Injury detail
Memory loss
They all look at me in shock, like I'm a ghost. "What?" I ask. "What is?"
"Juliette?" One of them asked, "can you tell me who you are, because I have no idea who is who?""I'm Kenji" the one that kept calling me, J.
"Castle," the older one said.
"Adam" The one that, up until now, hasn't spoken."Thank you." I say, moving closer to Aaron, he pulls me into his lap.
"But... J, do you not remember me?" Kenji asked, sounding sad.
"I'm sorry, no." I hid my face slightly with the covers.
"How come you remember him though?" Adam asks, pointing at Aaron.
"Aaron?" I ask, so confused. "What's going on?"
He rested his head on top of mine. "Sweetheart, I think you may have lost some of your memories."
"But- what?""No wait." Adam says. "What do you remember about the last year or so?"
"Do you mean the war against the Reestablishment?" I ask.
"Well I had to take down Aaron's father and now I'm the Supreme Commander of Sector 45." I told them.
"What do you remember about him?" Adam points at Aaron again.
"He's my boyfriend. He calls me love and sweetheart, his father was the old Supreme Commander and his mother had the same power as me, rather, hers was self inflicted. He can sense people's emotions and borrow others' powers."Aaron smiles and kisses me shortly.
"How come she remembers you to a T?" Castle asked Aaron.
"I don't know." He sighed. "Sweetheart?"
"Yeah," I answered.
"Do you remember the asylum?" Aaron stokes my hair in a reassuring way.
I only nod, I wish I didn't remember that.
"This is bat shit crazy!" Kenji throws his hands in the air. I flinch at the sudden movement, hiding myself more with the blanket.
"Hey, hey, shh." Aaron said sweetly. "It's okay, Kenji would never hurt you.""Let's cut the balls shit, we need to get her to a hospital, or something!" Kenji cried out.
The next thing I know, Aaron is carrying me through the hallways of the base, until we come to a tank, we get in.
Soon enough we are at the hospital, I'm cradled close to Aaron's chest as he carries me to the hospital desk.
"Hello, what is the problem?" The receptionist asked, seeming uninterested. I read her name badge. Betty. Her name is Betty.
"Could you sound a little more urgent this is-" Kenji started before Aaron cut him off. "Kenji, shush! My girlfriend has, I suspect, amnesia due to head trauma."
Betty just stares at us, looking unimpressed. "If you know what's wrong with her, why bring her here?"
"Are you serious?!" Aaron asked, trying, desperately, to contain his anger.
"Whatever," she looks at her nails. "Name?"
I refuse to speak, out of fear, so Aaron answers. "Juliette Ferras."
"Wait over there." Molly points to the door with the words Waiting Room written in bold.We wait in the waiting room for about an hour before Betty comes in and calls my name.
"Juliette Ferras. Room 104." Then she goes back to her desk.
"Alright, you guys wait here, I'll go with her." Aaron said. Standing up with me in his arms.
"No! That's my best friend, I want to come!" Kenji shouts.
I flinch again, slightly whimpering. I recoil further into Aaron's chest.
"I think, at the moment, it's best she's with someone she knows." Castle settles Kenji. "Get her to the doctor." Castle smiles at me and Aaron.Aaron and I find ourselves outside the door to room 104, he knocks and then a small, "come in," is heard.
We, well Aaron, walks in, I'm still in the safety of his arms."Hello." A middle added woman says. "Juliette is it?"
"Yes." I whisper.
Aaron puts me on the examination bed. He sits on a chair next to the bed. I grab his hand and hold it, he's the only thing that's making sense to me at the minute.
"So what happened?" She asks.
"I don't know." I say, my body shakes with fear.
"You sir, you are?"
"Aaron, Juliette's boyfriend."
"What happened?" She asked him."Well, yesterday, there was a battle, she's the Supreme Commander of Sector 45, she got hurt, badly. We had medical people look at her, see if she had any head injuries or trauma, but they said she was fine. Though, this morning, she has woken up with far and few memories. She remembers me, everything about me, how we met etc. She doesn't remember anyone else though."
The doctor writes what Aaron said onto her computer, pulling up some documents.
"Alright, let's have a look for what's going on then shall we?" She smiles at me.
"Okay." I say."Right," she puts some blue gloves on her hands. "Can you lay down for me, lovely?" She asked to which I obliged, laying back on the inclined bed.
"I'm going to need you to look at the light." She takes out a tiny torch, out of it shines a thin laser of light.
She wiggles the light and I follow it with my eyes.
"Perfect." She says, turning off the light.
"Now, I'm going to need to feel around your head, is that okay?" She questioned.
"Erm, okay."
Wonderful."She feels around my head, making sure there isn't a bump, I presume.
All of a sudden she stops her hand and slowly moves it over the top right, not the very top, on the same level as the top of my earlobe, on my head.
"There's a bump." She says, moving her hand away from me, going back to her computer. "I think we best get you booked in for an MRI scan."I look over at Aaron with total panic.
"...why?" I ask.
"Well when I looked at your eye movement, it wasn't as good as we like it to be. Then, when I felt the bump on your head I had to book in for an MRI. I can't tell you what the matter is yet."
"What could it be?" I ask, apprehensively.
"A number of things, that's why we need you to stay in, overnight, here, at the hospital. So we can take care of you." She smiles, trying to lighten up the mood.
"W-why?" I whisper.
"We just want to keep a close eye on you, make sure you don't get worse."I sit up, quickly, causing my head to explode with pain.
I bow my head in pain, clutching at it, feeling the bump on my head that the doctor was talking about.
"AH" I scream in pain.Aaron shoots up and crouches in front of me, taking my hands away from my head and, slowly, lifting my chin so I'm looking at him. The tears on my cheeks are soon wiped away by his soft hands.
"Love, it's all going to be okay. I'll stay here with you, I don't leave you here, alone, I promise you. I'm here with you, every step of the way."
I sniffle. "O-okay."
He wraps me up in his arms, giving me a warm cuddle."Let's get you to your room, shall we?" The doctor says.
I try to stand up, falling as soon as my weight is out on my feet. Aaron catches me and carries me when the doctor shows us to my room.
Word count: 1246

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanficThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...