Chapter 27 - Who Are You?

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Talk of death
Talk of kidnapping and being held hostage
Brief talk of insanity
As me and Aron are walking back to our room, the attack alarms blare.
For fuck sake!
I look into Aaron's worried eyes and I know that this is either the RARE group or Sebastian. It has to be. Unless the news of me being 'loopy' has spread that quickly, in that case it could be anyone.

"Warner! J!" I hear Kenji call from down the corridor.
"Kenji, what's going on?" I ask, having to raise my voice ear-piercing whine of the alarms.
"The RARE'S are here, they want to see you, J, they say they won't rest till they do."
"Okay, I'll speak with them" I say. I get an answer of gasps from the two men.
"Love, think about this." Aaron says.
"They can't hurt me, they're in my base, I have all my guards and I have you two." I smile, hiding my nerves.
"We have to act fast" Castle's voice comes into the hall.
"Castle!" Kenji exclaimed, "what do we do?"
"I suggest that Miss Ferras speak with them, see what they want." I nod my head to Castles, already suggested, suggestion.

I turn to a worried looking Aaron. "You'll be there with me, won't you?" I ask, showing my petrified side for a brief moment.
"Of course, Sweetheart." He smiles.
Me, Aaron, Kenji and Castle walk to meet with the RARE soldiers.
Aaron had instructed Delelui to take them to meeting room one, so that's where we are now, standing outside the door to meeting room one.
"Okay, let's do this." I say.
We all walk in. I take a seat and the others stand behind me, almost like they're guarding me.
"Ah, how wonderful to meet you, Miss Ferras." A slightly grey looking man spoke.
"And who are you?" I switch on my 'Supreme Commander, persona'. Confident and intimidated by no one.
"Oh, how rude of me" he laughs "I am one of the leaders of the RARE group."
I roll my eyes, "I was asking for your name".
"My dear, you are not in the position to ask someone like me that. Silly girl, don't you know what power is?"

What's this bitch on about? He's on my land. Fuck his power, I'm in charge here motherfucker!

"You see, power is a, well, powerful thing." He clears his throat, "your soldiers attacked my base" he laughed whilst saying base.

"What? Why did you say base like that?" Kenji chines in.
"And you are?" This mystery RARE leader stands up, hands flat on the dark, oak, wooden conference table.
"I am Kenji Kishimoto."
"And Miss Ferras is your commander?" He says like it's a question, he knows he is.
"Yes. What's it to you?" I swear, Kenji needs to learn to keep his mouth shut!
"Kenji!" I hissed.
"Right, sorry. As you where" he gestures towards me.

"Well, as to answer your imbecile of a soldier's question, that place you attacked wasn't my base, it's nowhere near my base. You fought my weakest soldiers. Ones who I had needed to get rid of anyway." He says that is a normal thing people do.
"You still haven't answered my question" I say with a hint of anger.
"I don't see why my name matters," he simply said. "What purpose does it serve?"
"Well, you know my name, so I want to know yours. Tit for tat." I try to say with the most composure I can.
"If you must know" he sighs, "my name is Kenneth Olson".

He fucking took his time with that!

"Well, Mr Olson, what do you want from me and my people?" I ask the obvious question.
"I don't want a thing from your people." He chuckles. "You see I have great uses that you, Miss Ferras, are almost crucial to. If I don't have you my plans fail. You see?" He gives me a smug smile that I want to smack.
"I have no interest in going along with your 'plans'" I state.
"I'm afraid, my dear, you have no choice. You see, I've already sent Mr Petit to come and get you and he did, for a bit. I will get you again and this time I'll be the one who's holding you captive."

Sebastian Petit is working with this man. He is part of the RARES. He is a supreme child, what would he gain from gaining a rebel group?

Olson stands up, and slickly walks to the door. "I'll be seeing you soon, Miss Ferras" he smirks, "very soon." And with that he's gone.

I'm stuck to my chair frozen with shock, anxiety, curiosity, anger, fear, confusion. Any emotion to exist is swirling around my brain, forming a deadly storm.

"My love," Aarons voice calls me back to the present.
"Sorry." I clear my dry and tense throat.

Aaron spun my chair to the left and crouched in front of it, he looked up at her, concerned making his face mould into looking terrified.
"What are you thinking, love?"
"What does he mean by I'll be seeing you soon, Miss Ferras and You see I have great uses that you, Miss Ferras, are almost crucial to. If I don't have you my plans fail, or, I've already sent Mr Petit to come and get you and he did, for a bit. I will get you again and this time I'll be the one who's holding you captive, what is he going to do?" I looked into his eyes, worried.
"I don't know, but I do know that I'm not going to let him get you." He takes hold of my hands and rests them just above my knees.
"Come on, let's get back to our room," he smiles, flashing his beautiful emerald eyes.
We're now in mine and Juliette's room, she has just left to take a shower so that leaves me, Kishimoto and Castle in the bedroom.

"Warner, I know you didn't want to worry Miss Ferras, but we need to plan. People are coming to her, she's in serious danger." Castle whispers as the shower hasn't turned on yet, so she could probably hear us if we spoke in a normal voice.
"I know" I mumble.
"So what do we do? Just lock J in a room and have guards surround said room." Kishimoto sarcastically says.
"Obviously not, Kenji," Castle rolls his eyes.

At that second the shower turns on, we can speak normally now.

"I have an idea." Castle states. "Mr Warner, it's to my understanding that you have, passed down from your father, a small house out of the base's view, is that correct?"
I just nod.
"I am opposing that you and Miss Ferras take a short vacation to said house" he says vacation as if to call it that around her, to not make it sound so daunting.
"I suppose that sounds like a good idea." I say. "Me and Juliette haven't had a 'break' since the war, well - wars, so to tell her this is a sort of holiday seems kinder than telling her that we have to hide her."
"Agreed" Castle's voice rang.
"Can I come?" Kenji asks.
"Absolutely not." I unemotionally state.
"Why not?" He pouts.
"Because you weren't invited" I groaned.
"Ugh, well we'll see what J says." He crosses his arms.

As he said that Juliette came out the room in a pair of light grey sweats and a black small strap top and her hair tied up in a messy bun. She looks, as always, stunning.

"Hey, love." I say as she sits next to me, on the bed. I wrap my arms around her waist, "how would you feel if me and you had a little vacation?"
I feel her mood shift to a mix of confusion and excitement.
"But what about the RARE'S?" She looks to the other two men in the room, then back up at me.
"Me and you will be safer if we stay in my fathers house, the one my mother use to live in."
Her eyes give me a sympathetic look at the mention of my mother. I smile at her, a reassuring one, telling her I'm okay.
"Okay, if that's alright with everyone."

"Of course it is, Juliette." Castle says.
"J, your boyfriend said I can't come," Kenji complains.
"You can't" she nearly laughs at his petty complaints.
"Why not!"
"Keji, please, don't." She rolls her eyes, playfully. 
"Fine." He pouts, for the hundredth time.

And with that it's confirmed me and Juliette are, finally, going to have some time alone. Tomorrow we will get all of our things in order, I will tell Delelui and have him report back to me and Juliette with what's going on, on base. Then the morning after tomorrow, we leave.
Word count: 1487

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