Chapter 88 - Romeo and The Tiger

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(I don't think their are any, if you see any, let me know and I'll add them.)
When I'm back on base, I can only think of one thing. That horse and its wound, that's not a wound that comes out of nowhere, it was deep. When the horse was injured, the rider must have been in such a rush, that they didn't even notice the injury.
It also can't be someone who worked at the farm, they don't ride the horses in the barns - they have horses that they ride that stay in the fields, so how can that horse get injured if he hasn't come out of the barns in, at least, a week. Also, that wound was new, fresh. There's no way that it was more than two or three days old.
So we can clearly tell that this horse has been outside the barn when it shouldn't, and it also got back without raising any suspicion, so how? Well, someone, with the access to the sector keys, gained access to the barn and took out the horse and got it back in time before anyone noticed. How? How is that possible?

It's now 10pm, I'm walking back to mine and Aaron's bedroom.

I open the door and see Aaron waiting for me on the bed.
"Hey love." He smiled.
"Hey." I slip off my shoes and snuggle up next to him.
"You seem stressed, are you alright?" He kisses the tippy-top of my head.
I shrug, "a lot on my mind".
"Well, two minds are better than one." He rubs my arm. "Give me a chance to solve the mystery."
I breathe out a laugh. "You're not Sherlock Holmes, Aaron - and I, for one, am not your Doctor John Watson."
He laughs now as well. "What? Do you not think I could pull off the Sherlock Holmes hat?"
"I think you look wonderful in it, Aaron, but maybe not so much the pipe and crack addiction."
He nods, "yeah, bummer though, I could have smashed that role".
I shake my head. "No, you couldn't have."

Talking about the books of Sherlock Holme, has me remembering another famous book of old literature. Romeo and Juliet. Yes, the one where they had the audacity to boot the last two letters of my name and make an incomplete version a way of spelling the name!

Romeo and Juliet will never be the same for me and Aaron, I remember that... encounter on the beach.

"You can be my Juliet, and I'm your Romeo." I laugh, remembering the time we heard another man declare his love for his mistress.

Flash back:
Me and Aaron are walking along the beach, something that both of us find relaxing, when we see a man, on one knee, and a woman standing in front of him.

"Samantha, my darling, I love you. You can be my Juliet, and I'm your Romeo." He clears his throat. "Will you marry me?"
The girl, Samantha apparently, shrieks so high that it's deafening. "YES! OH BILL, YES I WILL!"
The man smiles, standing up and slipping the ring on her finger. "You are my Juliette, and I am your Romeo."

Back to the present:
"I have never wanted to shoot someone more than when those vile words came out of that man's mouth." Said Aaron. "And that's saying something, I think about shooting Kent, Kishimoto, sometimes Castle, on a daily basis."
"You know sometimes I hear things and wish that I could sink into the ground and never be seen again - that was one of those times." I cringe.

The next morning I awakened to an empty bed, no wonder, it's 10am, Aaron would've been up for ages now.
I clambered out of the soft, warm, cozy bed and shivered as the cold wind hit my skin. It's so cold now-a-days, it's a shame because I love winter. You've got Christmas, snow, hot chocolate - but it's freezing. I hate the cold! Sure, the heat isn't great either, but being too hot is better than being too cold. Being too hot, yes, makes you uncomfortable, but it's manageable - when you're freezing, you shiver, your teeth chatter, you feel stiff - there's so many more side effects to coldness than there are to heat.

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)Where stories live. Discover now