This story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends.
Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...
⚠️TW⚠️ War Depression Self isolation Talk of death Talk of violence ———— ⚠️That's all I can think of for the TW's, there could be more but this is a very deep chapter so feel free to skip this one if you don't like anything to do with war and fighting⚠️ ———— JULIETTE'S POV: I'm woken up in an uncommon scene, no Aaron in sight. I love to his pillow and notice the letter he has written, saying:
Hey love,
I had to go out for some emergency with sector 21, I'll be back as soon as I can.
It's only some rebels in their territory, I may be gone for a while, it takes 2 hours to get there. So if I am allowed home today it'll be very late.
I woke you up to tell you, but you weren't really awake, so I'm assuming you won't remember it.
I'll miss you so much, try not to worry, I'll be perfectly fine. I'll be back before you know it!
I love you so so much,
Aaron Xx
Rebels in sector 21, that's far too close for comfort.
I get up and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see my tired eyes, slightly red with small bags under them. I look like I'm Ill.
I get in the shower and wash my hair and body with fruit punch scented body wash, shampoo and conditioner. As I wash I can't stop the thoughts of what Aaron might be doing right now, what the number girl is doing, what Kenji is doing... anyone. I feel... alone. Since I've been here, at 45, I have never woken up alone - without Aaron. It feels so strange, so lonely.
I step out of the shower and then I walk to the sink counter, pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste - then scrub my teeth with the bristles. Then walk over to the closet and pick an outfit;
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I went to the canteen for breakfast, I walked over to the usual table and sat down, Aaron's seat empty - but all the others filled. "Hey J, how are you?" Kenji gives me a sympathetic look. "Mhm" I mumble looking at the food in front of me, cereal. "J..." he puts a hand on my back. "It's okay... I'm okay, he's okay" I pick up my spoon and stir it around the bowl. "He'll be back, he'll come back perfectly fine." I take a shaky breath. I'm saying it mostly to myself. "He will, he'll be back before you know it, Juliette" Castle smiles at me. "He'll be home soon!" James smiles at me. "I'm- I'm- I just can't..." I stood up and walked out.
I walk back to me and Aaron's room. I see get my phone out my bag and open my iMessage's, then click on Aaron;
I know you probably won't see this, but, oboe you so so so much. I miss you, Aaron. I can't wait to see you soon!
I've sent the message. Why am I waiting on a response? That's stupid! He can't respond, he's in the frontline. I just need to know he's safe. He probably doesn't even have his phone on him.
I have to get on with work though, there's so much and now I have Aaron's as well. I walked into Aaron's office and sat at his desk. I grabbed some paperwork. It was some files about the new homes for residents, family homes, apartments, bungalows. One bedroom, two bedrooms, three and four. I need to pick the materials for the house and the locations of the different homes. Like all the bungalows in the more quiet area and family homes by the schools.
Focus on this and get the worries out of your head.
It's been five days and I've been working non-stop, when a knock comes from the door. "Come in!" I called. Kenji walks in with a plate of food and a coffee. "Hey J, how are you? You haven't turned up at meals for a few days" I looked up at him, "oh sorry I didn't have time, I'm so busy". I half lie, "J, it's been five days why haven't you eaten anything proper or come out of this room?" "I've just been busy, I'm okay. I can go to dinner. I promise I'll be there, when does it start?" I ask him. "Five" I nodded and took a sip of the coffee. "Thank you for this" is said. "No problem," he smiles. "I'll see you at dinner" he leaves and I get back to work.
It's five in the evening. I'm walking into the canteen. I sit like I usually would.
"Juliette! We missed you." James smiles. "Aw thank you buddy, I missed you all too" I smile back at him. "What've you been doing?" Ian asks, "oh just paperwork for the new houses". Castle nods then says, "how are they coming along?" "I've nearly finished them all, then I'll send them over to the builders, so they can start working on them." I say taking a mouth full of food. "Could you get me a copy as well, so I can get the measurements for windows, heating, water and electricity." I nod at his response. "Yeah sure," I take a swig of my water. "Well... I best be off, I have a lot of work to do," I smile. "Wait J" Kenji says. "Yeah?" "What's happening with you?" He says. "Nothing, what do you mean?" I respond. "You've been really... off" he mutters. "Off? Maybe because my boyfriend is fighting rebels, in the front line for five days and I didn't even get to see him off. I don't know if he's hurt, I don't know if he's eaten or keeping well, I miss him, so so much." A tear rolls down my cheek. "J, why didn't you say something. I mean, I knew this would be hard on you but I didn't think it was that bad for you" I sniffle. "You didn't think it would be that bad! Are you serious? The love of my life might not come home or could be severely injured. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that I might be doing a little bit shitty. It's been five days and I haven't even had a letter from him, what if he's not okay, Kenji! He could be dead!" I shout. "J, he not dead." "You don't know that! You have no idea how much I love him! I can't live without him, Kenj!" I say tears pouring from my glossy eyes. Kenji just stands up and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shoulder.
After about five minutes of us all sitting down at the table and talking about things that'll lighten the mood, Delelui came into the hall and walked over to me. "Miss Ferras, I have a letter for you," he passed me a letter with a handwritten envelope addressing itself to me, it's Aaron's handwriting!
I open the letter and pull out a sheet of paper that read;
Hello love,
Sorry I haven't written, I've been so busy. Everything's going well, the rebel group had over one thousand men so it's been hard to take them all down. There's still about two hundred to go.
I'm perfectly fine. I am not injured and I'm keeping well. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you!
As soon as I get back I'll come and give you the biggest hug. Please make sure you're keeping well, sleeping, eating and getting out of the office. I'll be back soon.
I love you more than anything,
Aaron Xx
He's okay! He's alive and well! He'll be back soon, I'll get to see him, get to hug him and get to kiss him. I can't wait!
"What does it say J?" Kenji asks. "Here" I give him the letter to read. He reads it aloud to the whole of the table. Normally I would shout at him for reading out a personal letter but at this moment I don't care. I'm going to see Aaron soon and he's alive and well. I can't believe it! For the first time since he left, I'm genuinely happy.