T W E N T Y - O N E

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Vivian's POV

Its getting closer and closer to Thanksgiving, and everything feels hectic. Between work, and setting up plans to see everyone, I have been exhausted. I've gotten a few more gifts for multiple people. I know I have definitely spent enough on Noah. Probably way too much.

Amy is still down in a funk, and I'm getting really worried about her. I barely hear from her, Nick barely sees her. Its definitely not like her to be this way. Every time I go up to see her, she just tells me that she's had a long day, and that she'll make time for me. I don't care if she makes time for me, I just care if she's okay.

So far, the plans with thanksgiving is to have it at Nick's. Being he has an actual house, it would be better to invite everyone over there, than to be in an apartment. That, and we're all old enough to be inviting our parents over rather than them inviting us. I told him not to worry, that Noah and I would be over there to help with all the food. As well as pitch in buying everything. I have already called and offered my mom a plane ticket here. Turns out, she would rather me pay for the hotel because she's bringing the coworker that she's been swooning over with her. That shall be fun.

As I'm getting dressed to head into town, I hear my phone go off in the bedroom. I throw my shirt on, and quickly go to grab it. One of my packages didn't get delivered at the apartment for some reason, so I have to go to the post office to pick it up. And it has to be before Noah comes home because it's one of his gifts. I click the button on my phone to make it light up, and it's a long text from Amy.

Thank you for being such a great friend to me, Viv. You have been there for me for so many years, it's unreal. I'm glad we met in the girls bathroom at school, and became bestfriends. I love you so much. Tell Noah to treat you well.

I stare at the message in awe. But I keep reading the last part over and over. Why would she say that? Something about it doesn't sit right with me, so I press the call button. It immediately goes straight to voicemail. My heart drops to my stomach, and it feels hard to swallow. I quickly put my shoes on, and run to the elevator. As I'm in the elevator, I call Noah.

"Hey babe, what's up?"
"Something's not right with Amy, she just sent me this long text and it didn't sound right so I called her and it went straight to voicemail so I'm heading to her apartment." I say, with all my words jumbling together. "Do you need me to leave work?" He asks, concern raising in his voice. "Maybe, I don't know. I have to go, I'm getting out on her floor."

I hang up the phone, and step out onto her floor. I book it to her door, as it's on the end of the hallway. I fiddle with my keys before getting there, being I still had her other key. I quickly shove the door open, and I look around for her.

Trigger Warning

"Amy?!" I yell out. I rush to her bedroom, and don't see her. I notice her bathroom door shut. I push it open and my heart stops.

She's in the tub, completely under the water. I scramble to pull her out of the tub, as I'm freaking out. As I get her head above the water, I feel her start to resist. "No! Let me go!" She yells, trying to shove me away. "You weren't supposed to come up here, leave Vivian!" I'm taken back at the way she is talking to me. This isn't Amy.

"Amy, what the fuck!" I scream at her. I'm soaking wet at this point. "I don't want to be here Vivian! What's so hard to fucking get?!" She stops fighting me, and just sits in the tub. She's fully clothed, and her hair is down. "You're so fucking clingy, I can't get a second away from you!" She screams in my face. My heart feels like it's breaking with every word that leaves her mouth. I'm shaking, and breathing heavy. "Amy, what are you talking about? I haven't been over here, I came to check on you!" Amy's sobbing, trying to steady her breath.

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