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Vivian's POV

I can't believe I'm on a 'date' that I was forced to be on. I dressed casually, because why would I dress up for someone who is scaring me shitless? On the way into town, I got talked down to by Matt because I "dressed better for that 'piece of shit man'". I am not enthusiastic about this date at all, and it shows.

We pull up to a bowling alley, that has big bowling pins that flash back and forth on the front of the building. "You're going to get out, and put a smile on that sexy face of yours. You treat me badly in any way in here, and I will make sure to punish you." Matt turns to me, looking wide eyed. I just nod my head at him, and get out of his car. We barely talked on the way here. I have no words for him. The red marks were still visible on my neck, but I don't think he has noticed. I put my hair up in a ponytail, possibly in the hopes that someone will pull me away from him.

We get our bowling shoes, and pay for our way to play. I put a little pep into my emotions, just trying to actually make myself enjoy this. I absolutely suck at bowling, as to where Matt is scoring near perfect. A good 20 minutes have passed, and I'm sitting in the little booth for our lane sipping on a soda that I got.

I'm looking around as Matt is taking his turn, and I notice someone walk in.


He walks in with some other guy, both of them holding the biggest smiles on their faces. They seem to be having a good conversation. I must have been staring too long, because I hear Matt's voice ringing in my ears.

"You are fucking kidding me." He says, but not too loudly. It snaps me out of my gaze, now realizing that he just caught me staring. My heart sinks to my stomach and I watch him intently. His previous bowling ball comes back through the machine, and he grabs my hand, yanking me out of the chair.

"Come on, we're leaving" Matt says sternly. I start to freak out a little, afraid of what he might do.

The next minute seems to play by in slow motion. We walk past Noah and the other dark haired guy. Noah turns his head to meet my gaze, the smile slowly falling off his face. I notice his eyes glance down for a second, seemingly catching a glimpse of the marks on my neck. I stare back at him, slightly turning as I pass him. It was like I was pleading for help.

Once we're out the door, everything is in real time. The grip that Matt has upon my hand is burning, as for he is squeezing tightly. He yanks open my door, and forces me into the car. I catch myself, letting my legs adjust into the floorboard. Matt slams the door shut, making his way to the driver side.

The way home was agonizing. A few tears fell down my face. Matt grips the steering wheel tightly. Out of no where, he starts yelling.

"So we can't even have a good night together?! That mother fucker walks through the door, and all you can do is fuck him with your eyes?! If you really want to be fucked, I'll show you what it's like!" My breathing gets heavy, and I start to choke on my own words.

"N-no, I wasn't. All I did was look over. Please." I plead with him, crying a little more.

No response.

We pull up to the curb of my house, him quickly jumping out. I slowly follow, before he pulls me out himself. "Unlock the damn door." He gestures to my front door. I jumble with the keys in my pocket, trying to get the door unlocked.

Once the door is open, Matt gives me a little shove into the house. He slams it shut, and grabs my arm. He pulls me to him, kissing me the same way he did yesterday. My lips don't move. He grabs onto my ass tightly, pushing our bodies together. I push on his body, trying to get away from him.

It was no use.

I get pushed to the dinning room table, knocking the empty vase, and a glass cup that was left onto the floor. It shatters as he tries to pull on my pants. I try to move him with my arms, being that he is standing between my legs.

"No, Matt, please" I try to say as he's trying to kiss all over me.

It seemed like fate was on my side. There was a knock at the door. Thank God. Someone heard. The police are here.

Matt pulls away from me, whispering "were not done" while grabbing the door. I get off the table, waiting to see the surprise on his face when the cops handcuff him.

The door swings open, and we're both surprised.

Again, it's Noah?

"What the absolute fuck are you doing here?" Matt raises his voice. Noah is taken aback at the introduction that Matt just created. "I'm here to check on Vivian."

Just like clockwork, Matt quickly rebuttals. "She's fine dude. We were about to get it on, if you know what I mean." Noah catches my eyes. My face is covered with tears. My eyes are puffy. He then notices the glass on the floor. "Thanks for checking." Matt goes to close the door, but Noah quickly catches it.

"Dude, if you dont get the fuck off of this porch, I swear to God."

"It doesn't seem like she wants to 'get it on, dude'" Noah steps up in Matt's face.

Next thing I know, Matt shoves Noah back out the door. They both wind up in the front yard, on the ground. I freak out even more, not knowing who to call to stop as they're both throwing punches at each other. Noah grapples Matt, pushing him down to the grass. He hits Matt right in the face, repeatedly.

I start yelling at them. "Oh my God! Stop!" Noah gets a few more hits in before he gets pushed off and stumbles onto his back. Matt's up quickly, returning the favor to Noah. Both of them are bleeding, Matt looking the worst.

However, Matt doesnt last long on top. Noah punches him in the stomach, and he grumbles over. Matt seems to not have anymore fight in him. "Now get the fuck up, and leave." Noah spits on him, his voice sounding like a complete different person.

Without a word, Matt slowly gets up, and moves to his car. Grabbing the hood of it to keep his balance. Noah and I both watch as he speeds away, disappearing from the neighborhood. Surprisingly, no one has exited their home to survey the commotion. With my hands still on both sides of my face, tears covering my cheeks, Noah turns around to me. Blood has dripped down his nose, and onto his shirt. His hands appear tattered from the punches he was throwing. Dirt litters his short hair and the back of his shirt.

Noah breathes heavily, and just stares at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I don't even get to answer the question before a sob leaves my body. I cover my face, and he makes his way to me. Noah wraps his arms around me, placing my face on his chest. We stand there on the porch, as my cries fill our ears. His touch was definitely more comforting than Matt's. But I'm still frightened by what has happened in the past 20 minutes.

I pull away, wiping my tear littered face.

"Let's clean you up." I sniffle. Noah follows me inside, lightly shutting the door behind him. I get a warm rag, and slowly dab at the blood that dried to his face. Once he's all clean, I bandage his hands with gauze.

"I completely understand that you're scared right now. You don't have to tell me anything that happened, unless you want to. But I absolutely don't feel okay leaving you here." Noah breaks the silence. He slowly puts his finger under my chin, bringing my eyes to his. "You can come stay with me for a little while. Or for just tonight. I can sleep on the couch, and you can take my bed. I'll keep my distance from you. I just want you to be okay." A few tears leave my eyes again. I contemplate for a second.

"Just tonight."

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