Chapter 102 - Reaction

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Injury detail

Me and Aaron enter back into the meeting room, only to see all eyes on us. Some shocked, some excited and one - and only one - angry. Adam.

"Why the fuck would you want to marry him?" Shouted the enraged Adam. "Come on, you can't be serious, Juliette."

This was bound to be Adams reaction. I wouldn't have expected anything else. Of course he's angry. I don't understand why, we broke up so long ago, why is it still so painful for him? He was the one who said he wanted me dead, for goodness sakes.

"Have you not moral decency?" Aaron asks his, slight younger, brother.

It's quite obvious that, if no one steps in, this is going to become a long lasting argument. So, therefore, I step in. "Yes, it's true, me and Aaron are engaged."

Aaron seems to catch on to my 'moving past the argument' plan, being as he joins in. "Yes, we are." He kisses my forehead.

"That's awesome!" Winston cheers.

Brendon look at us with a hint of shock and another hint of excitement. "Does that mean we're going to have a wedding?!" He smiles. "I've never been to a wedding before."

Castle smiles, softly - it's quite obvious that he already suspected. "Congratulations, both of you."

Well, most of them have positive reactions.

After the meeting ends, I make my way to my office. I shift my way through some paperwork and bills, when I hear a knock on my office door.

"Come in!" I call, expecting it to be either Kenji or Aaron, but no - it's Adam.

"Juliette, we need to talk, now!" He balls his fists into balls.

Apprehensively, I open the door wider so he can come in. I hate the idea of him coming in, but it needs to be down - he is, after all, going to be my brother-in-law. And my ex, which is weird as fuck!

He marches over to my desk and sits in the chair opposite my chair - I plonk myself on the other side of the desk, in my seat.

"What can I help you with?" I say, knowing that the formalities will soon be over with.

"Don't act like you don't know why I'm here!" Adam rolls his eyes. "How could you do something so idiotic?"

Anger boils in my veins, how dare he disrespect Aaron. "Don't you dare speak callously of Aaron!" I shout. "Of your brother!"

Adam stands up, slamming his hands on my desk - causing me to cower back slightly, with fear. "That monster isn't my brother!"

Tell that to a DNA report. I think.

"Adam, you have no say in this." I sneer.

He huffs in disbelief. "I can still object to the wedding on the day."

This asshole. I can't have him doing that.

"Adam don't you think this is turning into an obsession?" I question.

He is not happy with my words. "Are you mental?" He scoffs. "I am not obsessed! I'm in love with you!"

I'm so sick of having this same discussion over and over again. "Adam, I don't love you! I'm engaged!" I shout. "You need to stop this madness! I can't interact with you when you're being like this!"

Adam walks closer to me and I get out of my desk chair, backing away from him. "Adam what are you doing?"

He walks closer, and it's only now I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I didn't even notice that he's drunk.

"Juliette, you ruined my life!" He pins me against the back wall and pins my arms above my head, squeezing so hard that it hurts.

"Adam you're hurting me!" I cry.

"I don't care anymore, if I can't have you, nobody can!" He snarls.

I shake uncontrollably with fear. He has completely turned off my powers - I am, literally speaking, powerless.

As panic begins to consume me, even my breathing, the fast rapid pace of my breath, I can see the door to my office opening, out of the corner of my eye.

"Juliette, love I-" it's Aaron. Relief washed me.

Without a second thought, Aaron rips Adam off of me and slams him against the wall by his collar. "What do you think you're doing?!" If voices could kill, his would be a deadly one... it's hot.

"Don't dare lay a finger on her ever again, do you hear me?!" He boomed. "I said DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

Adam and his drunken state, shivers in fear, as he try's to get away from Aaron's grasp, though - we all know - that's not going to happen. Aaron is much stronger than Adam.

"Aaron please don't," I sniffle. "Think about James."

That seems to snap into 'big brother mode'. He continues to hold Adam by his collar and drags him over to my office door, shoving him outside and then slamming the door shut.

As soon as the door is closed, Aaron is rushing over to me, and he's next to me within milliseconds. "Oh love, are you okay?" He gently brings me into his chest and warm while comforting embrace.

"I-..." I'm too stunned to speak.

He cups my face and his emerald green eyes meet my green-like-blue ones. "I'm here, love. I'm never going to let that bastard lay a finger on you again!" With sincerity in his dementor, I can see his eyes glow with anger. "I'll murder him!" He scowls.

"Aaron don't say that, he's your brother." I catch my breath, after the panic I came victim to.

"I don't care who he is - if he lays a hand on you, I'll rip his idiotic head off!"

I shake my head. I know there is no point in trying to argue with him when he's in his protective mode over me.
It's satisfying to me that someone cares and loves me so much that they are willing to fight for me, let alone kill.

Then, the surge of rage seems to leave his body as an explosion of panic attacks him. "Love, are you alright ?" He gently brings my face into his two hands. He cups my face. "Did he hurt you at all?"

I lift up my wrists, the red hand marks that lay on them. "They just sting a little." I explain.

He moves his hands down to my hands - they look so small when they're rested in his. My finger tips only reach the top of his palm - where his fingers be begin. "How dare he!" He hisses through gritted teeth.

"It's alright, Aaron. With some cleaning and a few bandages I'm sure they'll heal up just fine." I smile.

"No, it's not alright, love. He hurt you!" He emphasises the last part.  

He places a soft kiss on his lips - a peck of reassurance.

"Please let me clean and bandage them." His presses a kiss on each of my wrists. "I want to make sure they don't get infected."

With that, we head to our room and I sit on the sink counter. He grabs the medical box and placed besides me.

He opens the box and pulls out some antiseptic wipes and opens their small packets. "This may sting." He pulls out the wipe.

As he wipes the lemon scented, wet napkin over my wrists, they sting. My sours at the sting.

"I'm sorry love." He apologised.

Once he's done wiping both my wrists, he pulls out a roll of bandages. He unravels them and wraps one around each of my wrists, snipping them off when it's the right length.
He fastens them each with some bandage tape.

"Thank you." I hop down from the counter.

"Anything for you, sweetheart."
Word count: 1291

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