(I don't think their are any, if you see any, let me know and I'll add them.)
After being in the training room with the other for a while, after about an hour of Kenji going on and on about how he could fight a tiger and come out of it unharmed. I am now walking to my own office to get some actual work done.
Stepping into my office, I can see letters are on my table.I open the first and it red:
Dear Miss J Ferras
We here at sector 31 would love to accept your kind alliance. We thank you for your support and would love to become allies with you and your sector.
Kind regards,
Supreme of Sector 31, Kassandra Green.I recently sent every sector an alliance agreement, asking if our sector and theirs would become part of a group of allies. 31 is the first to write back, though I suspect some of these letters withhold some more of the sector's acceptance or rejection letters.
Dear Miss Ferras
From what I have seen with your rightful movement and acts of courage and compassion, I would love to become one with you and whichever others will agree to this agreement.
Yours kindly,
Supreme of sector 4, William Smith.Well this is good, we have 31 and 4 on our side. Doesn't seem like it took them long to decide either, they have responded ever so quickly.
Apart from those two letters, the rest were unimportant. Things like promotional letters etc. So, without any other details to overlook, I start to write two response letters, one to Sector 31's Kassandra Green, the other to Sector 4's William Smith.
Dear Ms K Green,
It is with the utmost excitement that your agreement has been seen and met. Whenever you are free, we would love to discuss terms and conditions, like what we both will do to support each other's sectors, what it is that each sector needs and how we can try and provide for each other.
Kindest regards,
Juliette Ferras, Supreme Commander of Sector 45 and Supreme of North America.I put the letter in its envelope and add the address and a post stamp. Then move onto the second and last response letter.
Dear W Smith,
It is with the utmost excitement that your agreement had been seen and met. Whenever you are free, we would love to discuss terms and conditions, like what we both will do to support each other's sectors, what it is that each sector needs and how we can try and provide for each other.
Kindest regards,
Juliette Ferras, Supreme Commander of Sector 45 and Supreme of North America.Literally just copying the letter I wrote before. Then following it with the same routine of slipping it into an envelope, then adding the name, address and a stamp.
I go back down to the training rooms and spot Kenji with Aaron and Adam, Aaron looks annoyed and Kenji has a mischievous grin on his face, Adam just looks like he's done with all the nonsense.
"Hey J!" Kenji calls.
"Hello." I smile and walk in with the two letters in my hand. "Erm, I need to talk to you all about something."
Aaron walks over and takes my cheek in his palm. "Is something wrong?"
"No no, it's just about the alliances with the sectors, we've gotten two responses."The three men follow me up onto the ground floor of the sector, as the training rooms are underground. We went into one of the conference rooms.
"Okay so basically we have two responses, both accepting our alliance. Sector 31 and sector 4."
"Wow, that's amazing, well done love." Aaron smiled, sitting next to me, resting his hand on top of mine.
"Yeah J, that's awesome." Kenji added.
"I've written responses to them, they just say that their acceptance has been received and approved, also that we shall have some form of meeting to discuss the terms in which the alliance comes with."
Adam sighed. "How do we know we can trust these people?" He asked.
"I suppose we just have to judge them by their character when we meet them, nothing has been set in stone yet, we can still back out, nothing's been signed yet." I state.
"That's true I suppose." Adam responded.
"I just wanted you all to know before I post the responses, make sure you all agree with what I am doing."
Kenji says, "yeah! I think this is an amazing idea!"
Aaron also speaks up, "yes love, I agree, this is a good idea".
Then, finally, Adam, "I am skeptical, but I think that this might be a well thought out plan".
"Alright then, I'll post them within the hour." I smile, excited that they all agree with me.
"I'll come with you, love." Aaron says. "It'd be nice to get some fresh air."
I smile even wider. "That would be lovely."So with that, Adam and Kenji get back to their tasks and duties, whilst me and Aaron go to the bedroom to wrap up warm before braving the icy winter that's been laid upon the sector.
Word count: 872

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...