Chapter 120 - Two Weeks

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Injury detail
Self neglect

It's been two weeks since that day. Two whole weeks. During those two weeks, Juliette has been unconscious. A few seconds after I finally got her back into my arms, she passed out, and has been asleep ever since.

I have been sitting beside this hospital bed for the whole of that duration she has been here. I don't leave this room, I wouldn't dare to, what if something happened while I was gone. I can't stand the idea of something happening to her - that would kill me, quite literally. I wouldn't want to live in a world where she doesn't exist - nay, I know that I wouldn't be able to live in a world that she isn't in.

"Come on, my love." I say, grabbing her hand as I sit on the chair beside her hospital bed. "Wake up, sweetheart, please."

The nurse that comes to check in on Juliette every hour-or-so, Nurse Margo, walks through the hospital room door. "Mr Warner," she says while walking over to the other side of Juliette's bed, "how is she doing today?" She asks me, already knowing the answer, as Juliette is still in her coma. I think that she just asks me questions to try and be polite, to make conversation, but when your soon-to-be wife is in a coma, casual chit chat isn't something you want to engage in.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," I tell her, "the same as every day." I close my eyes in internal pain, I hate this.

Nurse Margo turns to one of the many monitors that are connected to Juliette's body, laying on the hospital bed. "Everything seems to be looking well, she is still unconscious because her injuries need to heal, meaning that her body needs all the rest it can get." She explained it to me. "When her body is more healed, she should wake up."

"Should?" I ask, not liking the wording that she used to inform me of my fiancée's condition.

"Well we can't be sure she will wake up, there is a chance that her body and heart will give up before she is healed."

I turn my head from looking at Juliette to glaring at Nurse Margo. "What do you mean? You said she'd wake up."

"That was two weeks ago, Mr Warner, we only thought she'd be out for a few days maximum. We didn't expect her condition to remain unstable for this long." Nurse Margo checks the IV bag that holds the liquid that's being deposited into Juliette's arm. "It may be taking her this long to recover because of her supernatural powers and abilities."

"What does that mean?"

She finishes up with the checks that she comes in here to do a few times a day, then she answers me; "her powers and abilities are all destruction based, so with her own powers fighting against her healing process, if that makes sense!"
I nod and she continues;
"I think her body is rejecting the medications that we are giving her due to her destructive tendencies."

I look at the woman with anger that isn't directed entirely towards her. "So you're telling me that there's a chance she won't ever wake up again?"

Her face sours. "Yes, but there is still plenty of hope left for her to recover."

"No," I tell her, "she will wake up, I know her, she isn't like everyone else, she is stronger!"

"This is a very unique situation, one that is only relevant to Miss Ferras, being as no one else has the power of lethal touch."

I shake my head. "What about her power of strength? Surely that will help her through this."

She nods. "I'm sure it will, Mr Warner. Don't worry." For something that is meant to be reassuring, she sure made it sound like she was uncertain of what she's saying. "She is strong." With that? She turns and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

"Oh love, this feels like a nightmare!" I tell Juliette, who is laying on the hospital bed beside me. "I can't cope. I can't wait any longer, come back to me." I hold onto her hand with a firm, yet gentle, grip - my forehead laying on the mattress of the hospital bed.

"Warner, come on man, you've got to get out of this room." I head from the door behind me. I swivel around and see Kishimoto standing in the door frame, I hadn't even heard him come in. "This isn't normal."

I shake my head and huff. "Seriously Kishimoto?" I ask him, "my fiancée is in a coma, laying on a hospital bed, and you're telling me that I should leave her alone in this room?"

"No, Warner man, I'll stay with her until you're back." He smiles. "Go and shower, go eat some proper food, go get some proper sleep."

"No Kishimoto, I will not leave her side, nothing you can say will change my mind."

"Just go man, stop being difficult." All that Kishimoto does is walk into the room and sit down on the chair on the opposite side of the hospital bed. "Do you really think J wants to wake up and see you in this condition?"

I hate that he has a point. If Juliette woke up and saw me in this state, she'd only feel as if it were her fault that I am in this mess. "Alright, fine, but if the slightest thing happens you tell me right away." I demand of Kishimoto.

"Yeah yeah, I know." He says as I make my way out of the hospital room.

I am now heading towards my bedroom to get in the shower, get changed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, shave my face and grab my laptop and a few files of work that I must get on with, even if it is from inside Juliette's hospital room.

Once I get back to the hospital room about half an hour later, I do feel much better than when I was in here a few minutes before.

"Aye, Warner!" Kenji's voice has an 'I told you so' look to it. "See, the world didn't end because you left your girlfriend's side for half an hour."

"Kishimoto stop it, you don't understand." I told him. "You don't understand what it's like to see your only reason for living in a coma. You have no idea how bad it hurts knowing there is nothing you can do to help the one you love."

Kishimoto lets out a small breath. "I guess I don't understand, but she is like a sister to me, Warner, so I know what it's like to see her like this.

I see it in his eyes that this pains him as well, not as much as me, or in the same way that it does me, but this affects him as well. I can sense how he's feeling, and can sense the fear he is holding in.

"Warner," begins Kishimoto, "I know that no one understands how you feel right now, she is your fiancée, for goodness sakes, but we can still relate to some of that pain."

I give him an appreciated nod. "Thank you Kishimoto." I almost want to curse myself for saying such words out loud to Kishimoto.

"Wow, no fucking way!" Kishimoto exclaims. "Did you just thank me, man?"

I scowl, though, mid way through my unpleasant noise, I hear a groan. "Ugh," comes from Juliette's bed.

"Kishimoto go and get a doctor, now!" I call out as I rush over to my fiancée's bedside. "Juliette it's okay, I'm here love. Open your eyes. Come back to me."

"...Aaron?" Her muffled voice is scratchy and croaky.

Oh my gosh, after two agonising weeks of her woeful absence, she is awake.

She woke up.

She is awake.

My love is back.

My livelihood has returned.

My world is whole again.
Word count: 1338

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