Chapter 16 - Ray

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Schizophrenia (mild)
Talk of death
It's around quarter to seven, we have fifteen minutes to get out the door and down to the canteen hall. I've been ready for half an hour now - but Aaron, on the other hand, seems to be procrastinating. I don't know why he's so nervous about what I picked for him to wear, but nonetheless - he is. He's getting changed now though, and I can't wait to see him in his attire! It's the first time I've ever picked out what someone, other than myself - obviously, will wear.

He steps out the bathroom fully clothed and, if I may say so myself, looking stunning with that outfit on.

I went for something I know has never worn. A polo shirt and some grey suit pants with the cream-ish flats, this is very new to my eyes. No blazers, no tie, no vests, no more heavy, black boots, no guns or gun holders, or spare ammo in his inner blazer pockets. It's like he's a new species, never had another's eyes rested upon them - never had to get through the intensity of a death glare or a mocking laugh, a smirk... that's besides the point, he looks like the definition of gorgeousness.

"You, Mr Aaron Warner, are looking mighty fine tonight." I smirk at him - but unlike a new species, he's very familiar with my smirks. He recoils the face exchange and mine is replaced by a new phase, the trying to to laugh grin. "What?" He lets out a breathy laugh. I look at the suddenly ignitable flooring. "No it's just, I've never seen you in something like this... it's... hot" I don't even have to look at his face to know how it's despised, full of some kind of more personal championship, and the look of undoubted confidence. "Why thank you, love, the same goes for you - you look... wow. You are worth gold slabs, and millions of them. Now it's my turn to feel the emotional current. My cheeks burn up and my heart grows like the end of the movie 'the grinch' although, I don't break a machine. I've never understood that part. I only first watched it about three months ago, with an ecstatic Kenji, and a reluctant Aaron.

We arrive outside Kenji, Adam and James' room and knock. "Coming!" Shouts James who soon after appears in the crack he's opened the door to. "Hey James, are you excited for the party?" My voice shines through the dark hallways. "Yeah I am I- '' Kenji cuts him off by fully opening the door with a smile, "J, Mr Asshole, come in come in". "Kenji you interrupted me!" James huffs and Kenji sticks his tongue out at him. "Why do I have to share a room with you, why are you always like me? '' Another James' voice rang. "What are you talking about? I'm the best roommate ever!" "Well only when you sneak candy in and we have a midnight feast." James giggled. "What was that now '' Adam came from the bathroom. "James, you gave away our secret midnight feasts !" Came from a groaning Kenji.

"Although this is entertaining, we really should get a move on. Before we turn up late" I say. "Whatever, I guess the candy's all mine tonight!" Me and Aaron just stand up and stand outside the open door, and, eventually, the other three boys follow us. We walk to the ball to see hundreds on hundreds of people scattered in the, now small looking, canteen. "Wow!" I hear James say in astonishment.

The room is full of colour. From pinks to blues and from yellows to red. The dresses and suits made the rooms' flooring seem dull and the walls bare. Though the walls were full with banners and signs telling people the location of things like the bathroom, that kind of thing. There's a table with a yellow tablecloth and a whole array of different alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. There was some party food and some cakes to pick from, it looked lovely. Perfect.

"Ready?" Aaron asks, I realise that I've been staring anonymously into space for gosh knows how long. "Yes'' I say as we all walk through the door.

We are blasted with loud music that rings my ears to their core. The song playing is so loud it's indistinguishable, I think my ears just have to get used to it, I'm the only one who seems at all remotely bothered by it. I think Aaron sensed my slight wince at the volume, "love, are you alright? Shall I ask them to turn it down?" I smiled up at him. "No I'm okay, honestly. I just have to let my ears adjust to the noise," I grin.

'You know you don't deserve to be here, right?'

The voice is back. Ugh! 'Fuck off! Go away' I internally scream at it.

'I have left you alone for a little while. Tonight is the last of my silence. I'm getting impatient, Juliette'

And just like that, I can no longer feel Suara's presence, leaving me happy but also slightly anxious about the meaning of her impatience. I brush it off, tonight I will enjoy myself! I have earned it!

It's now somewhere close to midnight and me and Kenji have been walking around the sector... let's just say, very drunk. I have a yaga bomb in my hand and Kenji has one in his. It's not our first drink...

"H-hey, J" Kenji mumbles. "Wha~" I cut myself off by taking another gulp of my drink. "Do you e-ever wonder why the stars stay in the sky? Like, why don't they fall out?" I taken aback by what Kenji said. "M-maybe they are on a string and there's a man on the moon and he holds them all" I lay down on the newly greening grass. Kenji lays next to me as we look up to the stars. "You see that one" Kenji points to a star. "Mhm" I say slightly sitting up to take another sip before laying down again, "that's the firefly from the princess and the frog". "What's that?" Kenji bolts up. "You've never seen the princess and the frog?" He sounds genuinely offended. "I-I'm sorry Kenji I didn't know I-it meant that m-much to you" I sit up and pay him on the head. "The firefly dies at the end" I gasp. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Kenj!" He nods. "It was a sad, sad day" he sheds a tear.

"What on earth is going on out here?" Aaron's voice calls from the doors into the building. "Why's Kishimoto crying?" He walks over to us and sits down next to me. "His friend died!" I say. "Who?" He looks slightly worried and confused. "RAY!" Kenji tearfully calls. "Who's Ray?" "My friend. From a far away kingdom." Kenji mumbles in his words. "What... Are you talking about the firefly from the princess and the frog?" I turn my head and look at Aaron, then back at Kenji. "YES! See he knows Ray!" Kenji exhales. "Oh no, Aaron, I'm so sorry your friend died." I hug him, he pulls me closer and I giggle into his protective arms. "Kenji, Ray is an animated character for a Disney film. He's not real!" He says whilst rubbing my back. "Haha, Kenji you silly billy." I laugh. "N-no Ray was a good firefly!" Kenji defends. "I'm sure he was, anyway, Juliette love, I think it's best we get you to bed." He kisses my head. "Mm okay" I smile at him as he picks me up and carries me to our room.

I rip off my dress and shoes so I'm in my undergarments, and I roll into bed. I let the soft pull and comfy covers take me into a deep, much needed, sleep.


Word count: 1397

(A/N): (Hi, I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been so busy! I have the next chapter already started so I'll probably have that out tomorrow. I'm still working on the big chapter so it's not this one that is the one where everything is going to kick off. It should be within the next few chapters.

Also, Ray, the firefly in The Princess and the Frog, I was so sad when he died! So I included him in this chapter.)

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