T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Vivian's POV

I absolutely hated that trip. I was stuck between guy talk and old jokes. Noah barely interacted with me, as expected. It was wild to me that he would just ignore me on my birthday like that. That will be a reminder for when his birthday comes around again.

I chose not to take the Senior Designer promotion. I didn't want to work more than I already do. I felt bad declining, but I would've felt even worse if I accepted. Ashley told me she had no hard feelings about it, that I was just her first choice for the job. Which was sweet of her. I just like where I'm at with my job right now. Decent money, not overworking myself. I also work from home. Whats not to like?

It's now the end of March, and the concert that Noah got us tickets to is coming up soon. Amy and I have talked here and there, but she has mostly just been trying to catch up with life and bills. I call her, trying to get a plan beforehand. "Hey, what all are you thinking bout this concert?" I ask as she answers the phone. I hear her shuffling around a lot through the call. "What about it? I was thinking we get there about an hour to an hour and a half early. To get good spots." Amy replies, sounding out of breath. "Yeah I thought that too. Hey, if you're busy I can call back later?" I get kind of annoyed, because she doesnt seem into the conversation. "Yeah, yeah, I'm trying to look for something and can't find it." I give her space to do what she has to, and hang up the phone. 

I decide to start on work early, so I can have more time in the afternoon. I have been trying so hard to spend time with Noah when he comes home, but seems like because I have an hours worth of work left, it's time for him to fuck around for longer than an hour. As if I wouldn't enjoy the company he gives. Our arguments have gotten less and less frequent, but it seems like they're getting worse when we actually have one.

I've thought about going to a psychiatrist, seeing if maybe I have an anger issue, or something of that nature. But at the same time, why should I be the only one to do something about it?

Noah's been entertaining the idea of buying Folio's bike, and it worry's me. It's not necessarily about money, but his safety. I've never in our relationship so far, seen Noah ride a bike, and I'm not confident about it either. With how lanky and tall he is. I just don't think it would end well. I've tried to talk him out of it, but of course, it turns into an argument. I guess I'm just not allowed to be concerned about his well being.

Once Noah is home, I'm sitting on the couch just scrolling through my phone. He looks exhausted, and throws his keys onto the counter rather than the key ring. Noah makes his way straight to the bathroom, turning the shower on. Normally he waits until after dinner to shower. So I follow him in there. "What are you doing?" I ask, pushing the door open completely.

"I'm getting a shower Viv, what does it look like?" He responds. I'm taken back by his attitude filled response. "Yes, cause you normally shower the moment you're home. Makes total sense." I sarcastically respond.

"Is it so bad for me to want a shower the moment I get home?!" Noah asks, his voice changing into a higher pitch. "Considering I've been waiting on you to get home to spend time together, yes." I yell back at him. What is his problem?


"Oh, so this is about you, Vivian? I can't take care of myself because I was just somehow magically supposed to know that Vivian wanted to spend time together." Noah takes a step closer to me, the shower still running in the background. "Yes, I've been waiting on this for days, Noah! It's pretty self explanatory. Not like you're fucking smart enough to see-" Noah cuts me off mid sentence, grabbing my face with one hand. He has a tight grip on my cheeks, pressing them in.

"Quit fucking talking to me like that. I'm done with this shit." Noah says in a deep voice, anger coming out with every word. My eyes are wide, as I'm shocked at what happened. He shoves me away while letting go of my face. I step out of the bathroom and he slams the door shut, locking it behind him. I just stand, facing the door. What just happened? When I walk away, I notice a tear fall down my cheek. I wipe it away, and just make myself dinner.

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