I open my eyes and see that I am in, what can only be described as, a basement. In fact, I know this is a basement. It's the basement of Sector 45 Base.
I don't know whether this is a genius plan or a very stupid one, I mean, if someone has been kidnapped, you wouldn't expect them to be in their own home. So keeping me on base is a good tactic, but they don't know that I know this place like the back of my hand. I know every passageway, every corner and door. It's impossible to sneak up on me, as I know where they'd be coming from.
Using my initiative, I find a few large rocks that we use for holding tarps down etc, and I rub two together, sharpening one of them.
I look at one of the many crates that clutter this place, and silently dissemble it, using the plank of wood, trying the sharpened rock into the end of it with my shoelace: leaving me with a spear.Tucking the weapon into my belt, the sharp end down towards the floor so I can't hurt myself with it, I begin walking around the massive pit that is the basement of the place I live.
"He's here somewhere, I know he is." I look at the blueprints of the sector's base.
Kenji huffs a defeated sigh. "J, we have looked in all the war shelters, the training rooms, every single door has been opened and closed, having inside checked over."
I know Kenji is trying to make the point that I was wrong. But I still believe in my theory. I have faith. "Kenji, we aren't giving up on my fiancé!"
He gives me a sympathetic look. "I know you love him J, and I know you want him to be here so you know he's close and he is safe, but maybe he isn't even in this sector."
I shake my head. "No, I feel it, he's here, somewhere."
"J..." he sighed.
Anger spikes me. "No Kenji, listen to me, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I am not going to give up on him, because I love him so much that it hurts."
He just looks at me, dumbfounded.
"So you can help, or not. But no matter what you choose, I will never give up on him!"
He puts his hand on my shoulder. "J I didn't mean that we give up, I meant maybe we widen our search area."
"Oh, sorry." I look down, feeling guilty for my outburst.
"We will find him, Princess."
The sector's basement is where we hold prisoners and people who need to be interrogated. So it's mostly cells and interrogation rooms, but there are storage rooms etc. that's where I am being held, in one of the storage rooms - though which one, is impossible to tell from the inside.
I know the second I stand up from behind this crate I have hidden while I made my weapon, they'll see me. The fact that they haven't noticed that I got out of the chair, tells me all I need to know about my abilities and skill set. If they can't notice something as clear as their captive escaping their restraints, then, you are pretty much hopeless as a kidnapper.
The only people in the room are two men who have their backs to me. Which, by the way, defeats the whole point of having them watch over me.
Though, when I get closer, it is clear that these aren't real people, they are mannequins made to look like people.
What is going on here?
Either these kidnappers are that stupid, or this is some sort of set up. I place more likelihood on the latter.
"Well well well." A voice comes from behind me. "Funny, isn't it, this little trick of ours?" The figure gestures towards the mannequins. I know that voice.
"Come on, you are a fool Warner." Says a second voice, one that I also know.
"Clearly you weren't as amazing of a boyfriend to my dear little sister that you said you were." Says one voice.
"Theo? Annie? What's going on?!" I shout.

Survived Me: a Shatter Me fan-fiction (Warnette)
FanfictionThis story takes place a month after Ignite Me ends. Nothing will ever be the same for everyone at sector 45, but maybe not in ways they may expect. With Anderson gone and the rest of the reestablishment being to scared to fight Juliette and her so...