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Amy's POV

It's about 11:20PM, and Vivian hasn't came home. I guess she decided to stay the night with her "boy toy." I shoot her a text, letting her know to have fun, and that I was going to bed. Her and Noah seem to have major eyes for each other. But neither seem willing to admit it to one another. I think Noah is stunning, but, I know my boundaries and would never. I lock the door, heading to bed being it's late. I figured Viv and I could go finally get frames for our pictures at some point tomorrow.


It's the next day, and I woke up this morning to no texts from Vivian. I sent her another text.

Girl, I said to have fun, but not that much fun. Can't have too much fun without me! 😝

It's been 5 hours since I sent that text. And I had no response from her, again. I brush it off, thinking nothing about it. I make a small pot of cheddar broccoli soup, eating it while watching a few YouTube videos. Before I'm done eating, I get a call through my Facebook Messenger.

Audio Call: Noah Sebastian

I click the answer button, not knowing what to expect. I immediately throw out a joke. "Yo, I do not want to hear about the wild sex you guys had last night." I say, laughing. "What? No. I was wondering if you could let me talk to Vivian real quick. She isn't answering my calls and I feel like we went..." He trails off. My heart immediately drops. "I'm sorry, I don't want to give out our issues but-"

"Noah she didn't come home last night." I say, immediately dropping my spoon into the leftover soup. "Quit playing, I'm serious." Noahs voice deepens within the sentence. "Noah, I'm legit not kidding. I thought she stayed with you?" I hear shuffling on the other end of the call, and I immediately stand up, scrolling through her socials to see when she was last active.

Last Active 15 Hours Ago
Last Active 15 Hours Ago
Snapmap Location Unavailable

"Hold on Noah." I immediately hang up the phone, giving her a call.

"You have reached the voicemail box of-"
I press the end button, calling again. The same thing happens. I immediately freak out, searching every ounce of my phone for Vivian's mother's number. Noah calls me again, but I decline once I find her mother's number.

"Hello?" I hear the soft, timid voice answer. "Hey Mrs. Carter, it's Amy. Have you heard from-"

"Baby she's in the hospital." My heart breaks. "W-where? What happened? Is she okay?" Tears well in my eyes. I can not lose my best friend. "She got into a car accident. That's all I know. She's up there on east side. But honey I have to go, I'm boarding a plane over there now." My head scrambles as we say our goodbyes. I quickly throw my clothes on, grabbing my keys to rush up there. The moment my car is on, I throw it in reverse, and hall ass out of the parking lot.

On the way to the hospital, I call Noah, unable to contain the tears once more. "You find out any-" I'm unable to contain my sobs. "She's in the hospital, Noah. They called her mother." I continue sobbing, trying to keep my eyes on the road. I hear Noah yell "fuck" on the other end. "Where is she? Amy, where the fuck is she?" I tell him to meet me at East Side Memorial Hospital, and end the call.

Noah and I seem to pull in at the same time, being he was somewhat closer. We park next to each other, and rush into the emergency room.

"Hi, uhm, can you tell me where Vivian Carter is?" I say, out of breath from the running and crying.


Vivian's POV

I open my eyes, and and immediate pain shoots through my body. Radiating the most in my arm. Everything seems blurry, and I reach up to my eyes to rub them. But I can only move one arm. I rub both eyes with one hand, opening them to reveal my right arm in a cast. What happened? I look around to see that I'm in a hospital bed. How did this happen? It hits me all at once.

The light turns green, and I press the gas, still belting the lyrics to Drown. Bright lights from my right side get brighter. I yank the wheel, as my head hits the window of the car, my arm getting trapped within the console. Everything goes black.

My eyes widen, feeling tears fall down my face. I notice that no one is here with me. I look around for my phone, and its no where in sight. My head aches, as I reach down for the call button.

"Yeah, is there a doctor I can speak to? Where is everyone?"
"I'll send him in."

My throat feels dry and itchy. I reach for the left side of my head, noticing there's a bandage wrapped around it. In walks a tall, lean guy wearing light blue scrubs. "Well hello there, Vivian. I'm Dr. Manning. How are you feeling?" I glance up at him. "I feel terrible. What happened?"

"You were in a car accident," he starts off, and I nod my head, immediately regretting. "You hit your head on impact, causing you to pass out. You suffered a concussion. You also got cut by the glass from the window, so you have a few stitches. As for your arm" he gestures to the white cast on the lower half of my arm. "You broke it in 2. But we got you bandaged up, and taken care of." He gives me a bright smile, but I don't feel bright at all.

"Where's Amy? What about Noah?" I ask, giving the room another glance. "We gave your mother a call. She expressed that she was going to fly in. There was no one on your emergency contact list with those names." The door flys open, displaying Amy and Noah. My heart drops, seeing Amy's puffy eyes and Noah's face.

"Oh my God, Viv!" She quickly walks over to me, trying to lightly hug me. The doctor lets us be, walking out of the room and shutting the door.

I catch both Noah and Amy up to speed on what happen, them both looking torn. A couple of hours pass, as they're just talking to me, and continuously checking on me to make sure I don't need anything. Amy steps out of the room once her phone rings, leaving Noah and I to ourselves.

"I'm not going to lie, Viv. I thought I did something wrong last night. When I couldn't get a hold of you, I called Amy to talk to you. I hate that you're in here, but I'm glad I called her because we would've never known." Noah looks down at the floor. Amy busts in the door, looking straight at Noah.

"We have a person to go fucking kill." Noah and I look at her, shocked and confused. "An article was released about the accident. The other person was Matt."

I gasp, my heart dropping to my stomach. Noah's eyes widen, and he stands up, clenching his fists. "He was caught on ring cameras an hour before. He sat at Vivian's house, drinking alcohol. Then showed up to your house, waiting for Vivian to leave." Sobs escape my body, making my head spin and hurt.

"He took a different route to follow her, and decided to t-bone her instead. They have him in custody but that wont stop me from getting my hands on him." My heart races, making the monitors go off. I start to have a panic attack. Noah and Amy's faces change immediately, coming over to comfort me. A couple nurses walk in, checking on me. They all calm me down, asking what was wrong.

"Her mother called and told me about the article made about the accident." Amy looks at the nurses, apologetically.

Once the nurses leave, Amy let's me know that my mother was on her way. Amy leaves to go home, and Noah stays for a few minutes longer. We hold a small conversation, before he gives me a kiss. His lips are warm, and loving. Noah leaves, as for my mom is about to come in.


Amy's POV

I wait at my car for Noah to come out, as I'm raging inside. I tap on the trunk of my car out of nervousness, the tap slowly turning into a small bang. I see Noah from across the parking lot, his eyebrows furrowed and fists balled up once more. I wait till he's closer, and I talk to him again.

"He had a gun."

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