Past toxic relationships.
Making fun of people and laughing at them.
(I don't know if the second one is a Tw but I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable so I'm going to put it as one)
It's the next morning and me and Aaron enter the canteen for breakfast and sit with the usual people who I've come to love like family. Kenji annoys me like he's my older brother and Castle protects all of us like a father. Adam is the sibling that hates everyone and James is the youngest and the most energetic sibling. Alia and Winston like half siblings and Brendon's like a step sibling, Lilly and Ian like cousins. And Aaron I see as my future husband and my partner in crime. My lover. My heart. My soulmate."Oh look who decided it was a good idea to turn up today." Kenji grumbled. "Kenji you can't speak, your always late." I groan, it's too early for his theatrics. "What were you doing anyway?" Brendon asked. "No, you don't want to go down that road, '' Kenji quickly throws in his thoughts. "Kenji! I slept in because I've been stressed out" I replied, dismissing Kenji's assumption. "Why do you always bring the mood down Kenji?" James says to his roommate from Omega Point. "I don't 'bring the mood down' I just say what everyone is thinking." He huffs back. "What's like how much Warner wants to kill you right now" James smirks at Kenji knowing all too well that Kenji is, although he won't admit it, shit scared of Aaron. "Me and Warner are pals. He doesn't want to kill me" Kenji regains his confidence. "Yeah, we aren't pals' Aaron slides into the conversation. "Bitch" he mutters to the two brothers who just won an argument against him. James and Aaron share a knowing smile, as if to say 'we just kicked his ass'. I giggled.
"So how is lovebird one and lovebird two?" Kenji says completely moving on from what just happened. "Which, by the way, I still don't buy." For some reason Kenji doesn't believe me and Aaron are together, I don't know why, he says 'the man doesn't have emotions' and 'he's a narcissist'. "You're still on the whole 'I'm not buying it' thing. Kenj, why's it so hard for you to believe" I sigh. I'm sick of having this same conversation over and over again. "I just don't see it" he answers matter of factely. "What don't you see?" Aaron says, sounding a bit defensive. "It's just... J's like a little sister to me and you, from what I've seen, have no emotions and feelings so I'm just... being cautious." He defends his case. "Kenji, I know you're just trying to keep me safe but you need to get over this fear you have or Warner." I say. "I just don't know if he actually has feelings and emotions," he sighs. Aaron pulled me into his side, resting his hand on my waist, and lifted my chin up with his hand - he rests his forehead on mine and whispers to me "is this okay?" I just smile at him and lean forward connecting our lips.
I don't want him to break the kiss but I know we have to, we're in a breakfast hall for fuck sake. He rests his forehead against mine, a smile on his lips and his cheeks slightly red. I turn to look at Kenji "is that good enough for you Kenj?" I ask. He just looks at us shocked.
Adam stands up and storms out, he still is obviously in love with me and at first it was tolerable but now he's turning a bit... crazy with it. Sometimes it honestly scares the shit out of me. I'm not going to follow him, I'm just going to ignore his behaviour, because this isn't normal, I can't keep having the same argument with his a thousand times a day. "That was... something else" Alia states. I just let out a breathily laugh. "Definitely something else that boy. And it was me they locked in an insane asylum" I mutter. "His power is turning people off and he doesn't even have to activate his power to do that. "Aaron is the only one who hears me and he starts to laugh uncontrollably. I look up to his and laugh as well. Me and Aaron don't get angry about Adam anymore, we joke around about it. I know we shouldn't, he's hurting inside, but it's what keeps me and Arron from not feeling so shitting because of things he's said. "Did you hear what I said?" I ask Aaron. "Yeah" he says between heavy laughs. "It was the last two things, they where just funny" he puts his head on top of mine still laughing. I wrap my arm around him and stroke his blushing cheeks. "What did you say J?" Kenji asked. "Nothing that concerns you" I answer with. "Did you say something nasty about Adam?" James asks in a shy but slightly angry way. "I mean he deserves it but he's still my big brother" he mumbled. "Are you actually not going to tell us what you said?" Kenji added. "There's a string of jokes before this one so to you it'd come off as rudeness." I try so hard to control my laughter, I can feel and hear Aaron laughing above me. "I'm so sorry, love, but 'and it was me that they put in an insane asylum' it just made it perfect" he laughed out. "Aaron!" I groaned. "Oh sorry. I'm so sorry love, I didn't say the bad bit though" he slightly compose himself letting about a breathily chuckle every few seconds. "Your making it worse" I suppress a giggle.
"Okay what the fucks going on?" Adam says walking and sitting back down in his seat. That's the moment me and Aaron break into fits of laughter. I bury my face in his chest and he hugs my lower torso, resting his face into my hair still laughing. "No one knows exactly why they're laughing," James says. "I'm sorry" I pull from Aaron's chest and lean my head on his shoulder and try to pull myself together but I can't when Aaron has his face in his hand laughing his ass off. "Aaron stop, you're making me laugh" I giggle out. It only makes him laugh more. "I'm sorry. I'll calm myself down and then I'll come back in" he says and walks out still laughing. I know he's not going to make this easier when I see him pull out his phone.
This chapter I wanted to lighten up Aaron's character and establish everyone's relationships with each other.
Word count: 1127

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanficThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...