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Vivian's POV

Its been about 2 1/2 weeks since the bonfire, and I've made a few more connections with old friends. Once we got home that night, Amy was puking for most of the night. Turns out, she not only drank all of her alcohol, but she was taking sips of liquor from random people. Sounds about right.

The guy I met there, Noah, has talked to me very little. Sending the occasional snaps of him out in town, or just lounging. On the other hand, one of the other guys that night had found my socials, and has been chatting me up.

What's up pretty lady?

Just about to head into work :)

Awesome. Meet after?


Work for me has slowed down a little, unbeknownst to my knowledge. Didn't know a vets office could slow down? However, I've been filling that time, hanging out with Matt. Just getting dinner, watching movies. Just seems over all friendly. He hasn't seem interested in me, in that way, and I haven't felt that way about him.

Work ends, and I'm exhausted. As usual. I check my phone, to notice a missed call from Noah, and a few messages from Matt. I respond to Matt, letting him know I'm off. And I hesitantly give Noah a call back.

"Hey?" I push my eyebrows together in confusion as he answers.

"What's up Viv, got any plans for tonight?" He booms through the phone, sounding excited.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm hanging out with a friend tonight. What's up?"

"Oh," he trails off, "I was going to see if you were up for a movie date." He sounds nervous now.

I've been asked out a few times in my life, but not really since I left school. So it's been a few years. I've had a few guys hit me up, just trying to have sex. Also went through a very short phase where I actually did hook up with some guys. But when I say short, I literally mean like a 2-week phase.

I contemplate for a second, trying not to make the silence awkward.

"Let me see what I can do? I'll get back with you." I respond. We say our goodbyes, and I start the drive to my house. Do I want to go on this date? With a guy I've barely spoken to? Sounds stupid, considering I've slept with guys I didn't know. But come on, you know it's different when you're actually sitting down somewhere, trying to get to know someone.

Once I'm home, I turn the shower on, and strip down to bare skin. I pick up my phone, and give a call to Matt before stepping into the hot shower.

"Hey, can I have a raincheck tonight? Something came up." I nervously tap on the counter, waiting for a response.

"Yeah, is everything okay? You need help?" He seems worried through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll tell you about it later though!" I place my phone down after the call ends, and I look at myself in the mirror.  I wasn't a small girl by any means. I'm about 5'3, with some chub going on. But I think it's distributed evenly through my body. Most guys, like the ones I've hooked up with, boast about my ass and my tits. I give it to them, I am packing in the trunk. But, my chest is only D's.

I take my brown hair down from the ponytail it was in for work, and wash myself in the shower.

Once I'm out, I give Noah a text, signifying that I'm willing to go. We text back and forth for a minute, me deciding to get picked up for this date. I send my address, and continue to get ready.


We arrive at the movie theatre about 8ish and we both glance up at the movies on the big sign above us, shining bright. I decided to just wear mainly casual; some jeans and a slightly dressy shirt. We made small talk to the theatre, mainly consisting of people we knew, and places we like to hang around. We end up settling on some comedy movie, which was a little over an hour long.

Noah occasionally put his hand on my knee during the movie. I didn't push it away, considering this is a date. And I'm the kind of person who doesn't know how to say no.

"Are you up for some late night food?" Noah glances down to me, as he's extremely close to me walking back towards his car. Our arms brush each other, sending small shivers down my spine with ever pass. "I thought this was just a movie date?" I smirk up at him, mocking his words from earlier. "Oh, it definitely is. Now the movie is over, and I'm about to fill you up." He returns the smirk. Such a corny joke, with a bad delivery. "Those jokes definitely don't work on me. But sure, I can throw down some food." I laugh, as my stomach grumbles a little.

Considering how late it is, we pull up to the drive-thru of Cookout. Cheap, and honestly good. It's not the best, but I could gobble down some food. It shows for sure. Noah orders a double burger, loaded with cheese and bacon. I settle with a single, also with the same toppings. I definitely don't want to show how much of a fat ass I can be on the first date. I say that as if theres going to be a second date. Mentally palming my face, currently. I assume way to much.

We eat our burgers, both of us being as messy as possible. We decided to just sit in the parking lot as we ate.

"How was the movie?" He asks, before taking another bite of his burger. Ketchup getting stuck in the corner of his mouth.
I slightly chuckle, and point it out to him. "It was alright. Definitely had some good jokes. I damn near laughed my ass off at the ending." I say, as he pulls a napkin out of the bag to clean his condiment covered mouth. "It was probably boring, I know. But I just had this thought at the last second, I will definitely plan something more exciting for next time." Noah finishes off his burger in huge bites, stuffing the trash back into the takeout bag. I do the same, following his actions. So he does want another date? I, myself, wasn't boring to him?

"You scarfed that thing down, didn't you?" He puts the car in drive, laughing at me as I chew whats left in my mouth, cheeks puffed out. I quickly swallow the food, "I told you I could throw down some food."

The drive back to my house was silent for the most part, other than the occasional cussing at bad, late night drivers.

We arrive at my house, and Noah puts the car in park. My house isn't much, I promise. It's just a one bed, one bath house. It's the smallest thing on the block, I swear. But that's all I need. All I can afford. I am definitely considering a new, and better job. I do not want to stay here forever.

"So," Noah unbuckles his seat belt, slightly facing me. "I had a great time with you. Definitely would've been better if it wasn't spur of the moment, I promise." I chuckle and look down, feeling his gaze on me. "It was fun. I'm definitely open to it again sometime. Especially if it'll be 'exciting'." We smile at each other, as the silence fills the inside of his spacious SUV. "I will hold you to it, it better be exciting. Or I won't be happy." I joke at him, putting emphasis on 'wont'.

"Oh?" He raises his eyebrows at me, making my breath hitch in my chest. "I will make absolute sure, that it is exciting then." He gives me a small wink, that I can barely see from the darkness surrounding us, with the inside of the car being barely lit up by a far away street light.

I feel a light throb down in my tight jeans, from that wink he just passed me. This is so stupid. I think to myself. We say our goodbyes and I make my into my house.

I put the key in the door, it not having any tension. The doors not locked? I hear Noah driving away, and I slowly step inside, notice a light is on. I jump at the sight of Matt on my couch, with a bouquet of flowers in his lap, and his arms crossed.

"Hi?" I breathe out. Confused as to how he got in, and why he is here.

"So something came up, huh?"

I know the story is progressing a little slow, just bare with me here 😅 truuusssttt the processsss

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