Chapter 28 - Whilst We're Gone

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Mention of kidnapping
Mention of threat
Mention of theft
Mention of war/attacks
I up from my two hour or so slumber, it's eight in the morning. Perfect! I have so much to do today to prepare. So many people I have a inform about different things, I need to get everything ready for an attack before I leave, just in case.
One could say I'm quite stressed.

I feel Aaron stir next to me, a signal that he's waking up.
"Morning." I hear his precious voice say, it being deep from sleepiness. "Did you get any sleep?"
"Yes, a few hours or so." I say. I'm moderately pleased of myself.
He leans over me and kisses my forehead, "I'm so proud of you, Sweetheart".

I smile and place a hand on this cheek, stroking my thumb over his smooth skin. He returned my smile, only making mine grow more.

"What are you thinking about" his voice rang through my ears.
"You" I mischievously grin.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. We're going to be alone" I whisper.
He chuckled. "That we are, love, that we are"

As if on queue a knock comes from the door. Aaron rolls out of bed, wearing a, white-like-cream, T-shirt and some chequered, blue, pyjama bottoms.
He lets the door fly open and there stands, a dressed for the day and smart looking, Delelui.
"Morning, Sir, Mam" he gives me and acknowledging nod. "I have heard of your trip away for base and I have come to assure that, in your absence, the base will still be in working order."
I stand up, wearing one of Aaron's T-shirts - that's majorly oversized on me - and some loose, baggy shorts. "I am dedicating today to working all that out." I smile and stand next to Aaron. He cradles me by the waist.
"I am pleased to hear that, Miss Ferras." He lets out a small smile.
"There's no need for any worrying." I smile, I rest my head agains the upper end of Aaron's arm, feeling the sickness and headache from stress and panic. I know Aaron can sense my discomfort, so he says to Delelui;
"Well we should really be getting ready now, I'll reconvene with you later, Delelui."
The older man just nodded and walk down the hall, Aaron shut the door.

"You okay, my love?" He cups my face, whenever he does this, which is a lot, he treats my face like it's made of glass, it makes my heart burn with passion.
"Just stress." I mutter, "I'll be fine when todays over and done with".
He gives me a worried look. I know he doesn't believe me when I say that, and that's because it's not true. I hate lying, and when I do do it, I'm a shit one at that.
He sighs, "Juliette, love, why do you keep shutting me out?"

I suddenly can't meet his gaze anymore.

"I'm not, I just... I don't know how to put it into words." I say, that's the truth, and the fact the I don't want to worry him.
"Okay, but please, Darling, if you need support or just someone to talk to, I'm always here for you."
I peck his lips. "Once I've worked it out myself I will, I promise."
He nods, pulling in for another kiss.
Juliette's busy with doing whatever she's doing and I'm on my way to meet with Delelui to discuss what will happen whilst we're gone. I know she's not doing well at the moment so once we're at my old house I don't want any work stress. Only me and her, no need to worry about saving the world. Just me and my love. My beautiful, sweet, breathtaking love.

I enter the conference room me and Delelui have scheduled to meet in, I see him sitting with a load of paperwork sprawled out in front of him, on the dark wooden table.
"Delelui" I say as I enter.
"Sir" he looks up.
"We have much to discuss." He said.
"That we do, sir. Whilst you and Miss Ferras are away we will need a temporary leader, whoever shall that be?"
"Well, I am not positive but I assume it'll be Castle." I say and he nods.
"Okay, I will confirm that with Miss Ferras and then, if she agrees, inform Mister Castle."
"Alright. Thank you Delelui." I give him a look of thanks. "I should get to working on the hundreds of things I have to complete before tomorrow morning."
"Yes, sir, of course." Delelui says.

I dismiss him and walk to my bedroom, then through the room and into my office.
I'm in my office, it's right next door to, what would be - if I weren't with Aaron, my room, or as better known 'Anderson's old room'.
I'm going through some of the reports from 21 after the attack, they seem to be holding up well. No rebellion against them. No theft. No kidnappings. No hostages... I know that is a wonderfully good thing but it, I don't know, strange. Why would they just stop? They aren't the type of group to give up and just leave everyone in peace, unfortunately. I suppose the best thing to do, as of now, is to appreciate their silence. It's not my sector, 21, so I can't do anything anyway, unless they reach out to us, at 45.

So with that I set the paperwork aside and left my office to talk with Castle about a temporary job as the seen commander of the sector, I would like to keep it so that I will make any of the important decisions, but I trust him enough to let him make the right choices for other matters.

I knock on Castle's office door.
"Come in!" He calls. 
I step in and take a seat on one of the two chairs that lay on the opposite side of his chair from where he sits.
"Ah, Miss Ferras" he smiles. I presume the knows why I'm here.
"Whilst I'm gone you will be my spokes person and decisions make. I will still make the 'major' choices for the sector, but I intrust the rest of my job with you."
He smiles. "Absolutely. You will be the one who makes the important decision and I'll have it so you get a daily report."
I nod, "thank you".

And with that my main concern of the day is done.
I walk out of his office and straight back to my own, where I'll spend all my day doing something or another.
Word count: 1113

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