Chapter 19 - Numbers

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Feeling insane
Panic attacks
Schizophrenia (Major TW)
⚠️(If you feel uncomfortable with these TW's then maybe skip a few chapters because it's going to be a plot point for a part of the story, it won't be to long but I already have a plan for this book and the schizophrenia plays a big role in some upcoming chapters.)⚠️
I wake up with a thumping headache, the lights are so bright. I feel someone's hand on mine, and I look to see Aaron asleep, sitting on a chair beside the bed I'm lying in, his head resting on top of his arm, the one that isn't connected to the hand that is on mine. He's laying herself forward and settling his head and arm on the bed right beside me. I take a moment to look at his beauty, his resting face, his stress free - face. I take my hand and stroke his glowing, golden locks. He shifts under my touch. "J-Juliette?" He says more of a question than a statement. "Hey," I smiled at him, "what happened, Aaron?" He sits up and scoots into the bed beside me, "Sebastian, he drugged you while you were being held captive by him. We don't know what it is yet". "How long was I out?" He holds her hand tighter, "a day then from this morning till now". "What time is it now?" He shifted to look at the clock on the wall - "eleven at night". "You did wake up for an hour or so, when you first got here, but then you passed out again." I sigh and look around and try to see if anything in here will spike a memory of what he just told me about. I can't and for some reason, that's really stressing me out. "It's okay love, you're not expected to remember, you weren't really with it..."

With it? What does he mean?

"What?" I ask softly. "It's just that you were on a lot of sedatives." He kissed my shoulder, then my collar bone, then he intakes a sharp breath and pulled away. He just pulls me into a tight embrace. "Are you alright, Sweetheart?" He sounds so genuinely concerned, it warms my heart. "I'm okay. Honestly Aaron, you can sense I'm okay," I tell him. "Yes, but I needed to make sure that I wasn't only sensing what I wanted to sense."

'This hospital room is hot and stuffy' 

"Sonya said that once you're awake we can..."

'Claustrophobic! The whole room is going to shrink and you're going to be stuck, in a tiny, little, minute space.'

"But you don't have to worry that Kenji has already sorted it..."

'Closing in, closing, closing, closing. Space is getting smaller, no more room to breathe! Get out, get some place open. Now!'

"Love? Are you alright?..."

'What are you waiting for? Run!

"My love, Juliette." he's shaking me back into reality, I kept fading in and out of imagination and reality. "Sorry, yes I'm okay, just zoned out for a second," he cups my face. "Love..." "It was just the voice telling me to run and get out because of my claustrophobia."

As soon as I finished speaking Sonya and Sara came in. "Oh you're awake, I'm so glad," Sara smiles. "How are you feeling Juliette?" Sonya says. "Confused, mostly." I shrugged, "that's normal. Your brain is still getting back to usual." "Okay," I answered. "Has Warner explained what happened?" Sara asks, walking over and sitting on the bottom of the bed. "Yes, but I was zoned out, I didn't process anything. I wasn't not listening I genuinely didn't have a choice" I say trying to tell Aaron how sorry I am for ignoring him. "Love, it's not your fault. You can't help what happens in your head, it's out of your control." I nod, still feeling guilty.

'9 1 13 9 14 20 8 5 15 12 4 16 15 9 14 20 18 21 9 14 19'


'9 1 13 9 14 20 8 5 15 12 4 16 15 9 14 20 18 21 9 14 19'

"What does that mean?"

'9 1 13 9 14 20 8 5 15 12 4 16 15 9 14 20 18 21 9 14 19'

'9 1 13 9 14 20 8 5 15 12 4 16 15 9 14 20 18 21 9 14 19'

'9 1 13 9 14 20 8 5 15 12 4 16 15 9 14 20 18 21 9 14 19'

"What does that mean?!"

'Please work it out, please!'

There is desperation in this voice's tone, it's clear to me that this isn't any type of machine or drug, this is a person who's talking to me. And not willingly, by the sounds of it. "Who actually are you?"

'1 2 2 25 6 '

"I don't understand, why are you saying numbers?"

'Code. Please, get me out of here! Put the numbers to the letters in the alphabet, I can't say anymore - just please!'

"Okay, I will."

I tune myself back into reality, the three in the door looking at me worriedly. "Are you-" I cut Aaron off by darting up and springing out the door, Aaron running after me.

"LOVE!" He calls after me. "COME ON, QUICK!" I shout back, if I am going to decipher this code - I'm going to need him.

We burst into the library and I ran to the deciphering codes section. "Why are we looking into code?" The blond haired, green eyed boy next to me asked. He appeared over my shoulder in the book.

"The voice, she spoke to me as her. She told me two sentences in code. She was begging me to help her. She's been taken by Sebastian, I know it. We have to find out what she's trying to say." He just nods and asks, "do you remember the numbers?" "Of course I do" I made sure I programmed them into my brain so I wouldn't forget.

We take a seat at a table with five books of code language in front of us. Aaron has a paper and pen to write down what letters we have and keep reiterating the numbers in my head, so I don't ever forget them. 

"Ready?" Aaron asks me.



Word count: 1030

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