Chapter 104 - Two Brothers

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"Look, over here are all my work books!" James runs over to a pile of books that have James Kent written on all of them.

I smile, his grin is contagious. "Wow, can you show me some of your work?" I ask, genuinely interested in what they teach in school, being as, when I was his age, I was in detention centres, hospitals, medical facilities or asylums.

"Yes!" The boy nods quickly, swiping one of the books into his hand, this one was red, with a label that read his name and his year group Year 5 (I think that would be 6th grade in America, I might be wrong though.) "This is my English book."

He shows me some of the pages, they read short stories about robots and dinosaurs, pirates and cowboys. Worksheets are stuck in, slightly unevenly, folded in half. The date written at the top of every page, underlines with a ruler.

(Pft i swear I'll never understand why you have to underline the date at school! Like why do the teachers get so pissed off about it? Surely they have more important things to be concerned about!)

I smile at his workbook, he is a good writer. His short stories are creative and have strong plots. He has a gift. A talent.

"James this is amazing." I tell him. "You're so good at writing stories."

He turns shy suddenly. "Really," he looks down, "do you really think so?"

"Of course I do."

Aaron then says: "can I see?"

James passes the book Uber to his eldest brother.

As Aaron reads through some of the pages, his face lighting up at some parts and chuckling. "Juliette is right James, you are a very good writer." He passes the book back to James.
"I specifically enjoyed the one where Adam was a T-rex and you were a ninja." Aaron chuckled.

"Dino-kick." James says. "That's what it's called."

"Well then, I really enjoyed Dino-Kick." Aaron replied.

"What about maths?" I ask. "There are so many work books, I can't even think of that many subjects."

James giggled and takes out another book, this one is blue and isn't lined paper, it's little boxes, it's a maths book.

(This type of paper, in case I'm not explaining it right

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(This type of paper, in case I'm not explaining it right.)

"I find maths hard." James sighed. "But I still try."

My heart melts, he is so sweet. "That's all that matters." I smile.

"Hey you are good at maths, buddy." Aaron shows James a page of his book. "Look, you got ten out of ten."

"I suppose I'm not as bad as I though." James says proudly.

"James Kent." A teacher comes over. "And..." she looks at me and Aaron and gives us a questioning look. "Who have we got here James?"

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)Where stories live. Discover now