(A/N): (This chapter isn't edited or proof read, I wanted to get this out quickly because I hadn't posted a chapter in a few weeks, so it is completely unchecked, so there is most likely a few mistakes!)
As I walk down the hallway, going to find Juliette and James, I feel the anger that's bubbling in my chest. How dare he. That traitorous piece of shit. My own brother amounts to something to belittling as betraying the ones who gave him refuge, friends and opportunities to grow, get better and find happiness. How could he do that? To me? To Juliette? But most of all, how could he possibly do something like this to James? That kid doesn't deserve this. He's already been through enough.I eventually find James and Juliette in the training rooms, Juliette is teaching James how to punch, on a punching bag. He swings for the bag and hits it dead on.
"Yes James!" Juliette gives him a high five. "That was amazing!"
James excitedly jumps and giggles. "Was it?"
Juliette nods. "It was, dare I say, enough to cause serious damage."
He laughs along with her.
The picture of my little brother and my soon to be wife, fills me with so much happiness that I want to combust. It's so beautiful.
It's then that James notice's my presence in the room. "Warner!" He giggles. "I can punch!"
I walk over to them. "I know, I saw. You have quite the swing." I ruffle his blond locks that resemble mine so much. How did I not see that he was my brother when I first met him, we look so similar, only he has blue eyes and I have green.
"Well, Juliette is a good teacher." I says.
Juliette shakes her head softly. "No, you're a good student. Plus, your brother taught me all I know."
"What, Warner? Or Adam?" The boy looks up at Juliette with confusion and intrigued eyes.
"Warner." She giggles and she walks over to me and pecks my lips. It's so weird when she calls me Warner.
"I need to speak to you, love." I smile, pretending that all is well in front of James.
Juliette nods with a happy smile, I hate that I'll take that smile away when I share this with her, but she has to know, she's the Supreme Commander not only of this sector, but the whole of North America. "Of course." She takes my hand and lead me out of the training room.
"Can we talk in my office?" I ask her.
She gives me a confused glance. "...yes, why though?"
"Juliette, love, I've found out something about Sebastian."
She immediately widens her eyes and grabs my hand again, marching us to our bedroom and into my office. Locking the door behind us.
"Aaron, what's happened?" She sounds worried. "Is something wrong, has he attacked us? Is he threatening us again?"
I shake my head. "Love, I think Adam is working for Sebastian."
She freezes.
"W-what?" Her voice nearly unheralded. "H-how- why?" She stumbles on her words. "I don't understand."
"I was in his and James' room, looking for clues as to where Adam might have gone. I came across this shoe box hidden in the back of his wardrobe, he has records on everything you do... he has a notebook that has every time we have sex, Juliette." She run my hands through my hair. "There are notes that say 'report to S.P'and we all know who that is."
"Sebastian Petit." She whispers. "Show mr the shoe box." She looks up at me with terrified eyes.
I nod, "before that though, are you alright my darling?" I pull her into my embrace.
"How can I be, Aaron?" She sniffles. "This is so scary, he's been stalking me."
"We are going to stop him and make sure he
pays for what he has done." I kiss her soft, pink lips."Yes." She takes a deep breath. "Let's bust this asshole."
Shortly after that, Aaron and I are back in his office, after retrieving the shoe box. It's sat on the desk, also, now, we have Kenji, Castle, Delelui, Winston and Brendon in the room, all caught up on the situation."This is creepy." Kenji states the obvious. He is holding the leather journal. "This is detailed as fuck, he could only get this information by being in the room."
"Or by putting cameras in the room." I speak. Everyone looks at me in shock. "Aaron, we have been being watched."
His eyes widen as he rushes to put all the ideals back into the box. "Follow me." He rushes out the room and types in the password that opens the closet. "This is the only place that can't have any cameras, he wouldn't have been able to get in, plus, only me and Juliette know of its existence... that is until now."
He sits the box in the padded bench that's in the middle of room. I shut the door, locking it from the inside, once we are all in.
"This room is also built as a panic room." He further explained.
"You would keep your clothes in a panic room, wouldn't you?" Kenji laughs and I smack his arm gently.
They all finish gawking at the array of colours and patterns that light up the room.
Kenji grabs the journal again and carries on reading where he left off and other people reach in the box pulling out papers and notes.
"Jeez, you two don't know when to call it quits, do you?" Kenji grimaces. " You both barely sleep!"
I hide my face in my hands. Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing.
"Kishimoto, stop." Aaron warns.
"Man, I am a actually baffled." Aaron grabs the book from Kenji's hands and puts it back in the box. "Do not comment on what me and my fiancée do in our private time, or you will loose all your limbs, one by one."
I want to melt. I want to hide away and never be heard from again. My cheeks are so red that it's almost painful.
I have never wanted to curl up into a ball and stay like that for the rest of my life. This is mortifying. I am completely humiliated.
Word count: 1106(A/N): (this chapter is short, I am sorry. I've been working on my other shatter me fanfics and studying, I promise I am trying to keep this story and my others up to date, I post as much as I can.)

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...