, a beautiful voice. "Whoever is doing this drains you. I don't think on purpose, they don't know the lack of sleep that you've been experiencing. I don't think the voice will be back for a few hours at minimum, the effects would've hurt the antagonist as well." I'm glad that the bitch behind this is hurt. I hear the girl laying next to me, the owner of the hand in mine, she takes a shaky breath - clearing a nervous gesture. "It's alright love. We'll find whoever's behind this." That earns a small glimmer of hope in her eyes. My beautiful love, I love it when you smile. I grin remembering that moment only a matter of hours ago. "I love you" her voice crackles. "I love you too, sweetheart." I kiss her rosy red cheek.
Word count: 956(A/N): (I just want to point out I know nothing about medication and things, so I made the whole ani-drug thing up - it could be a real thing, I have no idea.
I know this is a short chapter, I'm sorry I've been so busy. I just want to say thank you for the 150 read! That's insane, thank you so so so much! If you have any recommendations or just a small plot point you would like me to add to the story just let me know and I'll try my best to add it into the story. I also need name recommendations, so if you have any let me know.)

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...