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Vivian's POV

Amy and I are going through our things, finding stuff that Noah may need for his apartment. So far, we've gathered a few dishes, cookware, and a few neutral decorations. I ordered another print of the picture of Noah and I, and found a frame to put it in. I throw it in the box of decorations, and we go down to his floor. Amy carries the dishes, and I carry the decorations. Once on his floor, Noah and Nick are trying to get his bed through the door. Nick is on the outside of the door, while Noah is inside.

We follow them in once they maneuver the bed through the door. I set the box down for Noah to greet me. "You didn't have to bring me anything!" He says giving me a sweaty hug. Even though summer is coming close to an end, it is still blazing hot outside. He looks tired, but very hot at the same time. Hes wearing a tank top, showing off his tattoos more. His hair slightly falls in front of his face, lightly dripping with sweat.

"Hey, it was my idea!" Amy follows after, setting down the other box. Noah takes a look in both boxes, but quickly notices the photo of us. "That is awesome!" He pulls out the photo. "Thank you guys, it does help a lot. And this is definitely going here." Noah sets the picture frame on the tv stand next to the tv. The boys finish getting the bed in the master bedroom, us helping as well. They've already brought a few boxes of Noah's things over, but still have more to get. Amy and I stay at the apartment to help get things put away while the boys go get the rest.

Amy puts away the dishes while I put Noah's clothes back on hangers and into the closet. Not too long after, the guys show back up with the rest of Noah's things. "I think I'm going to go back to our apartment." Amy looks at me, then glances around the apartment before looking down. Once she leaves, Noah and I look at each other confused. The tension between her and Nick was definitely there.

I look at Nick, and I can tell he's uncomfortable. "Come on, she gagged while sucking your dick, what's the problem? That seems like it would be a compliment!" I say, trying to get to the root of the problem. Noah is shocked by my bluntness. "That is definitely not all that happened!" Nick rebuttles. I look at Noah, confused at the lack of information. He shrugs his shoulders as we wait for Nick to explain.

"Amy and I were... Getting down to business. Before Lola even entered the tent. She was giving me head when Lola came in. We quickly tried to move, but Lola insisted we keep going. Both Amy and I were still drunk, so we just went with it. Lola was doing stuff to Amy, while Amy did stuff to me. Out of no where, she gags, and pukes on me. She put her pants back on and ran out of the tent. And when she came back, Lola got on top after cleaning me off. She told us not to speak a word about it, but I couldnt help it. I liked what Amy did more than what Lola did." We stare at Nick in shock.

"So you like Amy?!" I yell at him, causing his eyes to widen. "Clarification, I liked what Amy did. I know she's your bestfriend, but I liked the way she sucked my dick." I wince at the way he words it. "Sorry for lack of terms, but it's true. I can't say I'm emotionally attached to her, because we haven't interacted much." Nick admits. "I just feel like it would be a dick move to just ask if we could fully hookup." He looks down to the floor.

"Dude, just talk to her about it. One thing I can tell you, is that Amy hasn't had much of anything in a while. If she's anything like most girls, which I'm sure she is with how interested in Noah and I's sex life, I'm sure she would be down for it." Noah looks at me with a smirk. Although, I can't believe I'm trying to work out something for Amy to get laid. "With Noah out, you have the whole house. I won't say a thing." I smile at him, but all I get in return is a half smile.

Nick goes home, leaving Noah and I to ourselves. As I'm pulling more things out of a box to put away, Noah comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "So you tell Amy what I do to you?" He asks in my ear.

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