Chapter 31 - The Lake And Books

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"And that's the house." Aaron smiles, he looks so happy with what he's done with the place, I'm so proud of him.
"It's gorgeous." I squeeze his hand.
"Would you like to see the back garden?"
"Of course" we both walk back downstairs and I put my sage green cardigan back on and, like Aaron, slip my shoes on.

(The back garden/ backyard if your American)

(The back garden/ backyard if your American)

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(Just off the the left of the photo)

"Wow, I never get to see the garden, it has a lake?" I say in excitement

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"Wow, I never get to see the garden, it has a lake?" I say in excitement.
"Yeah, when I was little I used to swim in the lake, not a good idea, I got sick so many times from the water." He laughed.
"It's honestly one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen" I walk over to the picnic blanket and it down, pushing my hands behind me and resting my weight on my hands, stretching my legs out in front of me and grossing them over at my ankles. I take a deep breath of fresh air.
"It is quite a sight, isn't it." Aaron sits next to me, replicating my position.
"It sure is."
"Have you ever seen the sea before, love?" He asks.
"That's random" I laugh. "But no, I haven't."
"Ever been swimming?"
"Nope" I sigh. "The only water I've been in is either in the bath shower or rain."

He stands up, takes my hand and pulls me up as well. He walks us over to the little wooden bridge and he passes me a twig.
"Ever played pool-sticks?"
I look at him in confusion, "no," my voice a questioning tone.
"Well we each throw in a stick and we make them race, see who's stick comes out the other side of the bridge first. It's a game my grandmother taught me."
"Oh, so it's like a running race with sticks."
He laughs, "yes I suppose you could say that".
"What, so you just drop the stick in?" I look at him, apprehensively.
"Yes. Are you ready?" He says as he dangles his stick over the edge of the bridge.
Comes and stands next to him and copy's his hand gesture. "Okay, yeah."

"3 2 1, go!" He calls and we both drop are contenders. We run to the other side of the bridge and look over the edge and offer five-ish seconds before my stick comes out a millisecond before.

"Ha! Yes!" I cheer.
"Fair play. Beginners luck, I reckon."
I laugh. "Really? I think I'm just better than you."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "No way."
We've been walking and talking around the lake for about an hour now, the wind is picking up and the skin on my arms are now covered in goosebumps.
"Let's go inside, sweetheart, you're freezing." He pulls me into his arms and picks me up, then carries me into the house and into the living room, places me on the sofa.
"I'll be back with a blanket." He kisses my forehead.
"I'll be here" I smile.

I stand up and look around, this place looks so much nicer than he did before, more light and colourful. It's beautiful. I love the way he has made sure all the pillow on the sofa are fluffed and placed neatly on the sofa.

I walk over the small bookshelf and read some of the titles on the spines, they read things like - Romeo and Juliet, Frankenstein's Monster, The Secret Garden, Dracula, Alice In Wonderland, Moby Dick, The Jungle Book, Pride and Prejudice, The Railway Children, McBeth, Robin Hood, Oliver Twist, Sherlock Holmes, Call Of The Wind - classic books. I look over to the left and see the fireplace, white and scrubbed clean, there isn't any logs in the fireplace, I suppose why would there be when no one has been here in a while.

Aaron comes back in with a blanket under his shoulder and two cup of tea's, I turn and smile at him before sitting back down on the sofa.
"Oh Aaron, you didn't have to do this." I say as he puts the mug in my hands.
"It's my honour, love, I saw you looking over at the book, have you read any of them?" He sits down next to me and lays the blanket over us both, I snuggle into his side, his arms pull me closer.
"Yes, a couple."
"Which one's?" His face lights up at the moment I say this, I don't know why, but it's adorable.
"I think the only ones I haven't read are, The Secret Garden and The Jungle Book." I sigh.
"You've not read The Jungle Book?"
"Well, I've heard of it, but no, I haven't." I look up at him, he's scanning my face with complete joy.
"Right, whilst we're here I'm going to show you some of my favourite books!" He smiles.
"I would love that!"
"Right, the first book you have to read is The Secret Garden, that's one of my favourites!" He stands up and strides to the books and picks up the olive green one, passes it to me.
"So what's it about?"
"No, no, no. You have to read it and find out for yourself." He smirks, I roll my eyes.
"Okay, I will."
"Good." He kisses my cheek. "Are you hungry?"
"Hmm, yeah a bit."
"Okay let's get a snack!" He takes my hand and walks, with me, to the kitchen.
"You better use those cookbooks!" I joke.
Word count: 918

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