Injury details
Talk of death
It's been twenty four hours since I woke up here, today has been horrific. I've got so many gunshot wounds and my face is smashed in, Sebastian tied me to a chair, again, and just beat me up for no reason. I can see blood drip from somewhere on my face and onto the cold floor I'm forced to sit on. I tried so hard to get to the ragged mattress - at the other end of the small room - but I can barely move, it hurts just to breathe. I keep going in and out of consciousness and I know if I don't get out of here soon, this could be the end of me.As I feel myself being taken over by another wave of dizziness and drowsiness I hear an alarm blare. I can hear gunshots and people shouting, I can't hear what they're saying or who's saying it though, my body is too busy focusing on keeping me alive - as I bleed out.
I hear the door to my cell being bashed down and then hear footsteps running towards me, I don't want to look up because I know that this is it, this is when me, Juliette Ferras, is killed...
"Juliette, my love" my head shoots up at the voice causing my headache to pound even more. I see two men, one crouching in-front of me and one sitting next to me. Aaron and Kenji, my hero's.
"Am I dead?" I ask, it comes out mumble-like and slurred. "No sweetheart you're not dead, we're here to take you home" the love of my life's voice rang. I felt him pick me up bridal style and I opened my eyes to see his completely terrified expression. "What did he do to you J?" Kenji asks from beside me and Aaron. "A lot of things" I try to say without my voice sounding as if I'm drunk. "I'm sorry about my voice, I've passed out a lot and I'm basically bleeding to death, I've also been drugged so many time." I clench onto Aaron's chest as he steps out of the cell and we go through a hallway.
~~~~~When we reach the tank that Aaron and Kenji got in, Kenji sits in the driver's seat and I'm on Aaron's lap in the passenger's seat. This was the only tank they could get and it was a two seater, a very cramped two seater.
"Aaron," I muttered. "Yes darling" "do you have any type of bandage or something to stop my stomach bleeding, it's getting worse" I groan at the pain. "Erm..." he rips the bottom of his shirt off and ties it tight, but not too tight, around my lower torso to cover the seeping wound. "I got your top all bloody" I whisper into his chest. "My love, that is the least of my concerns right now" he rubs my back. I flinch away as he glides over the new scrapes and cuts on my back. "W-what's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry" he says his eyes gloss over with guilt. "No you didn't hurt me, it's just the wounds on my back. '' I tried to smile at him. He sucks in a sharp inhale of air when I say this, he's angry at Sebastian - well I mean that was a given - but I mean he's really angry at him. I rest my hand on his cheek "hey, hey it's okay. I'm here now, you got me out. I'm okay, I'm safe" I tried to reassure him. "No my love you're not okay, you're in bits and peace's. I love you so much and I hate it when you're in pain" he said, holding back tears. "I will be okay though, Aaron. When we get back to 45 I'll go straight to Sonya and Sarah. They'll fix me up." I sit up slightly and kiss his cheek. "No, baby, lay down. You don't have the strength to sit up right now" he lowers me back to a half sat half lying position against his chest. With that I see black and hear nothing.
AARON'S POV:Her head suddenly drops and her arms fall and stop hugging me. I shake her. "Juliette. Juliette... Juliette!" I cry out, gaining Kenji's attention. "Shit" he cusses. "Kishimoto, drive faster. Quickly! Please!" I beg him, something that I know I'll never do again. I feel the tank speed up and I cup her gentle face. "Please my love, please stay with me. Be okay! Please be okay! We aren't too far away now, hang in there, please" I beg now to Juliette.
I pull my phone from my pocket and call Sonya.
"Come on Sonya, please answer" I whisperSonya: "Hello Warner, is everything okay?"
Aaron: "No! No, it's Juliette. She's bleeding out and she's passed out. What do I do?" I sob down the phone.
Sonya: "Okay Aaron calm down. I need you to check her pulse. Can you do that for me?"
Aaron: "Yes okay - I am, hold on a second... it's still there but it's low, it's low!"
Sonya: "How long until you get back?"
Aaron: "We are in the sector just driving into the base."
Sonya: "I'll meet you by the back entrance!"
With that Sonya hangs up the phone. Kenji pulls up in-front of the back entrance and Sonya comes rushing out. I open the tank door and run to her. She leads me in through the door, Kenji is parking the tank, and then she says "put her down, now!" It sounds like Juliette looks worse than she thought. I place her gently on the floor a few feet from the door.
Sonya has a bag full of medical things that she opens and takes out an oxygen mask and plugs it into a little box that I presume provides the air. "Strap this to her mouth" she breathes out to me, clearly she is stressing out. I put the mask on her mouth and put the band that holds it in place, behind her head. "Do you know what happened, anything at all?" "No she was going to say then she passed out" Sonya looks at me with fearful eyes.
I hear Juliette groan and I turn straight to her. She peels off the mask and says "huh, A-Aaron..." her voice ever so raspy. "I'm here my love, I'm here" I take a hold of her hand. "I don't feel very good," she muttered. "I know my love-" "how's J?" Kenji comes rushing in through the back door. "Shhh" she says, reaching for her head. "I'm sorry princess" Kenji sits on the opposite side of her to me, she rolls her head to the side and looks at me. "What happened?" I can sense her nervousness. "You passed out, you're okay now though" I kissed her head.
Whilst we were talking Sonya was stitching up her stomach wound and placing a patch over it. She attended to the cuts and bruises over the rest of her body, she put plasters on the bad ones and just wiped and put some cream on the others. "Your all fixed up now Juliette" Sony smiles. "T-thank you so much Sonya '' I look her in the eyes to show my gratefulness for what she's done. "We should get you to bed Juliette, you'll need to stay in bed for a few days - the wound on your stomach is very deep" she says, packing away her things. "Thank you Sonya" she smiles "no problem at all".
Word count: 1284

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...