Chapter 85 - Market

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I don't personally think there are any tw's in this chapter, but if you read it and you think differently, tell me and I'll put it as a TW. 

The next day, Kenji and I went to the market. It's not something that I usually do, in fact, I don't think I ever have been to the market. Kenji said that it'll help me 'understand the people more, if I try and see what the environment is like for them on a day-to-day basis'. Though, I insisted on him turning both of us invisible, as I can't be bothered to deal with all the death stares today.

As we walk through the lines of stools, I spot lots of fruits being sold, a few clothing items and some jewellery. It's actually a really nice place. Everyone is smiling and happy, people are talking and laughing - this is so much more peaceful than a supermarket.

"This is so cool." I whisper to Kenji.
"I know," he replied, "I loved markets growing up, me and my sister used to look around all the stools and see who could find the coolest thing, whoever lost had to do the others homework for the week". Kenji laughed at his childhood memory.
"The coolest thing? Like what?"
"It depends," he said. "I think once it was a drone, and another time a really nice bracelet."
I laugh. "So, where did you find the bracelet? Oh and where did your sister find the drone?"
He chuckled, "not funny! I found the drone, she found the bracelet."
I say, "sure, sure". I can sense that Kenji just rolled his eyes.

"So, what do you want to look at?" He asked me.
"Erm, what do you mean?" I question.
"Like do you want to look at the food, the clothes, you know - what type of thing?"
I thought about it for a moment...
"The clothes." I say.
Kenji chuckled, "should've guessed that".

So, with that, me and Kenji take to looking around the market.

I arrive back on base and head straight for my room to get back into my office, so I can get back to work.

After some time of working, someone knocks on my office door. I know who it is right away, there is only one person who has access to my room without my assistance. Juliette, my love.
"Come in, love." I called.
A second later Juliette comes in and sits on my desk next to the paperwork I'm doing.
"I heard that you went to the market with Kenji," she said. "He seemed to enjoy it, did you?"
I smiled up at her, "I did actually".
She looked mildly surprised for a brief moment and then smiled. "Really?"
I chuckle at her disbelief. "Yes."
"Well then, maybe sometime me and you should head into the market and look around?"
I smile, "that sounds wonderful, love".
I can sense her mood, but yet I can't pinpoint what emotion she is feeling. "Anyway," she said. "What are the papers about?"

She now draws her attention to the papers in front of me and next to her.
"They're some papers about the new housing unit that's being put in place."

"Oh that's good." Her smile flattens. "I just came in here to ask if there is any information I should know about?"
"No, why?" I responded.
"Oh really? Is that so?"

She then hops down from the desk, going into the bedroom for a small amount of time, before coming back in with her work bag.

I give her a confused look.

She gets a letter out of the bag and pulls the paper out of the envelope. She then puts the paper in front of me and crosses her arms.


"Don't you think this is something I should know about?" She is looking at me. She is furious.
Word count: 640

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