Chapter 59 - This Is...

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"I remember," I whispered.
"You remember us?" Leo asked, slow and quietly.
"Yeah," I say. "This," I hold up the drawing, "this is Dream Birdie".

Annie smiles so wildly at me, her blueish grey eyes scrunch up.
"Really?" Leo asked. I turned around to face him, he was smiling the same way Annie was, except his eyes were more of a murky brownish green.
"Yeah. But now is not the time for this, we need to get you both out of here and quickly." I say, shooting the locks off of their cells.

It happens all so fast, one second I'm shooting the locks of the cells then the next we are, all three of us, sprinting down the hallway.
"Shit-" Leo said. "There's two men. Hide." Him and Annie duck behind an open door. I follow his gaze and see two, very worried, men. Aaron and Kenji.
I laugh, "it's okay, they're my friends".

"AARON! KENJI!" I yell, gaining their attention.

Kenji is holding a bag full of papers, standing there frozen and Aaron is sprinting towards me, then wrapping me up in his arms. He cups my face and kisses my lips.

"Hey," Leo's voice yelled, "get off my little sister".
Aaron pulled back and looked directly at the two of them, Leo and Annie.
"Who are you both?" Kenji reached us, he spoke with a pant. The bag must be heavy.
"Who are you?" Leo said, throwing Kenji's question back at him.
"Kenji Kishimoto. Now it's your turn."
"It's okay, everyone calm down" I chuckled. "Leo, Annie, this is my best friend Kenji and my boyfriend Aaron."

Realisation hits both of my siblings' faces. "Hey" Annie smiled, waving towards Aaron and Kenji. Leo, however, didn't smile, he just stood there looking somewhat confused and lost.

"Aaron, Kenji, this is my older brother Leo and my older sister Annie."

"Excuse me what!?" Kenji yelled, coughing from speaking too fast. "Since when have you had siblings?"
"I didn't remember then until just now." I smile at my brother and sister.
"Jules," Leo said, questioning in his voice, "where the fuck are we going to go?"
"Back to base." I smile. Annie and Leo however do not.
"Are you serious?" Leo said. "We can't go onto a military base. Do you know how many people will come looking for me and Annie? Let alone there's that asshole who used to run the sector and now he co-runs it, we have no idea what the new Supreme commander is like."
"I can assure you that the asshole is still an asshole." Kenji snorted, Aaron gave him the evils. "But the new Supreme is wonderful."

I roll my eyes at Kenji. "I'm the new Supreme Commander, and my boyfriend, Aaron, is the - what you called - 'The Asshole'."

Both of their eyes widened. "Come on, we don't have time for this now, we need t9 get the hell out of here before Sebastian and his minions come back, shooting the shit out of us." Kenji said he was right.

"Yes. Let's get out of here, then I can explain."
Word count: 522

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